Version 9 of Comparing Tcl with Python

Updated 2005-01-31 15:23:55 by SEH

LV wrote: Perhaps the community could contribute tips, references, etc. comparing and contrasting Python and Tcl to provide someone who programs in Python assistance in learning to read/write Tcl?

Sarnold I have tried a small tutorial, while reading the beginning of the Python tutorial. I have abandoned it, because it was not the subject of this page.

VK I think Sarnold did not understood the point of comparing. We do not want to see exactly how two languages differ, and what namely syntax they have. Rather, comparing of overall structure is more interesting: libraries, repositories, how it scales to large projects, what does it takes to write simple programs... One of interesting points is using Tk from Python, and I know one of standard way of building GUI for Python is using Tk.

Sarnold All right. In my personal experience, I always used Python for small tasks, so I am not the person who would comment it for large tasks.

I just noted there was overall more than 300 modules in the standard distribution, part of them being platform-specific.

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