Version 2 of Critcl Manual

Updated 2004-06-16 01:37:52

::critcl::cinit text exts

inject $text C code as is, to be executed at extension-init time inject $exts C code as is, in a different place (sets code($file,init) $text and code($file,ext) $exts)

ccode text::critcl::

inject $text C code as is (#includes, #defines, common defs, etc) at the top of the generated code

::critcl::cdata name anydata

Creates a proc [name] which when called will return anydata (as byte array)

::critcl::cproc name adefs rtype body

Define a C procedure which can be called from Tcl cproc lets you define a C proc $name, with C code as $body. Args ($adefs) and return values ($rtype) must be typed.

There are no default args or ways to pass more sophisticated data items than int/long/float/double/char* for now.

The return type can be string, meaning it's a Tcl_Alloc'ed char* which will at some point be Tcl_Free'd.

You can also use Tcl_Obj* args (no refcount change), or return it (in which case it will be decref'ed).

If the first parameter to a cproc has type Tcl_Interp*, that'll be passed in.

Lastly, if the return type is ok, then an int return code of type TCL_OK/TCL_ERROR is expected and will be processed as usual (errors must set the result, so it is most likely that you'll also want to specify the Tcl_Interp* arg).


* Tcl_Interp*

* int

 o long
 o float
 o double
 o char*
 o Tcl_Obj*
 o void*


 o void -
 o ok -
 o int -
 o long -
 o float -
 o double -
 o char* - TCL_STATIC char*
 o string - TCL_DYNAMIC char*
 o dstring - TCL_DYNAMIC char*
 o vstring - TCL_VOLATILE char* 
 o default - Tcl_Obj*

::critcl::ccommand name anames {-clientdata data} {-delproc proc} args

Connects code to the Tcl_CreateObjCommand without further wrapping ties code to the Tcl_CreateObjCommand without further wrapping

 o -clientdata - client data to be passed
 o -delproc - client delete process

anames {clientdata interp objc objv} are the default argument names.

::critcl::csources file ...

Additional source files passed to the compiler on the cmd line (sets code($file,srcs) $args)

::critcl::cheaders file ...

set up file(s) to be available in compiles (also: "dir/*.h") If "critcl::cheaders -g" is given, then the output file is not stripped and the "-DNDEBUG" flag is not added to the gcc command line. (sets code($file,hdrs) $args)

::critcl::clibraries file ...

additional libraries (args such as "-l..." are passed on as is) (sets code($file,libs) $args)


check if the C compile failed


stub - does nothing


configures tk 1


returns the CriTcl Cache directory for the current platform


does nothing


return a platform descriptor ($OS-$machine) of the platform CriTcl is being run on


check that we can indeed run a compiler


returns the shared library extension for the target platform.


inverse of [::critcl::compiling] - we can't run a compiler

::critcl::config option value

outdir ""

the compiled library will be saved for permanent use if the outdir option is set (in which case rebuilds will no longer be automatic)

keepsrc 0

the generated source will be kept (default: delete it) The intermediate C code generated by CriTcl can be kept around by doing:

combine ""

 * ""        gcc -shared -DUSE_TCL_STUBS -O2 -DNDEBUG -Wl,-s - no -fPIC ... -g in cmdline stops this
 * dynamic        
 * static        no -fPIC
 * standalone no -fPIC, no -DUSE_TCL_STUBS

appinit ""

No meaning

force 0

force recompilation

I ""

adds -I to command line

L ""

no meaning

tk 0

compile for tk

language ""

-x options