Version 2 of Canvas geometrical calculations

Updated 2003-02-25 14:16:21

TR - Geometrical calculations are important to many applications like GIS or drawing programs. Perhaps we can collect some good algorithms here. I had a look at which is a great source of all kinds of calculations we might need for canvas items.

Let me start with ...

The area of a polygon

 # compute the area of a polygon given its coordinates
 # Argument: coords -> list of coordinates
 # Returns: Area of polygon (taking care of holes inside the polygon)
 proc polygonArea {coords}  {
   # make sure we have a closed set of coords:
   if {[lindex $coords 0] != [lindex $coords end-1] \
    || [lindex $coords 1] != [lindex $coords end]} {
       lappend coords [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1]
   # append another point for the calculation:
   lappend coords [lindex $coords 2] [lindex $coords 3]
   # area:
   set area 0
   # number of vertices:
   set n [expr {([llength $coords]-4)/2}]
   # build lists with x and y coordinates only:
   foreach {x y} $coords {
      lappend xList $x
      lappend yList $y
   for {set i 1; set j 2; set k 0} {$i <= $n} {incr i; incr j; incr k} {
      set area [expr {$area + ([lindex $xList $i] * ([lindex $yList $j] - [lindex $yList $k]))}]
   return [expr {$area/2.0}]

This procedure may seem slooow but trying it I got the area of a polygon with 2100 vertices in 0.0037 seconds on a 800MHz computer.

The algorithms takes care of holes. Try this polygon (.c is a canvas widget):

  .c create polygon 0 0 100 0 100 100 50 100 50 75 75 75 75 25 25 25 25 75 50 75 50 100 0 100

It has a hole inside (how sad, that independant holes are not suported by Tcl, we can only fake them here). The area is 7500. Without the hole

  .c create polygon 0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100

the procedure returns 10000. So the hole is treated correctly as not belonging to the inside of the polygon.

See also:

Category Mathematics