Version 7 of Black Box

Updated 2011-05-26 12:44:05 by gold

Keith Vetter 2006-05-09 : Here's a version of the Black Box game, which, as wikipedia says [L1 ], is a game of hide and seek which simulates shooting rays into a black box to deduce the location of balls hidden inside. It was invented by Eric Solomon[L2 ].

One nice feature of this version is the ability to mark whole regions as not being possible ball locations. You do this by moving the mouse while holding down the right button.

I find that for the normal level of difficulty, a score over 20 is good.

lexfiend - Thanks, Keith! Brings back a lot of childhood memories. 8-)

LV (I hope firefox doesn't mangle the code on this page...) When I download this page, I'm not getting the left and right arrows displaying - instead, the unicode ascii representation is appearing. I wonder what font I need for those? The up and down arrows are appearing correctly.

KPV I'm using the unicode characters \u25bc, \u25b2, \u25ba and \u25c4 for the arrows. Perhaps your default font don't have these characters. On my Windows system, the font is Arial.

 # blackbox.tcl -- Plays the black box game
 # by Keith Vetter, May 2006
 package require Tk

 array set S {title "Black Box" iw 26 ih 26 lvl Normal Easy {6 6 3}
    Normal {8 8 4} Hard {10 10 7} fg yellow bg gray30 clr1 black clr2 gray40}
 foreach {S(w) S(h) S(n)} $S($S(lvl)) break
 image create photo ::img::atom -data {
 image create photo ::img::badAtom -data {
 image create photo ::img::xAtom -data {
 image create photo ::img::cross -data {
 image create photo ::img::blank -width $S(iw) -height $S(ih)

 # DoDisplay -- creates our gui
 proc DoDisplay {} {
    global S

    font create boldFont -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold
    option add *highlightThickness 0

    wm title . $S(title)
    wm resizable . 0 0
    frame .l -padx 10 -pady 10 -bg $S(bg)
    frame .c -padx 10 -pady 10 -bg $S(bg)
    #canvas .c -bg $S(bg)
    #. config -padx 10 -pady 10 -bg $S(bg)
    pack .l .c -side left -fill both

    label .l.title -text "Black\nBox" -font {Times 24 bold} -fg $S(fg) -bg $S(bg)
    label .l.lscore -text "Score:" -font {Times 12 italic} -fg $S(fg) -bg $S(bg)
    label .l.score -textvariable ::B(score) -font {Helvetica 24 bold italic} \
        -fg $S(fg) -bg $S(bg)

    frame .l.atoms -bg $S(bg)
    label .l.reveal -text "Reveal?" -font {Times 12 bold} -fg $S(fg) -bg $S(bg)
    bind .l.reveal <1> Reveal
    label .l.again -text "Again?" -font {Times 12 bold} -fg $S(fg) -bg $S(bg)
    bind .l.again <1> NewGame
    pack .l.title -side top
    pack .l.lscore -side top -pady {20 0}
    pack .l.score -side top
    pack .l.atoms -side bottom -fill both

    bind all <Key-F1> Help
    bind all <Key-F2> NewGame
    bind all <Key-F3> {console show}
 # DoMenus -- isn't installing menus really verbose and clunky?
 proc DoMenus {} {
    option add *Menu.tearOff 0

    . config -menu [menu .menu]

    .menu add cascade -label "Game" -underline 0 -menu add command -label "New Game" -command NewGame -underline 0 \
        -accelerator "F2" add separator add cascade -label "Level" -menu -underline 0
    foreach lev [list "Easy" "Normal" "Hard"] { add radio -label "$lev" \
            -variable ::S(lvl) \
            -value $lev \
            -underline 0 \
            -command Resize
    } add separator add command -label "Exit" -underline 1 -command exit

    .menu add cascade -label "Help" -underline 0 -menu add command -label "Help" -underline 0 -command Help \
        -accelerator "F1" add command -label "About" -underline 0 -command About

 proc Resize {} {
    global S

    foreach {S(w) S(h) S(n)} $S($S(lvl)) break
 # FillAtoms -- creates GUI which shows how many atoms are left to place
 proc FillAtoms {} {
    global S

    eval destroy [winfo child .l.atoms]
    set row 0
    set col 0
    for {set i 0} {$i < $S(n)} {incr i} {
        label .l.atoms.$i -image ::img::atom -width $S(iw) -height $S(ih) \
            -bg $S(bg)
        grid .l.atoms.$i -row $row -column $col
        if {[incr col] == 2} {
            incr row
            set col 0
 # UpdateAtoms -- updates GUI to show how many more atoms need placing
 proc UpdateAtoms {} {
    global S B

    set num [llength $B(where)]
    for {set i 0} {$i < $S(n)} {incr i} {
        set img [expr {$i < $num ? "::img::blank" : "::img::atom"}]
        .l.atoms.$i config -image $img
    place forget .l.reveal
    place forget .l.again
    if {$num == $S(n)} {
        place .l.reveal -relx .5 -rely 1 -anchor s
 proc DrawBoard {} {
    global S

    eval destroy [winfo child .c]

    set S(w1) [expr {$S(w)+1}]
    set S(h1) [expr {$S(h)+1}]
    set S(w2) [expr {$S(w)+2}]
    set S(h2) [expr {$S(h)+2}]

    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(h2)} {incr row} {
        grid rowconfigure .c $row -pad 0
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(w2)} {incr col} {
            grid columnconfigure .c $col -pad 0
            if {$row == 0 || $row > $S(h) || $col == 0 || $col > $S(w)} {
                if {($row == 0 || $row > $S(h)) &&
                    ($col == 0 || $col > $S(w))} continue
                label .c.g$row,$col -image ::img::blank \
                    -width $S(iw) -height $S(ih) \
                    -bg $S(clr2) -relief raised -bd 2 \
                    -compound center -font boldFont
                bind .c.g$row,$col <1> [list Ray $row $col]
                grid .c.g$row,$col -row $row -column $col
            } else {
                label .c.b,$row,$col -image ::img::blank \
                    -width $S(iw) -height $S(ih) \
                    -bg $S(clr1) -relief raised -bd 2
                bind .c.b,$row,$col <1> [list Click $row $col]
                bind .c.b,$row,$col <ButtonPress-3> [list RClick down $row $col]
                bind .c.b,$row,$col <B3-Motion> [list RClick move %X %Y]

                grid .c.b,$row,$col -row $row -column $col -sticky news
    grid rowconfigure .c [list 0 $S(h1)] -pad 10
    grid columnconfigure .c [list 0 $S(w1)] -pad 10
 # Reset -- resets all data structures and GUI
 proc Reset {} {
    global B S

    array unset B
    set B(where) {}
    set B(atoms) {}
    set B(rays) 0
    set B(ray,id) 0
    set B(score,base) [expr {2*($S(w)+$S(h))}]
    set B(score) "[expr {$B(score,base)-$B(rays)}]-?"

    # Reset board data and board display
    for {set row 1} {$row <= $S(h)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 1} {$col <= $S(w)} {incr col} {
            set B(b,$row,$col) 0
            .c.b,$row,$col config -image ::img::blank -bg $S(clr1)

    # Reset arrow buttons
    foreach row [list 0 [expr {$S(h)+1}]] {
        set ch [expr {$row == 0 ? "\u25bc" : "\u25b2"}]
        for {set col 1} {$col <= $S(w)} {incr col} {
            set B(r,$row,$col) 0
            .c.g$row,$col config -text $ch -fg black
    foreach col [list 0 [expr {$S(w)+1}]] {
        set ch [expr {$col == 0 ? "\u25ba" : "\u25c4"}]
        for {set row 1} {$row <= $S(h)} {incr row} {
            set B(r,$row,$col) 0
            .c.g$row,$col config -text $ch -fg black
 # Click -- handles clicking on the grid to place an atom
 proc Click {row col} {
    global B S

    if {$B(state) ne "play"} return
    set cell "b,$row,$col"
    if {$B($cell) & 2} {                        ;# Already placed an atom
        set B($cell) [expr {$B($cell) & 1}]     ;# Clear 
        .c.$cell config -image ::img::blank
        set n [lsearch $B(where) $cell]
        set B(where) [lreplace $B(where) $n $n]
    } else {                                    ;# Empty location
        if {[llength $B(where)] < $S(n)} {
            set B($cell) [expr {($B($cell) & 1) | 2}] ;# Clear and set
            .c.$cell config -image ::img::atom
            lappend B(where) $cell
 # _RClick -- handles toggling the X in square row,col
 proc _RClick {row col} {
    global B S

    if {$B(state) ne "play"} return
    set cell "b,$row,$col"
    if {$B($cell) & 4} {                        ;# User cross
        set B($cell) [expr {$B($cell) & 1}]     ;# Clear 
        .c.$cell config -image ::img::blank
    } else {
        if {$B($cell) & 2} {                    ;# Was there an atom there?
            set n [lsearch $B(where) $cell]
            set B(where) [lreplace $B(where) $n $n]
        set B($cell) [expr {($B($cell) & 1) | 4}] ;# Clear and set
        .c.$cell config -image ::img::cross
 # RClick -- handles right click and possible sweeping motion
 proc RClick {how r c} {
    global B

    if {$B(state) ne "play"} return
    if {$how eq "down"} {
        set cell "b,$r,$c"
        set B(onoff) [expr {! ($B($cell) & 4)}] ;# How we want the cell to be
        _RClick $r $c
    } elseif {$how eq "move"} {
        set w [winfo containing $r $c]
        if {! [winfo exists $w]} {
            puts "move: ?"
        scan $w ".c.b,%d,%d" r c
        set cell "b,$r,$c"
        if {! [info exists B($cell)]} return
        set isX [expr {$B($cell) & 4}]
        if {$B(onoff) && ! $isX} { _RClick $r $c }
        if {! $B(onoff) && $isX} { _RClick $r $c }

 # Ray -- Handles firing a ray into the black box
 proc Ray {row col} {
    global B S

    if {$B(state) ne "play"} return
    if {$B(r,$row,$col) != 0} return            ;# Already fired

    set drow [expr {$row == 0 ? 1 : $row > $S(h) ? -1 : 0}]
    set dcol [expr {$col == 0 ? 1 : $col > $S(w) ? -1 : 0}]
    set what [ShootRay $row $col $drow $dcol]

    if {$what eq "A" || $what eq "R"} {
        .c.g$row,$col config -image ::img::blank -text $what -fg $S(fg)
        set B(r,$row,$col) $what
        incr B(rays)
    } else {
        foreach {r c} $what break
        set B(r,$row,$col) [incr B(ray,id)]
        set B(r,$r,$c) $B(ray,id)
        .c.g$row,$col config -image ::img::blank -text $B(ray,id) -fg $S(fg)
        .c.g$r,$c config -image ::img::blank -text $B(ray,id) -fg $S(fg)
        incr B(rays) 2
    set B(score) "[expr {$B(score,base)-$B(rays)}]-?"
 # ShootRay -- does the actual ray tracing
 proc ShootRay {row col drow dcol} {
    global B S

    set B(path) [list $row $col]
    while {1} {
        set r [expr {$row + $drow}]             ;# Next position
        set c [expr {$col + $dcol}]
        lappend B(path) $r $c
        if {[OffBoard $r $c]} {return [list $r $c]} ;# Did we exit???

        if {$B(b,$r,$c) & 1} { return "A" }     ;# Did we hit something

        set r1 [expr {$r - abs($dcol)}]         ;# Check for detours
        set r2 [expr {$r + abs($dcol)}]
        set c1 [expr {$c - abs($drow)}]
        set c2 [expr {$c + abs($drow)}]

        set corner1 [expr {! [OffBoard $r1 $c1] && ($B(b,$r1,$c1) & 1)}]
        set corner2 [expr {! [OffBoard $r2 $c2] && ($B(b,$r2,$c2) & 1)}]

        if {! $corner1 && ! $corner2} {         ;# Missed
            foreach row $r col $c break         ;# Move forward
        if {$corner1 && $corner2} { return "R" };# Double hit
        if {[OffBoard $row $col]} { return "R" } ;# Edge corner hit

        # Turn a corner
        set B(path) [lrange $B(path) 0 end-2]
        set tmp [expr {$corner1 ? abs($dcol) : -abs($dcol)}]
        set dcol [expr {$corner1 ? abs($drow) : -abs($drow)}]
        set drow $tmp

 proc Path2XY {} {
    global B S

    set xy {}
    foreach {r c} $B(path) {
        set cell .c.b,$r,$c
        if {[OffBoard $r $c]} { set cell .c.g$r,$c}
        set x [expr {[winfo x $cell] + $S(iw)/2}]
        set y [expr {[winfo y $cell] + $S(ih)/2}]
        lappend xy $x $y
    return $xy

 proc OffBoard {row col} {
    return [expr {$row == 0 || $row > $::S(h) || $col == 0 || $col > $::S(w)}]
 # PlaceAtoms -- hides cnt atoms in our black box
 proc PlaceAtoms {cnt} {
    global B

    set B(atoms) {}
    set all [array names B b,*]
    while {$cnt} {
        set n [expr {int(rand() * [llength $all])}]
        set cell [lindex $all $n]
        set B($cell) 1
        lappend B(atoms) $cell
        set all [lreplace $all $n $n]
        incr cnt -1
 # Reveal -- show where the atoms are hidden
 proc Reveal {} {
    global B S

    if {$B(state) ne "play"} return

    # good guessed => yellow bg
    # bad guess => xAtom image
    # missing guess => badAtom image

    set B(state) done
    set misses 0
    foreach cell $B(atoms) {
        if {[lsearch $B(where) $cell] != -1} {  ;# Correctly found
            .c.$cell config -bg $S(fg)
        } else {
            .c.$cell config -image ::img::badAtom
            incr misses 5

    foreach cell $B(where) {
        if {[lsearch $B(atoms) $cell] != -1} continue ;# Correctly found
        .c.$cell config -image ::img::xAtom
    place forget .l.reveal
    place .l.again -relx .5 -rely 1 -anchor s

    set B(score) [expr {$B(score,base)-$B(rays)-$misses}]
 # NewGame -- starts a new game
 proc NewGame {} {
    global B S

    set B(state) "play"
    PlaceAtoms $S(n)
    set B(state) play
 # About -- tell something about us
 proc About {} {
    set txt "$::S(title)\n\nby Keith Vetter\nMay, 2006"
    tk_messageBox -icon info -message $txt -title "About $::S(title)"
 # Help -- a simple help screen
 proc Help {} {
    catch {destroy .help}
    toplevel .help
    wm title .help "$::S(title) Help"
    #wm geom .help "+[expr {[winfo x .] + [winfo width .] + 10}]+[winfo y .]"

    set t .help.t
    text $t -relief raised -wrap word -width 70 -height 31 \
        -padx 10 -pady 10 -cursor {} -yscrollcommand { set}
    scrollbar -orient vertical -command [list $t yview]
    button .help.dismiss -text Dismiss -command {destroy .help}
    pack .help.dismiss -side bottom -pady 10
    pack -side right -fill y
    pack $t -side top -expand 1 -fill both

    set bold "[font actual [$t cget -font]] -weight bold"
    set italic "[font actual [$t cget -font]] -slant italic"
    $t tag config title -justify center -foregr red -font "Times 20 bold"
    $t tag configure title2 -justify center -font "Times 12 bold"
    $t tag configure header -font $bold -spacing3 5
    $t tag configure bold -font $bold
    $t tag configure italic -font $italic
    $t tag configure n -lmargin1 10 -lmargin2 10
    $t tag configure bullet -lmargin1 20 -lmargin2 30

    $t insert end "$::S(title)\n" title "by Keith Vetter\n\n" title2

    set txt "$::S(title) is a game of \"hide and seek\" which simulates "
    append txt "shooting electron rays into a black box to try and deduce "
    append txt "the locations of various atoms hidden inside. It was "
    append txt "invented by Eric Solomon "
    append txt "(\n\n"
    $t insert end "Introduction\n" header $txt

    set txt "Each ray fired into the black box reveals some "
    append txt "information about the location of the hidden atoms."
    append txt "The rays interact with the atoms in three ways.\n\n"
    $t insert end "Rules\n" header $txt

    set txt "A ray which directly hits an atom is absorbed "
    append txt "and doesn't emerge from the box. This is marked by an \"A\"\n"
    $t insert end \u25cf bullet " Absorption: " bold $txt bullet
    set txt "A ray which passes directly to the side "
    append txt "of one atom is deflected by 90 degrees before continuing on. "
    append txt "This is marked by labelling the entry and exit points "
    append txt "with the same id.\n"
    $t insert end \u25cf bullet " Deflection: " bold $txt bullet
    set txt "A reflection can occur in two ways, either by "
    append txt "a ray being deflected twice simultaneously, or "
    append txt "by a ray aimed directly beside an atom located at the edge "
    append txt "of the grid. This is marked by an \"R\".\n\n"
    $t insert end \u25cf bullet " Reflection: " bold $txt bullet

    set txt "More complex paths can occur when a ray is deflected one "
    append txt "or more times before being absorbed, reflected or exiting "
    append txt "the grid.\n\n"
    $t insert end $txt

    $t insert end "How To Play\n" header
    set txt "\u25cf To fire an electron ray, click on edge square.\n"
    $t insert end $txt bullet
    set txt "\u25cf To place an atom in the box, click on any square "
    append txt "in the box. To remove it, click it again.\n"
    $t insert end $txt bullet
    set txt "\u25cf To X out a square, right-click on the square. "
    append txt "To remove it, right-click it again.\n"
    $t insert end $txt bullet
    set txt "\u25cf To X out multiple square, hold down the right button "
    append txt "and sweep out the area to X out. Repeating will clear it.\n\n"
    $t insert end $txt bullet

    set txt "Your score starts off with the number of possible rays. "
    append txt "You lose one point for every "
    append txt "ray entry and exit. You lose five points for every wrong "
    append txt "guess about an atom's location. Thus five rays are equal "
    append txt "to one missed atom."
    $t insert end "Scoring\n" header $txt
    $t config -state disabled


 return gold added pix

Category Games