Version 69 of CB

Updated 2004-01-07 08:55:24

What CB stands for ... Connor Berry

email: perl -e 'printf("%s@%s.%s.%s.%s\n","berry", "tams", "sch", "unt", "edu");'

I'm a grad student at the University of North Texas. I have used and/or played around with alot of the Unix scripting languages out there. I got into Linux about 3 years ago when I wanted a free C/C++ compiler and ended up with a free OS also. My favorite distribution of Linux is Knoppix

I was lured into Tcl/Tk about 2 years ago after reading some of RS's pages on natural language.

I think Tclkit is one of the coolest things ever.

I am currently working some with Perl (which I love) and PHP (which I hate). I am also currently experimenting with BeanShell which seems very similary in spirit to Tcl (The author explicitly states BeanShell was inspired by Tcl.)

My (current) favorite packages in Tcl:

Things that seem interesting (but I don't yet have lots of experience with):

Current Projects:

  • viTHE -- a novice attempt to write a text editor (inspired by THE -- The Hessling Editor [L1 ] and the vi editor) but using Tcl instead of REXX as the macro language

Pages I (should) maintain on the wiki:

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