Version 4 of Combinatorial mathematics functions

Updated 2002-03-13 02:57:40

Combinatorial mathematics deals with, among other things, functions dealing with calculating or displaying the number of combinations one can have of 10 things taken two at a time, etc. then help me word it.

This came up on c.l.t so searching around the wiki I found some info atPower set of a list as well, but when searching, I found this page first (as I assume others would) so here is a copy stolen from there (was subsets2 on that page):

 proc combinations { list size } {
     if { $size == 0 } {
         return [list [list]]
     set retval {}
     for { set i 0 } { ($i + $size) <= [llength $list] } { incr i } {
         set firstElement [lindex $list $i]
         set remainingElements [lrange $list [expr { $i + 1 }] end]
         foreach subset [combinations $remainingElements [expr { $size - 1 }]] {
             lappend retval [linsert $subset 0 $firstElement]
     return $retval

If order of elements is meaningfull then you would want permutations so here is a proc to do that:

 proc permutations { list size } {
     if { $size == 0 } {
         return [list [list]]
     set retval {}
     for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $list] } { incr i } {
         set firstElement [lindex $list $i]
         set remainingElements [lreplace $list $i $i]
         foreach subset [subsets2 $remainingElements [expr { $size - 1 }]] {
             lappend retval [linsert $subset 0 $firstElement]
     return $retval

And if you do want the power set you could use the nice version by Kevin Kenny presented on that page or make use of the combinations proc above:

 proc powerset {list} {
    for {set i 0} {$i <= [llength $list]} {incr i} {
        lappend ret [combinations $list $i]
    return $ret

See also

Category Mathematics