Version 0 of Canvas2Image

Updated 2003-06-04 09:44:44

kroc 4 Jun 2003 - This proc will create a B&W image from a canvas. Actually, it only handle few canvas objects: images, rectangles, lines and circles, but others might been supported later.

 proc Canvas2Image { canvas } {
        set largeur [$canvas cget -width]
        set hauteur [$canvas cget -height]
        image create photo capture -width $largeur -height $hauteur
        capture put #FFFFFF -to 0 0 $largeur $hauteur
        foreach objet [$canvas find all] {
            if {[lsearch [$canvas type $objet] image] >= 0} {
                # Images
                set coords [$canvas bbox $objet]
                set Xcap [expr {int([lindex $coords 0])}]
                set Ycap [expr {int([lindex $coords 1])}]
                set Xfin [expr {int([lindex $coords 2])}]
                set Yfin [expr {int([lindex $coords 3])}]
                if { $Xcap < 0} {
                    set sX [expr {abs($Xcap)}]
                    set Xcap 0
                } else {
                    set sX 0
                if { $Ycap < 0} {
                    set sY [expr {abs($Ycap)}]
                    set Ycap 0
                } else {
                    set sY 0
                if { $Xfin >= 0 && $Yfin >= 0 } {
                    set nom [$canvas itemcget $objet -image]
                    if { [string equal -nocase [image type $nom] photo] } {
                        capture copy $nom -from $sX $sY -to $Xcap $Ycap $Xfin $Yfin
                    } else {
                        image delete $nom
            if {[lsearch [$canvas type $objet] rectangle] >= 0} {
                # Rectangles
                set width [expr {[$canvas itemcget $objet -width]/2.0}]
                if {$width <= 0.5} {
                    set width 0.5
                set coords [$canvas coords $objet]
                set x1a [expr {round([lindex $coords 0]-$width)}]
                set x1b [expr {round([lindex $coords 0]+$width)}]
                set y1a [expr {round([lindex $coords 1]-$width)}]
                set y1b [expr {round([lindex $coords 1]+$width)}]
                set x2a [expr {round([lindex $coords 2]-$width)}]
                set x2b [expr {round([lindex $coords 2]+$width)}]
                set y2a [expr {round([lindex $coords 3]-$width)}]
                set y2b [expr {round([lindex $coords 3]+$width)}]
                if {$x1a < 0} { set x1a 0 }
                if {$x1b < 0} { set x1b 0 }
                if {$y1a < 0} { set y1a 0 }
                if {$y1b < 0} { set y1b 0 }
                if {$x2a < 0} { set x2a 0 }
                if {$x2b < 0} { set x2b 0 }
                if {$y2a < 0} { set y2a 0 }
                if {$y2b < 0} { set y2b 0 }
                capture put #000000 -to $x1a $y1a $x1b $y2b
                capture put #000000 -to $x2a $y1a $x2b $y2b
                capture put #000000 -to $x1a $y1a $x2a $y1b
                capture put #000000 -to $x1a $y2a $x2a $y2b
            if {[lsearch [$canvas type $objet] line] >= 0} {
                # lines
                set width [expr {[$canvas itemcget $objet -width]}]
                if {$width <= 1.0} {
                    set width 1.0
                set coords [$canvas coords $objet]
                set x1 [expr {int([lindex $coords 0])}]
                set y1 [expr {int([lindex $coords 1])}]
                set x2 [expr {int([lindex $coords 2])}]
                set y2 [expr {int([lindex $coords 3])}]
                if {$x1 < 0} { set x1 0 }
                if {$x2 < 0} { set x2 0 }
                if {$y1 < 0} { set y1 0 }
                if {$y2 < 0} { set y2 0 }
                if { $x1==$x2 } {
                    capture put #000000 -to [expr {round($x1-($width/2.0))}] $y1  [expr {round($x2+($width/2.0))}] $y2
                } elseif { $y1==$y2 } {
                    capture put #000000 -to $x1 [expr {round($y1-($width/2.0))}]  $x2 [expr {round($y2+($width/2.0))}]
                } else {
                    set m [expr {((1.0*$y2)-$y1)/($x2-$x1)}]
                    set w1 [expr {$width/-2}]
                    set w2 [expr {$width/2}]
                    set beta [expr {2.0*atan(1.0)+atan($m)}]
                    set step [expr abs(1.0/$m)]
                    if {$step >= 0.5} { set step 0.5 }
                    if {$x1 > $x2} {
                        set x1 [expr {int([lindex $coords 2])}]
                        set y1 [expr {int([lindex $coords 3])}]
                        set x2 [expr {int([lindex $coords 0])}]
                        set y2 [expr {int([lindex $coords 1])}]
                    for {set x $x1} {$x <= $x2} {set x [expr {$x+$step}]} {
                        for { set dx $w1 } { $dx <= $w2 } {set dx [expr {$dx+$step}]} {
                            set y [expr {$m*($x-$x1)+$y1}]
                            set yt [expr {round($y+($dx*sin($beta)))}]
                            set xt [expr {round($x+($dx*cos($beta)))}]
                            if {$xt <= 0} { set xt 0 }
                            if {$yt <= 0} { set yt 0 }
                            capture put #000000 -to $xt $yt
            if {[lsearch [$canvas type $objet] oval] >= 0} {
                # only circles
                set width [expr {[$canvas itemcget $objet -width]}]
                if {$width <= 1.0} {
                    set width 1.0
                set 2pi [expr {8.0*atan(1)}]
                set coords [$canvas bbox $objet]
                set a [expr {([lindex $coords 0]+[lindex $coords 2])/2.0}]
                set b [expr {([lindex $coords 1]+[lindex $coords 3])/2.0}]
                set rmax [expr {[lindex $coords 2]-$a}]
                set rmin [expr {$rmax-$width}]
                set step [expr {1.0/$rmax}]
                for {set R $rmin} {$R <= $rmax} {set R [expr {$R+0.4}]} {
                    for {set alpha 0} {$alpha <= $2pi} {set alpha [expr {$alpha+$step}]} {
                        set x [expr {$a+($R*cos($alpha))}]
                        set y [expr {$b+($R*sin($alpha))}]
                        if {$x <= 0} { set x 0 }
                        if {$y <= 0} { set y 0 }
                        capture put #000000 -to [expr {round($x)}] [expr {round($y)}]