Version 2 of ClassyTcl

Updated 2005-04-20 12:02:00 by lwv

What: ClassyTcl/Tk

 Description: Dynamically loadable object system (both tcl and C based are
        The ClassyTcl Builder can be used to graphically create interfaces,
        and is invoked via the cbuild command.
        Comes with sample applications such as cedit,
        ccalc (calculator),
        ccenter (early stage program manager),
        cdraw (vector drawing),
        cedit (text editor),
        cfiles (early stage file manager),
        ctester (test ClassyTcl widgets).
        Requires Tcl/Tk 8.x and ExtraL if ClassyTcl widgets are used.
        Currently at ClassyTcl and ClassyTk are at version 1.0.0 .
 Updated: 08/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Peter.DeRijk)

See also ClassyTk and Extral

Category Package | Category Application