Version 6 of Coroutines for cooperative multitasking

Updated 2009-04-25 01:39:11 by ZB

Here are some worked examples taken pretty directly from the Lua paper on coroutines.

Just to express my appreciation -- having this stuff in Tcl is sweet -- Thanks JBR.

The main feature missing here is a graceful way to exit the multitasking control structure. For now I return and catch an error from the coroutine, I welcome any improvements along the return -code lines.


 namespace path ::tcl::unsupported

A list of the procs that will be cooperativly multitasked

 set Tasks {}

A proc to create the coroutines and place them on the Tasks list

 proc Task { tag proc args } {
    lappend ::Tasks $tag
    coroutine $tag $proc {*}$args

A proc to get them off when they exit.

 proc Drop { task } {
    set here [lsearch $::Tasks $task]
    set ::Tasks [lreplace $::Tasks $here $here]

Here is our first control structure. Simply run the tasks in order as independent tasks. There is no communication between them. Tasks can add new tasks or exit. When all tasks exit RoundRobin exits.

 proc RoundRobin {} {
    while { [llength $::Tasks] } {
        foreach task $::Tasks {
            if { [catch { $task } reply] } {
                Drop $task

 proc proc-outp { args } {
    foreach item $args {
        puts $item
    error "Task done"

 Task A proc-outp 1 2 3 4
 Task B proc-outp A B C D


ZB Actually, why a must for that additional "yield" in "proc-outp"? Shouldn't be assumed, that when there's no "yield" occurence (in case, when there's no arguments at all), there's a default "yield" at the end (similarly to default "return" in case of procs)?

Now we chain the tasks together in order. The yield value of the previous task is passed to the next. This allows "pipeline" type control. The yeild values are transformed as they pass through the chain of procs.

 proc Pipeline {} {
    while { [llength $::Tasks] } {
        set reply {}
        foreach task $::Tasks {
            if { [catch { set reply [$task $reply] } reply] } {
                set ::Tasks {}

 proc proc-enum { args } {
    foreach item $args {
        yield $item
    error "Task done"
 proc proc-pair { args } {
    set input [yield]
    foreach item $args {
        set input [yield [list $item $input]]
 proc proc-puts { prefix } {
    while { 1 } { puts "$prefix [yield]" }

 Task A proc-enum 1 2 3 4
 Task B proc-pair A B C D
 Task C proc-puts "Result :"


Finally we have a set of cooperating procs. They all know about each other and pass control explicitly among themselves. This is done using the coroutine names as tags, as described in the Lua coroutine paper (cite??) and passing a list as the value of yield.

 proc Cooperate {} {
    set next  [lindex $::Tasks 0]
    set arg  {}
    while { 1 } {
        if { [catch {
            foreach { next arg } [$next $arg] {}
        } reply] } {
                set ::Tasks {}

 proc proc-tag-pick { args } {
    foreach item $args {
        if { $item % 2 } { yield [list Odd  $item]
        } else           { yield [list Even $item] }
    error "Task done"
 proc proc-tag-cati { args } {
    set input [yield]
    while { 1 } {
        set input [yield [list D [list $args $input]]]
 proc proc-tag-puts { prefix } {
    set input [yield]
    while { 1 } {
        puts "$prefix $input"
        set input [yield A]

 Task A   proc-tag-pick 1 2 3 4
 Task Even proc-tag-cati Even
 Task Odd  proc-tag-cati Odd
 Task D    proc-tag-puts "Result :"


DKF: We can conflate the definition and the task creation like this:

 proc Task {name arguments body args} {
    lappend ::Tasks $name
    set ns [uplevel 1 namespace current]
    coroutine $name apply [list $arguments $body $ns] {*}$args

which allows us to do something like this (with the Cooperate from above):

 Task A { args } {
    foreach item $args {
        if { $item % 2 } {
           yield [list Odd  $item]
        } else {
           yield [list Even $item]
    error "Task done"
 } 1 2 3 4
 Task Even { args } {
    set input [yield]
    while { 1 } {
        set input [yield [list D [list $args $input]]]
 } Even
 Task Odd { args } {
    set input [yield]
    while { 1 } {
        set input [yield [list D [list $args $input]]]
 } Odd
 Task D { prefix } {
    set input [yield]
    while { 1 } {
        puts "$prefix $input"
        set input [yield A]
 } "Result :"
