Version 0 of Closures

Updated 2002-05-04 03:24:10

Todd Coram -

While playing with Tcl and Postgres, I got tired of passing around the connection id to each postgres tcl command (plus there was some other contextual info I wanted to keep around with each connection).

Objectifying the postgres interface seemed too heavy and keeping state in a single namespace prevented me from keeping more than one database connection open at a time.

Closures are neat because they give you a way to let functions carry a bit of state with it.

Somebody explain closures here..'

So, thus was born this late night hacked attempt at emulating closures in Tcl:

 # Create a proc named 'name' that will create a closure over the supplied
 # 'variables' definition for the 'lambda_proc'. Any supplied variables in
 # 'arglist' can be used to initialize 'variables' during the closure
 # definition.
 proc make-closure-proc {name arglist variables lambda_proc} {
    set invoke_context [uplevel namespace current]
    set name_context ${invoke_context}::$name

    # Create a namespace called $name_context to hold auto_cnt
    namespace eval $name_context {
       if {![info exists auto_cnt]} { variable auto_cnt -1}

    # Now, build a proc in invocation context that will create
    # closures. We do this by substituting all of the passed
    # parameters (name, arglist, variables, lambda_proc) and the
    # $name_context.
    # The resulting proc will:
    # 1. Accept $arglist as initializers for the closures.
    # 2. Create a unique closure_name from the auto_cnt variable.
    # 3. Create a namespace for the closure.
    # 4. Evaluate the $variables (optionally evaluating them with
    #    $arglist).
    # 5. Create an alias called 'dispatch' for the lambda_proc.
    # 6. Return the alias.
    namespace eval $invoke_context \
       [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
           proc $name {$arglist} { 
                set closure_name \
                ${name_context}::$name[incr ${name_context}::auto_cnt]
                eval [subst {
                    namespace eval [set closure_name] {
                namespace eval [set closure_name] {
                    # Curry a dispatcher for the lambda_proc.
                    curry [namespace current]::dispatch [$lambda_proc]
                return [set closure_name]::dispatch}

 proc delete-closure {name} {
     namespace delete [namespace qualifiers $name]

You will need a curry proc to create the dispatcher:

 proc curry {new args} {
    uplevel [list interp alias {} $new {}] $args

And a lambda proc to pass to the make-closure-proc:

 proc lambda {arglst body} {
    set level [info level 0]
    set name [string map {\n _ \t _ \" _ " " _ \; _ $ _ : _ \{ _ \} _ \[ _ \] _} $level]
    set invoke_context [uplevel namespace current]
    proc ${invoke_context}::$name $arglst $body
    return ${invoke_context}::$name

Here is a (contrived) example of how to create and use the closures:

 make-closure-proc make-logputs {_level _filename} {
    variable fd [open $_filename w]
    variable filename $_filename
    variable level $_level
 } {
    fp::slambda {cmd {str ""}} {
        variable fd; variable filename; variable level
        switch -- $cmd {
            puts { 
                puts "Writing ($level to $filename) $str"
                puts $fd "([clock format [clock seconds]] - $level) $str"
            close { 
               eval close $fd 

 set info [make-logputs INFO info.out]
 set warn [make-logputs WARN warn.out]

 $info puts "Some info: hello world"
 $info puts "blech"
 $warn puts "You have been warned!"

 $info close
 $warn close

 delete-closure $info
 delete-closure $warn