Version 1 of Bar Code generator

Updated 2023-02-07 01:05:22 by FrBa
if 0 {
2023-02-06 FRANK BANNON
Uses [tzint+-+tcl+package+for+libzint+barcode+encoding+library+%28no+Tk+needed%29] package ( to generate bar code images, copied to folder under TCL /lib/

get list of possible bar code symbologies
        zint symbologies
create a typical bar code
        zint encode <data> <imagename> -barcode Code128 -height 20 -whitesp 20 -scale 1

foreach {pkg src} {
        zint ""
        Img ""
        } {
        if {[catch {package require $pkg} result]} {
                set msg "Package $pkg not loaded: $result"
                if {[string length $src]} {append msg "\nDownload from $src"}
                tk_messageBox -default ok -icon error -type ok \
                        -message $msg -title "Error loading $pkg TCL package"
                puts $msg

# parameters, some are set later
array set p {
        barcodes {Logmars Code128}
        barcode Logmars
        data        001436
        height        20
        whitespace 20
        scale        1
        fileformat        png

wm minsize . 150 150
# symbology of bar code to generate
. configure -menu .menu
menu .menu -cursor {}
set m .menu.code
        .menu add cascade -menu $m -label Symbology -underline 0
        menu $m -tearoff 0
        # all in one huge list
#        foreach b [lsort -dict [zint symbologies]] {
#                $m add radiobutton -variable p(barcode) -label $b -value $b
#        }
# create smaller submenus to avoid endless scrolling
set m2 $
foreach fam $nameGroups {
        $m add cascade -menu $m2$fam -label "$fam"
        menu $m2$fam -tearoff 0
# add each symbol type to a submenu
foreach f [lsort -dict [zint symbologies]] {
        # determine which grouping the name belongs
        set s [string toupper [string index $f 0]]
        foreach fg $nameGroups {
                if {[string first $s $fg] > -1} {break}
        $m2$fg add radiobutton -label $f -variable p(barcode) -value $f \
                -command make
unset nameGroups m m2 fam f s fg

# data for bar code
frame .f1
label .f1.data1 -text "Data: "
entry .f1.data2 -textvariable p(data) -font {-size 16 -weight bold}
        bind .f1.data2 <Key-Return> make
label .f1.code1 -text "Symbol: "
label .f1.code2 -textvariable p(barcode)
pack .f1.data1 .f1.data2 .f1.code1 .f1.code2 -side left
pack .f1 -anchor nw

# options
frame .f2
# Height range: 0.5 to 100
label .f2.height1 -text "Height: "
entry .f2.height2 -textvariable p(height) -width 6
        bind .f2.height2 <Key-Return> make
# Whitepsace range: 0 to 100, adds blank space around barcode
label .f2.space1 -text "Whitespace: "
entry .f2.space2 -textvariable p(whitespace) -width 6
        bind .f2.space2 <Key-Return> make
# Scale range: 1 to 20, affects pixel dimensions of output
label .f2.scale1 -text "Scale: "
entry .f2.scale2 -textvariable p(scale) -width 6
        bind .f2.scale2 <Key-Return> make
pack .f2.height1 .f2.height2 .f2.space1 .f2.space2 .f2.scale1 .f2.scale2 -side left
pack .f2 -anchor nw

# image of generated bar code, want to make this resize with window
set p(image) [image create photo ] ;# -width 600 -height 200
label .phot -anchor nw -image $p(image)
pack .phot -anchor nw -expand 1 -fill both

label .status -textvariable p(status)
pack .status -anchor nw

# create barcode using given data and symbology, no args passed in, data pulled from p array
proc make args {
        global p
        # erase previous bar code image
        $p(image) blank
        # generate bar code using zint API
        if {[catch {zint encode $p(data) $p(image) -barcode $p(barcode) -height $p(height) -whitesp $p(whitespace) -scale $p(scale)} result]} {
                # catch failure
                puts "\nFailed to make bar code $p(barcode) containing $p(data)"
                puts "$result\n"
                set p(status) $result
        # filename: data (symbology).format
        set filename "$p(data) ($p(barcode)).$p(fileformat)"
        # write output file
        catch {$p(image) write $filename -format $p(fileformat)} result
        # generated image dimensions
        set p(dimx) [image width $p(image)]
        set p(dimy) [image height $p(image)]
        set dim "($p(dimx) x $p(dimy) pixels)"
        if {[file exists $filename]} {set p(status) "Wrote $filename $dim"} else {set p(status) "Failed to write $filename: $result"}

catch {console show}