Version 0 of Basique - OO-like namespaces

Updated 2006-04-15 07:10:15

Sarnold thinks that classes should look - as possible as they can - like namespaces, because it is the current encapsulation model. It may be extreme, but some developers may want to convert quickly a namespace in a Class or Megawidget - while the opposite cannot be as simple. I would like to see:

 namespace class foo {
     common counter
     variable names
     proc __init__ {args} {
         common counter
         incr counter
         variable names
         array set names $args
     # it has to look like a normal Tcl proc, so it has an arglist
     proc __destroy__ {} {
         common counter
         incr counter -1
     proc display {} {
         variable names
         puts "My name is $names(first) $names(last)"
     proc count {} {
         common counter
         return $counter
 foo new name first Richard last Heinz
 name destroy
 set name [foo %AUTO% first Richard last Heinz]
 name display
 set name::names(first) George
 name display
 # generates an error, because it is an instance method
 #foo display
 $name destroy

Where common would behave like variable, with a static qualifier. I submit that a sequence of variable bar may be replaced by instance command that wraps all variable calls related to (instance) variables.

 namespace class foo {
     variable a
     variable name
     variable tool
     variable logfile

     proc __init__ ...
     proc __destroy__ ...
     proc display {{intologfile no}} {
         instance ; # no need to invoke 'variable' again
         if {$intologfile} {
             puts $logfile "a=$a name=$name tool=$tool"
         } else {
             puts "a=$a name=$name tool=$tool"

And a proc is a class method, until it invokes variable or instance commands, or uses an instance namespace qualifier. During instanciation, all namespace qualifiers equal to ::foo should be replaced by the instance's namespace qualifier, so that we can still use -textvariable Tk option.

 namespace class foo {
     variable label

     proc __init__ {w} {
         label $w.lbl -textvariable ::foo::label
         pack $w.lbl

The class name may instantiate objects by two methods:

 foo new <instancename> <constructor_args>
 foo %AUTO% <constructor_args>

Any proc (without use of instance variables) could be called this way :

 foo <myproc> <args>

The two special procs,

 __init__ __destroy__

should throw an error when they are explicitly called.