Version 0 of Canvas Buttons

Updated 2001-03-30 17:59:28

Here's the newgroup message that introduced Canvas Buttons.

 Rick Hedin wrote:
 > We have come to a place where it seems desireable to have lightweight
 > widgets within a canvas.  The Java folks are all excited about lightweight
 > widgets that share a single window, and Swing, and whatnot.  Has similar
 > work been done within Tcl?

 You can do a lot by tagging groups of canvas items and binding to their
 tags.  The enclosed code, for instance, creates canvas items that look
 and act a lot like buttons.

 The idea of making Tk widgets themselves leaner has also been pursued.
 The TkGS project is trying to do it.  There's information on that at

 Kevin KENNY GE Corporate R&D, Niskayuna, New York, USA

Here's the code for Canvas Buttons.

 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # cbutton.tcl --
 #       Example of how to provide button-like behavior on canvas
 #       items. (Posted on comp.lang.tcl by Kevin Kenny)

 set ::RCSID([info script]) \
   {$Id: 1383,v 1.1 2002-06-21 03:04:50 jcw Exp $}

 package provide canvasbutton 1.0

 namespace eval canvasbutton {

 # nexttag - Next unique tag number for a "button" being
 #           created

 variable nexttag 0

 # command - command(tag#) contains the command to execute when
 #           a "button" is selected.

 variable command

 # cursor - cursor(pathName) contains the (saved) cursor
 #          symbol of the widget when the pointer is in
 #          a "button"

 variable cursor

 # enteredButton - contains the tag number of the button
 #                 containing the pointer.

 variable enteredButton {}

 # pressedButton - contains the tag number of the "button"
 #                 in which the mouse button was pressed

 variable pressedButton {}

 namespace export canvasbutton

 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # canvasbutton::canvasbutton --
 #       Create a button-like object on a canvas.
 # Parameters:
 #       w       Path name of the canvas
 #       x0      Canvas X co-ordinate of left edge
 #       y0      Canvas Y co-ordinate of top edge
 #       x1      Canvas X co-ordinate of right edge
 #       y1      Canvas Y co-ordinate of bottom edge
 #       text    Text to display in the button
 #       cmd     Command to execute when the button is selected.
 # Results:
 #       Unique canvas tag assigned to the items that make
 #       up the button.
 # Side effects:
 #       A rectangle and a text item are created in the canvas,
 #       and bindings are established to give them button-like
 #       behavior.

 proc canvasbutton::canvasbutton {w x0 y0 x1 y1 text cmd} {
     variable nexttag
     variable command

     set btag [list canvasb# [incr nexttag]]

     set command($btag) $cmd

     $w create rectangle $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 \
             -fill white -outline black -width 1 \
             -tags [list canvasb $btag [linsert $btag end frame]]

     set x [expr { ($x0+$x1) / 2 }]
     set y [expr { ($y0+$y1) / 2 }]

     $w create text $x $y -anchor center -justify center \
             -text $text \
             -tags [list canvasb $btag [linsert $btag end text]]

     $w bind canvasb <Enter> [list [namespace current]::enter %W]
     $w bind canvasb <Leave> [list [namespace current]::leave %W]
     $w bind canvasb <ButtonPress-1> \
             [list [namespace current]::press %W]
     $w bind canvasb <ButtonRelease-1> \
             [list [namespace current]::release %W]

     return $btag

 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # canvasbutton::enter --
 #       Process the <Enter> event on a canvas-button.
 # Parameters:
 #       w       Path name of the canvas
 # Results:
 #       None.
 # Side effects:
 #       When the mouse pointer is in a button, the button is
 #       highlighted with a broad outline and the cursor
 #       symbol changes to an arrow.  When the active button
 #       is pressed, it is highlighted in green.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 proc canvasbutton::enter {w} {
     variable enteredButton
     variable pressedButton
     variable cursor

     set enteredButton [findBtag $w]
     set frame [linsert $enteredButton end frame]
     set cursor($w) [$w cget -cursor]
     $w configure -cursor arrow
     $w itemconfigure $frame -width 3
     if {![string compare $enteredButton $pressedButton]} {
         $w itemconfigure $frame -fill green

 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # canvasbutton::leave --
 #       Process the <Leave> event on a canvas-button.
 # Parameters:
 #       w       Path name of the canvas
 # Results:
 #       None.
 # Side effects:
 #       Reverts the cursor symbol, the border width
 #       if needed, the highlight color of the button.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 proc canvasbutton::leave {w} {
     variable enteredButton
     variable pressedButton
     variable cursor
     if {[string compare $enteredButton {}]} {
         set btag [findBtag $w]
         set frame [linsert $btag end frame]
         $w itemconfigure $frame -width 1
         $w configure -cursor $cursor($w)
         unset cursor($w)
         if {![string compare $btag $pressedButton]} {
             $w itemconfigure $frame -fill white
         set enteredButton {}

 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # canvasbutton::press --
 #       Process the <ButtonPress-1> event on a canvas-button.
 # Parameters:
 #       w       Path name of the canvas
 # Results:
 #       None.
 # Side effects:
 #       Highlights the selected button in green.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 proc canvasbutton::press {w} {
     variable pressedButton
     set pressedButton [findBtag $w]
     $w itemconfigure [linsert $pressedButton end frame] \
             -fill green

 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # canvasbutton::release --
 #       Process the <ButtonRelease-1> event on a canvas-button.
 # Parameters:
 #       w       Path name of the canvas
 # Results:
 #       None.
 # Side effects:
 #       Reverts the highlight color on the button.  If the
 #       mouse has not left the button, invokes the button's
 #       command.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 proc canvasbutton::release {w} {
     variable enteredButton
     variable pressedButton
     variable command

     set pressedButtonWas $pressedButton
     set pressedButton {}

     $w itemconfigure [linsert $pressedButtonWas end frame] \
             -fill white

     if {![string compare $enteredButton $pressedButtonWas]} {
         uplevel #0 $command($pressedButtonWas)

 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # canvasbutton::btag --
 #       Locate the unique tag of a canvas-button
 # Parameters:
 #       w       Path name of the canvas
 # Results:
 #       Button tag, or the null string if the current
 #       item is not a canvas-button
 # Side effects:
 #       Searches the tag list of the current canvas item
 #       for a tag that begins with the string, `canvasb#',
 #       and returns the first two elements of the tag
 #       interpreted as a Tcl list.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 proc canvasbutton::findBtag {w} {
     foreach tag [$w itemcget current -tags] {
         if {[regexp {^canvasb#} [lindex $tag 0]]} {
             return [lrange $tag 0 1]
     return {}

 if {![string compare $argv0 [info script]]} {

     grid [canvas .c -width 300 -height 200 -cursor crosshair]

     namespace import canvasbutton::*

     .c create text 150 150 -anchor n -tags label \
             -font {Helvetica 10 bold}

     canvasbutton .c 10 60 90 140 "First\nButton" {
         .c itemconfigure label -text One
     canvasbutton .c 110 60 190 140 "Second\nButton" {
         .c itemconfigure label -text Two
     canvasbutton .c 210 60 290 140 "Third\nButton" {
         .c itemconfigure label -text Three
     canvasbutton .c 240 160 290 190 "Quit" exit

Here's a link to a version of Canvas Buttons where you can watch the button depress when you click it, and spring back when you release it.

Canvas Buttons in 3-D