Version 0 of Dereferencing

Updated 2002-11-14 18:31:21

Richard Suchenwirth 2002-11-14 - A reference is something that points to another something (if you pardon the scientific expression). In C, references are done with pointers; in Tcl, references are strings (everything is a string), namely names of variables, which via a hashtable can be resolved (dereferenced) to the "other something" they point to:

 puts foo       ;# just the string foo
 puts $foo      ;# dereference variable with name of foo
 puts [set foo] ;# the same

This can done more than one time with nested set commands. Compare the following C and Tcl programs, that do the same (trivial) job, and exhibit remarkable similarity:

 #include <stdio.h>
 int main(void) {
   int i =       42;
   int *ip =     &i;
   int **ipp =   &ip;
   int ***ippp = &ipp;
   printf("hello, %d\n", ***ippp);
   return 0;

...and Tcl:

 set i    42
 set ip   i
 set ipp  ip
 set ippp ipp
 puts "hello, [set [set [set ipp]]]"

The C asterisks correlate to set calls in derefencing, while in Tcl similar markup is not needed in declaring.

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