Version 0 of Counting Elements in a List

Updated 2000-01-21 11:19:19

Is there a simple way to count the number of matching elements in a list? The answer is "Yes. Several ways."

And just to keep things interesting, we can compare them in the context of a little test harness that times how quickly they run. There are many times when a Tcl programmer might want to compare a couple of different techniques to see which is fastest. The time command can often help. (See the Tcl Performance page for more information on speed improvements.) -- RWT

    # restart on the next line using tclsh \
    exec tclsh "$0" "$@"

    #  Define procs to test each method for
    #  counting identical list items.  This
    #  enables the byte-code compiler to
    #  optimize the code.
    proc count_members1 list {
        foreach member $list {
            if {[info exists count($member)]} {
                incr count($member)
            } else {
                set count($member) 1

    proc count_members2 list {
        foreach x $list {
            if {[catch {incr count($x)}]} {set count($x) 1}

    proc count_members3 list {
        foreach x $list {
            expr {[catch {incr count($x)}] && [set count($x) 1]}

    proc count_members4 list {
        foreach x $list {
            lappend ulist($x) {}
        foreach name [array names ulist] {
            set count($name) [llength $ulist($name)]

    proc count_members5 list {
        foreach x $list {
            append ulist($x) .
        foreach name [array names ulist] {
            set count($name) [string length $ulist($name)]

    #  Create some test data.  In this case,
    #  build a list of 10,000 items
    set items [list john paul jones mary]
    for {set i 0} {$i<10000} {incr i} {
        lappend data [lindex $items [expr {int(rand()*[llength $items])}]]

    #  Print some information about our
    #  environment.  This is very useful
    #  when consulting comp.lang.tcl.
    puts "[info patchlevel] over $tcl_platform(os) $tcl_platform(osVersion)."

    #  Run the tests.
    #  Note that we have cleverly named
    #  the test procs so that [info] can
    #  easily find and execute them.
    foreach proc [info proc count_members*] {
        puts ""
        puts "$proc"
        puts [time {$proc $data} 10]

See Chart of proposed list functionality too.