Version 16 of Cisco IOS Scripting with Tcl

Updated 2015-04-24 03:17:25 by SEH


information about scripting Cisco IOS with Tcl


Cisco IOS Scripting with Tcl
updated 2012-11-30


Cisco IOS Software Embedded Event Manager, Harnesses Network Intelligence to Increase Availability
Cisco White Papter, last updated, 2005-12
Why Cisco users need to know Tcl
Jeff Hobbs, 2010


Automated Diagnostics for Commercial Networks
a collection of Tcl scripts for use with Cisco products
Command Line Interface SHell. A modular framework for implementing a CISCO-like CLI on a *NIX system. Arbitary command menus and actions can be defined using XML files. This software handles the user interaction, and forks the appropriate commands to perform any actions. Compiles to a modified Tcl interpreter (tclish) where each command line action maps to a Tcl script.


Tcl is extensively used to configure Cisco's IOS (Internetworking Operating System), which is available in a broad spectrum of Cisco products.

Given Cisco's broad use of Tcl it would seem reasonable for the company to contribute to the further development of Tcl. Is anyone aware of any activity in this respect?