Version 4 of Complex Pure Tcl Starkit Example

Updated 2006-11-09 14:14:32

[Apparently this page will be filled in later... Was it meant to contain material from some paper on Starkits?]

[Several complex pure Tcl Starkits can be found in the sdarchive [L1 ], but which would constitute good examples?]

The following was added to this page 2006-11-07, but looks more like a critcl example.

 package require critcl
 critcl::cproc abc {} Tcl_Obj* {
    char test[4] = "abc";
    Tcl_Obj * rv = Tcl_NewStringObj ("abc", 3);
    Tcl_IncrRefCount (rv);
    return rv;
 critcl::cproc 123 {} Tcl_Obj* {
    char test[3] = {1, 2, 3};
    Tcl_Obj * obj = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj (test, 3);
    Tcl_IncrRefCount (obj);
    return obj;
 puts [abc]
 binary scan [123] H* result
 puts $result

Category Tclkit