Version 1 of Canvas zooming using mousewheel

Updated 2003-05-09 18:00:16

Here is an alternative implementation to Canvas Zooming.

This version supports zooming under the pointer using mousewheel events.

Error accumulation in text strings is avoided by storing the original text and fontsize in tags. Text that is zoomed below a minimum size is hidden until zoomed back out again.

It would be nicer if text items were allowed fractional point sizes.

        proc zoominit {c zfact} {
                # save zoom state in a global variable with the same name as the canvas handle
                upvar #0 $c data
                set data(zdepth) 1.0
                set data(idle) {}
                # add mousewheel bindings to canvas
                bind $c <Button-4> "zoom $c $zfact"
                bind $c <Button-5> "zoom $c [expr {1.0/$zfact}]"

        proc zoom {c fact} {
                upvar #0 $c data
                # zoom at the current mouse position
                set x [$c canvasx [expr {[winfo pointerx $c] - [winfo rootx $c]}]]
                set y [$c canvasy [expr {[winfo pointery $c] - [winfo rooty $c]}]]
                $c scale all $x $y $fact $fact
                # save new zoom depth
                set data(zdepth) [expr {$data(zdepth) * $fact}]
                # update fonts only after main zoom activity has ceased
                after cancel $data(idle)
                set data(idle) [after idle "zoomtext $c"]

        proc zoomtext {c} {
                upvar #0 $c data
                # adjust fonts
                foreach {i} [$c find all] {
                        if { ! [string equal [$c type $i] text]} {continue}
                        set fontsize 0
                        # get original fontsize and text from tags
                        #   if they were previously recorded
                        foreach {tag} [$c gettags $i] {
                                scan $tag {_f%d} fontsize
                                scan $tag "_t%\[^\0\]" text
                        # if not, then record current fontsize and text
                        #   and use them
                        set font [$c itemcget $i -font]
                        if {!$fontsize} {
                                set text [$c itemcget $i -text]
                                set fontsize [lindex $font 1]
                                $c addtag _f$fontsize withtag $i
                                $c addtag _t$text withtag $i
                        # scale font
                        set newsize [expr {int($fontsize * $data(zdepth))}]
                        if {abs($newsize) >= 4} {
                                $c itemconfigure $i \
                                        -font [lreplace $font 1 1 $newsize] \
                                        -text $text
                        } {
                                # suppress text if too small
                                $c itemconfigure $i -text {}
                # update canvas scrollregion
                set bbox [$c bbox all]
                if {[llength $bbox]} {
                        $c configure -scrollregion $bbox
                } {
                        $c configure -scrollregion [list -4 -4 \
                                [expr {[winfo width $c]-4}] \
                                [expr {[winfo height $c]-4}]]

        #  test code
        pack [canvas .c] -expand true -fill both
        zoominit .c 1.1
        .c create text 50 50 -text "Hello, World!"
        .c create rect [.c bbox all]

Contributed by: John Ellson <[email protected]>