Version 0 of Babbleback machine

Updated 2003-10-22 01:44:57

if 0 {

Brian Theado - 21Oct03 I have been reading Win Wenger's fascinating Einstein Factor . This book is full of fascinating creativity and problem solving techniques. The author's website ( ) contains dozens and dozens of articles about topics similar that found in the Einstein Factor ( is a good starting point). One article [L1 ] gives details for a Babble-Back Machine in which two reel-to-reel tape recorders are rigged together to record and then play back the same sound with a few seconds delay. Read for more details on learning from feedback from your own output.

I decided the power of the snack sound extension would make implementing a similar device in Tcl easy. Below is the resulting code. It plays back all sound received on a computer's microphone with a 2 second delay. The delay can be changed to 1 second (for example) by hitting F2 to bring up the console and typing 'set delay 1000'. The units for the delay variable is in microseconds.

I introduced this program to my 2 year old daughter and she is utterly thrilled with it. She laughed, squealed, talked and babbled for over an hour and a half and still wanted more.

I have packaged this code along with snack together into a Windows starpack at . }

 package require sound
 proc play s {
    $s stop
    $s play -command "$s destroy"
 proc record {} {
    set s [snack::sound]
    $s record
    after $::delay "play $s"
 proc createGui {} {
    wm title . "The Babbleback Machine"
    pack [label .label -text "Speak into the microphone"]
    pack [button .exit -text Exit -command exit] -fill both
    bind . <F2> "console show"
 set delay 2000
 if {$argc == 1} {set delay [lindex $argv 0]}