Version 7 of Creation of multi-platform Starkitted binary packages

Updated 2005-03-24 14:14:03 by lwv

[lots of explanation ... Starkit ...]

[hopefully something about how to structure the directories for general use as well as what code is needed within starkit to find the right extension as well as right applications, etc.]

I learned some by unwrapping the snack.kit from sdarchive and looking within the lib/snack directory.

LV here's what snack.kit does:

 $ cat pkgIndex.tcl

 # return a platform designator, including both OS and machine
 proc platform {} {
    global tcl_platform
    set plat [lindex $tcl_platform(os) 0]
    set mach $tcl_platform(machine)
    switch -glob -- $mach {
        sun4* { set mach sparc }
        intel -
        i*86* { set mach x86 }
        "Power Macintosh" { set mach ppc }
    return "$plat-$mach"

 proc loadlib {dir package version} {
    global tcl_platform
    set lib $package[info sharedlibextension]
    return [file join $dir [platform] $lib]

 package ifneeded snack 2.1 "[list load [loadlib $dir snack 2.1]];[list source [file join $dir snack.tcl]]"
 package ifneeded sound 2.1 [list load [loadlib $dir sound 2.1]]

i believe that the starkit article [L1 ] by stevel has some suggestions about this topic.

One of the most common errors made by starkit authors is neglecting to specify all the package require statements the code truly needs. And the number one omission is the statement for Tk.

The reason this becomes a problem is because the most commonly used tclkit on Windows unfortunately does a

 package require Tk

as part of its operation. Developers don't realize their code is missing this critical statement, and then when the starkit is used on a non-Windows platform, the code fails.

See also Starkits with Binary Extensions

Category Deployment | Category Tclkit