Version 53 of Category Category

Updated 2009-02-03 21:51:26 by lars_h

Index to all categories on this Wiki.

To get a list of all categories on this Wiki, click on the title at the top of this page.

To create a new category, create a new page called "Category Topic". Add your category to the list of all categories, and any sub-categories. Order categories most-specific to least-specific:

  %| [Category Sub Topic] | [Category Category] |%

Add pages to your new category by linking to [Category Topic] at the bottom of the page, using the same format as above.


It would also be appreciated if you would add an entry at How do Wiki Categories work describing what kinds of things should be tagged with your category. For example, the category of personal Wiki home pages is called Category Home Page. To add a person's Wiki home page to the category, place a link to [Category Home Page] on his home page.

See: for a good example of how to use categories.


Lars H, 2009-02-03: One thing the anonymous "wikigardener" seems to have missed is that categories generally don't fall into a strict hierarchical scheme (as the new text above would suggest), but more often end up being related to each other. Traditionally such related-to links have been found as bulleted lists under a heading such as See also, whereas only the category-hierarchical links have been put in the category footer.
