Version 1 of DIS-Tool

Updated 2023-08-26 23:32:41 by {Frank Bannon}

DIS Tool is a collector of Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) PDU traffic from a network UDP port. Project was started in 2011 and worked only by the author. It has proved useful to listen to simulation data to analyze dis enumerations and simulation activities. It relies on the 32-bit UDP extension to access the network port. See ActiveState TCL Recipes for examples by Frank from 2009.


DIS Tool listens for all PDUs that pass its Exercise and Site filters. It offers reports of the data collected, to include Entities, Fire, Detonations, Aggregates, and more. It supports a home-brew http server to allow remote viewing of reports using a web browser. Currently composed of approx 13,268 lines of TCL code.

On startup, code is read from separate module files. This provides an easy mechanism to read in short updated bits of code and make the new code effective during runtime.

Heavily updated in August 2023 to decode more PDU types and display each PDU decoded to fields and further to textual meaning. The following are the decoders for each PDU using binary scan (listed here for reference):

PDU header (common to all PDU types)

binary scan $pdu ccu1cu1cu1Iu1Su1B8c \
        d(disver) d(exercise) d(pdukind) d(family) d(time) d(length) d(pdustatus) d(pad)
        # right shift integer then compute seconds
        set absolutetime [expr {$d(time) & 1}]
        set tint2 [expr {$d(time) >> 1}]
        set d(time) [expr {int(($tint2 * (0.5 + 3600000.0) / 0x7fffffff) / 1000)}]        ;# seconds
        if {$d(time) < 0} {set d(time) [expr {$d(time) % 3600}]}
        if {$absolutetime} {
                append d(time) " absolute time"
        } else {
                append d(time) " relative time [nice_time $d(time)]"

1 Entity State

binary scan $pdu ccu1cu1cu1Iu1Su1b8cSu1Su1Su1cu1cu1ccScu1cu1cu1cu1ccScu1cu1cu1cu1IIIWWWIIIIcA39cA11I \
        d(disver) d(exercise) d(pdukind) d(family) d(time) d(length) d(pdustatus) d(pad) \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(force) d(art) \
        d(kind) d(domain) d(country) d(cat) d(subcat) d(spec) d(extra) \
        d(altkind) d(altdomain) d(altcountry) d(altcat) d(altsubcat) d(altspec) d(altextra) \
        d(velx) d(vely) d(velz) d(locx) d(locy) d(locz) d(orientx) d(orienty) d(orientz) \
        d(appearance) d(dra) pad d(charset) d(marking) d(cap)

2 Fire

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1IWWWccSccccSSSSIIII \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(tgtsite) d(tgthost) d(tgtent) \
        d(munsite) d(munhost) d(munent) d(evtsite) d(evthost) d(evtent) \
        d(mission) d(locx) d(locy) d(locz) \
        d(kind) d(domain) d(country) d(cat) d(subcat) d(spec) d(extra) \
        d(warhead) d(fuse) d(quantity) d(rate) d(velx) d(vely) d(velz) d(range)

3 Detonation

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1IIIWWWccSccccSSSSIIIccS \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(tgtsite) d(tgthost) d(tgtent) \
        d(munsite) d(munhost) d(munent) d(evtsite) d(evthost) d(evtent) \
        d(velx) d(vely) d(velz) d(locx) d(locy) d(locz) \
        d(kind) d(domain) d(country) d(cat) d(subcat) d(spec) d(extra) \
        d(warhead) d(fuse) d(quantity) d(rate) d(entx) d(enty) d(entz) d(result) \
        d(parts) d(art)

4 Collision

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1ccIIIIWWW \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(collsite) d(collhost) d(collent) \
        d(eventid) d(colltype) pad d(velx) d(vely) d(velz) d(mass) d(locx) d(locy) d(locz)

18 Data Query

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Iu1Iu1Iu1Iu1 \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(rcvsite) d(rcvhost) d(rcvent) \
        d(msgnum) d(interval) d(numfixed) d(numvariable)

19 Set Data

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1IIII \
        d(site) d(host) d(entity) d(sitetgt) d(hosttgt) d(enttgt) \
        d(msgnum) d(pad) d(numfixed) d(numvariable)

23 Emission

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1ccSccSSu1ccIIIccSu1IIIIIIIIIIccccWSSScc \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(siteevt) d(hostevt) d(entevt) \
        d(state) d(sysnum) pad d(syslen) d(beamnum) pad d(emitname) d(funcid) d(emitid) \
        d(locx) d(locy) d(locz) d(beamlen) d(beamid) d(beamndx) d(beamfreq) d(beamrange) \
        d(beamerpdb) d(beampulsefreq) d(beamplusewidth) d(beamazctr) d(beamazsweep) d(beamelctr) \
        d(beamelsweep) d(beamsweepsync) d(beamfunc) d(tgtnum) d(trackhd) pad d(jamtrack) \
        d(sitetrack) d(hosttrack) d(enttrack) d(jamemitid) d(jambeamid)

25 Transmitter

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1ccSu1ccccccSWWWIIISSIIffSSSSSSc \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(radio) \
        d(kind) d(domain) d(country) d(cat) d(subcat) d(spec) d(extra) \
        d(state) d(source) pad \
        d(locx) d(locy) d(locz) d(entx) d(enty) d(entz) \
        d(antenna) d(antlen) d(freqhi) d(freqlo) d(band) d(power) \
        d(spectrum) d(modmajor) d(moddetail) d(system) \
        d(crypto) d(cryptokey) d(lenmod)

26 Signal

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1B16B16ISu1Su1B* \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(radio) \
        d(enctype) d(tdl) d(rate) d(len) d(samples) d(data)

28 IFF / ATC / Navigational Aids

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1IIISScB8SB8cB8B8B16B16B16B16B16B16 \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(eventsite) d(eventhost) d(evententity) \
        d(x) d(y) d(z) d(type) d(name) d(mode) d(option) pad \
        d(status) d(m4alt) d(info) d(modifier) \
        d(m1) d(m2) d(m3) d(m4) d(mcalt) d(ms)

33 Aggregate State

binary scan $pdu @12SSu1Su1ccccSu1ccccIcA31IIIIIIWWWIIIcccc \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(force) d(state) \
        d(kind) d(domain) d(country) d(cat) d(subcat) d(spec) d(extra) \
        d(formation) d(charset) d(marking) \
        d(extentx) d(extenty) d(extentz) d(orientx) d(orienty) d(orientz) \
        d(locx) d(locy) d(locz) d(velx) d(vely) d(velz) \
        d(numdisaggs) d(numdisentities) d(numaggsystems) d(numentitysystems)


binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1Su1IccSII \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent)  d(tgtsite) d(tgthost) d(tgtent) \
        d(reqid) d(reliable) pad d(event) d(serial) d(numrecords)

67 Entity State Update

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1IIIIWWWIIIII \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) pad d(numparam) d(velx) d(vely) d(velz) d(locx) d(locy) d(locz) \
        d(orientx) d(orienty) d(orientz) d(appearance) d(artparams)

122 Logistics Resource

binary scan $pdu @12SSu1Su1SIIIIccA18IIIIccA18IIIIccA18 \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) d(supplycount) \
        d(onhand1) d(auth1) d(reorder1) d(stockage1) d(class1) d(use1) d(id1) \
        d(onhand2) d(auth2) d(reorder2) d(stockage2) d(class2) d(use2) d(id2) \
        d(onhand3) d(auth3) d(reorder3) d(stockage3) d(class3) d(use3) d(id3)

137 Organizational State

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1A12SA26A12A12A12A12A12A46A68ISSA12cA3SSA12cA7SSA12cA7 \
        d(site) d(host) d(ent) \
        d(subid) d(country) d(side) d(othechelon) d(othsymbol) d(othtype) \
        d(urn) d(uic) d(subname) d(jcatsname) d(orgid) d(tasksite) d(taskhost) d(taskid) d(numrel) pad \
        d(supsite1) d(suphost1) d(supid1) d(typerel1) pad \
        d(supsite2) d(suphost2) d(supid2) d(typerel2)

161 Intercom Signal

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1Su1B16B16Iu1Su1Su1 \
        d(site1) d(host1) d(ent1) d(intnum) d(enctype) \
        d(tdl) d(sample) d(len) d(samples)

194 LOTS

binary scan $pdu @12Su1Su1Su1ccScu1cu1cu1cu1ccu1A30IIIWWWIIIA16SRcA32 \
        d(1) d(2) d(3) d(4) d(5) d(6) d(7) d(8) d(9) d(10) d(11) d(12) d(13) d(14) d(15) d(16) d(17) d(18) d(19) d(20) d(21) d(22) d(23) d(24) d(25) d(26) d(27)