Version 1 of Dynamic Images For Tk

Updated 2017-02-06 20:35:25 by SB

An extension that provides slightly modified ttk widgets, with the ability to change the size and rotation angle of the image they display, without modifying the underlying Tk image.

What you can do with it

All widgets that accept the -image opton, will have additional options to:

  • specify the size of the image
  • specify wether the aspect ratio of the original image should be kept when resizing
  • atomatically adapt the size of the image to the available space in the widget
  • rotate the image by any angle

Limitations, known bugs, notes

  • works only with photo images
  • does not apply to ttk::notebook and ttk::treeview
  • needs imgtools ( )
  • custom options are not part of the options database.
  • [image inuse] won't work correctly
  • because the widget commands get renamed, error messages will show the wrong widget command
  • widgets will react a little differently if an image is changed or deleted: while normally ttk widgets don't adapt their size on such an event, with this extension they will.

#   -- dift - Dynamic Images For Tk
#       An extension that provides slightly modified ttk widgets, with the
#       ability to change the size and rotation angle of an image on the fly
#       without modifiying the underlying Tk image.
#   Author: Simon Bachmann <simonbachmann at bluewin dot ch>

# Usage
# =======
# The extension provides a set of widgets that can dynamically change the size 
# and rotation of the image they display, without affecting the tk image that was
# set with the -image option. For the rest, these widgets work exactly like their ttk
# counterparts:
#   ::dift::ttk::label 
#   ::dift::ttk::button 
#   ::dift::ttk::checkbutton 
#   ::dift::ttk::menubutton 
#   ::dift::ttk::radiobutton
# The additional options are:
# -imagewidth size          
# -imageheight size         Reference width and height to use for image display.
#                           The actual size of the displayed image depends also
#                           on the -imageaspectratio option (see below).
#                           Accepted values:
#                           - integer greater than zero: size in pixels
#                           - 'orig': use size of original image
#                           - 'widget': use size of available space in widget.
#                               Gets updated automatically if the size of the 
#                               widget changes.
#                           Defaults to 'orig'.
# -imageaspectratio mode    Specify how the image should be resized with respect
#                           to the reference given with the size options above.
#                           May be one of:
#                           - 'ignore': scale image exactly to the reference size
#                               without preserving the aspect ratio
#                           - 'keep': keep the aspect ratio of the original image.
#                               Make the image as large as possible, without
#                               exceeding the bounds given by the size
#                               options
#                           - 'keepexpand': keep the aspect ratio. Make the image
#                               large enough to cover all of the reference area
#                               given by the size options, but not larger
#                           Does not affect -imagerotation.
#                           Defaults to 'ignore'
# -imagerotation angle      Turn the image clockwise by angle degrees. 
#                           Negative values for counter-clockwise rotation.
#                           The size of the image will not change.
#                           Defaults to 0°
# If more than one image is set for a particular widget (images bound to a statespec),
# these options affect all images.
# For convenience, the ttk widgets that do not have a '-image' option are also provided.
# (e.g. ::dift::ttk::labelframe). These commands are merely an alias to the ttk widgets.

package require Tk 8.6
package require imgtools 0.3

namespace eval ::dift {
    variable version 0.2
    # List of all widget creation commands, that we consider
    variable modWidgets [list ::ttk::label ::ttk::button ::ttk::checkbutton \
        ::ttk::menubutton ::ttk::radiobutton]
    # These ones don't get any special treatment
    variable unchangedWidgets [list ::ttk::scale ::ttk::panedwindow ::ttk::separator \
        ::ttk::entry ::ttk::frame ::ttk::labelframe ::ttk::sizegrip ::ttk::combobox \
        ::ttk::notebook ::ttk::progressbar ::ttk::treeview ::ttk::spinbox \
    # create a ::dift::ttk namespace to hold commands to create widgets
    namespace eval ::dift::ttk {
        namespace export *
    # Custom options
    # the dict contains the command description ([pathName configure -option])
    # The values of the second dict (list) is: opt name, database name, database
    # class, default value. without current value, of course
    variable customOpts {
    variable customOptsDescr {
        -imagewidth         {-imagewidth {} {} orig}
        -imageheight        {-imageheight {} {} orig}
        -imageaspectratio   {-imageaspectratio {} {} ignore}
        -imagerotation      {-imagerotation {} {} 0}
    # In this dict we keep track of the images
    #   first key: name of widget
    #   second key: 
    #       'orig'  orignal images
    #       'mod'   transformed images. if name(s) are equal to the ones in 
    #               orig, we did no tranformation
    #   third key: ttk state for the image ('default' for default image)
    #   value: name of the image. Empty String if no data available
    variable imgIndex [dict create]
    # This list holds the names of all transformed (mod) images we created.
    # Needed to decide if an image can be deleted when no longer used
    variable modImgList {}
    # This one saves our custom options
    #   first key: name of widget
    #   second key: name of option
    #   value:  value of option
    variable optDict [dict create]
    # Here we keep our images
    # the counter is for the names
    namespace eval imgs {}
    variable imgCounter 0
    # To be able to calculate the available space for images at init, we need
    # an image to display. We'll use a single-pixel (black, fully transparent)
    # for that:
    image create photo ::dift::imgs::unitImg
    ::dift::imgs::unitImg put {#000000}
    ::dift::imgs::unitImg transparency set 0 0 1
    # Renamed commands (where possible) go here
    namespace eval cmds {}
    variable wCmdPrefix ::dift::cmds::

#   -- initPackage
#       Rename all commands that create widgets that can contain images
#       and do other setup stuff
proc ::dift::initPackage {} {
    variable modWidgets
    variable unchangedWidgets

    foreach w $modWidgets {
        if {[info command ::dift::$w] ne {}} {
        proc ::dift::$w {pathName args} [list apply {{wCreator} {
            upvar pathName myPathName
            upvar args myArgs
            return [::dift::createWidget $wCreator $myPathName $myArgs]             
        }} $w ]
    foreach w $unchangedWidgets {
        if {[info command ::dift::$w] ne {}} {
        proc ::dift::$w {pathName args} [list apply {{wCreator} {
            upvar pathName myPathName
            upvar args myArgs
            return [$wCreator $myPathName {*}$myArgs]
        }} $w ]

# -- createWidget
#       Gets called whenever the user creates a new widget with one of the commands
#       we renamed at init. Filters out the interesting options, creates the 
#       widget as desired and renames the windget command.
proc ::dift::createWidget {wCreator pathName arglist} {
    variable imgIndex
    variable optDict
    variable customOptsDescr
    variable wCmdPrefix
    # Set defaults
    dict set imgIndex $pathName orig {}
    dict set imgIndex $pathName mod {}
    dict set optDict $pathName -image {}
    dict set optDict $pathName -imagewidth \
        [lindex [dict get $customOptsDescr -imagewidth] 3]
    dict set optDict $pathName -imageheight \
        [lindex [dict get $customOptsDescr -imageheight] 3]
    dict set optDict $pathName -imageaspectratio \
        [lindex [dict get $customOptsDescr -imageaspectratio] 3]
    dict set optDict $pathName -imagerotation \
        [lindex [dict get $customOptsDescr -imagerotation] 3]
    # Create widget without options first
    # rename the widget command
    if {[catch {$wCreator $pathName} procResult procOpts]} {
        cleanupWidget $pathName
        return -options $procOpts $procResult
    rename ::$pathName ::$wCmdPrefix$pathName
    proc ::$pathName {subcmd args} {
        set w [lindex [info level 0] 0]
        ::dift::widgetCommand $w $subcmd $args
    # Configure the widget
    if {[catch {widgetConfigure $pathName $arglist} confResult confOpts]} {
        cleanupWidget $pathName
        return -options $confOpts $confResult
    # Bindings
    bind $pathName <Destroy> [list ::dift::cleanupWidget $pathName]
    bind $pathName <Configure> [list ::dift::configureEvent $pathName]
    return -options $procOpts $procResult

#   -- cleanupWidget
#       Get rid of everything related to widget pathName
proc ::dift::cleanupWidget {pathName} {
    variable optDict
    variable imgIndex
    variable wCmdPrefix
    catch {destroy $pathName}
    catch {rename ::$pathName {}}
    catch {rename ::$wCmdPrefix$pathName {}}
    # remove traces on orig imgs
    removeTraces $pathName [dict get $imgIndex $pathName orig]
    dict unset optDict $pathName

    catch {deleteModImgs $pathName}
    dict unset imgIndex $pathName

#   -- updateImgView
#       Updates the displayed image(s) of widget pathName
#       based on the current settings in optDict and state
#       of the widget.
#       Does take care to perform only those actions that are
#       needed. We cannot, however, detect if an original image was changed
#       since last update. Thus, we assume that all original images might 
#       have changed. It is up to the caller to call this proc only 
#       when needed.
#   Ttk widgets react kinda strangely if an image gets modified or deleted.
#       While changes of the contents ofthe image are displayed ok, ttk widgets
#       don't adapt their size if the size of an image changes after it was 
#       set with configure -image. Also, if more than one image is set (per-state)
#       and one of them is deleted, the widget will show no image for all states.
#       We will not mimick this behaviour, as it would make it quite difficult to
#       implement the 'widget' size to the -imagewidth/height options correctly.
#       And, I suspect this behaviour is a bug.
#       We will have the widget resize itself if an original image changes.
#       However, we'll keep the rule, that if for one state the image is deleted,
#       we'll display no image for all states. In this case, the entry in imgIndex
#       in the orig branch will be {} for the image in question, the mod images
#       will all be set to unitImg.
proc ::dift::updateImgView {pathName} {
    variable optDict
    variable imgIndex
    variable wCmdPrefix
    set imgOpt [dict get $optDict $pathName -image]
    # No value for -image option: this means that the widget was (re)configured
    # with '-image {}'. We delete mod imgs, reconfigure the real widget and quit
    # Orig branch of imgIndex should already be ok (newOrigImgs was called).
    if {$imgOpt eq {}} {
        deleteModImgs $pathName
        if {[dict get $imgIndex $pathName orig] ne {}} {
            error "::dift::updateImgView: internal error. Empty img list but orig entry in dict is [dict get $imgIndex $pathName orig]"
        ${wCmdPrefix}${pathName} configure -image {}
    # Recreate the orig branch of imgIndex and check if all orig images exist
    set imgOpt [list default {*}$imgOpt]
    set origImgsExist yes
    # if -image option is not set, orig branch is the empty string
    dict set imgIndex $pathName orig {}
    foreach {state img} $imgOpt {
        if {$img ni [image names]} {
            set origImgsExist no
            dict set imgIndex $pathName orig $state {}
        } else {
            dict set imgIndex $pathName orig $state $img
    # actual widget has no images set: set the unitImg 
    if {[${wCmdPrefix}${pathName} cget -image] eq {}} {
        ${wCmdPrefix}${pathName} configure -image ::dift::imgs::unitImg
        #after idle [list ::dift::updateImgView $pathName]
    # some orig images don't exist: set all to unitPixel
    # otherwise: recalculate mod images
    if { ! $origImgsExist} {
        deleteModImgs $pathName
        foreach {state img} $imgOpt {
            dict set imgIndex $pathName mod $state ::dift::imgs::unitImg
    } else {
        modifyImages $pathName
    # reconfigure the widget
    ${wCmdPrefix}${pathName} configure -image [getImgOptList $pathName]

#   -- modifyImages
#       Modify image of widget pathName according to opts
#       in optDict. Does not update the view in the widget, just creates
#       the modified images and writes their name to the imgIndex.
#       This proc assumes that all original images exist
proc ::dift::modifyImages {pathName} {
    variable imgIndex
    variable imgCounter
    variable optDict
    variable modImgList
    # We must wait to delte previously modified images until after transformation
    # as the previous imgs are needed to calculage available space in widget
    set delImgList [getModDeleteList $pathName]
    dict set imgIndex $pathName mod {}
    # Transform where needed
    set imgList [list "default"]
    lappend imgList {*}[dict get $optDict $pathName -image]
    foreach {state img} $imgList {
        # Create the modified image if needed and write its name to the index
        set sizespec [getSizeSpec $pathName $state]
        set origSizespec "[image width $img]x[image height $img]"
        set angle [dict get $optDict $pathName -imagerotation]
        if {$sizespec eq $origSizespec && $angle == 0} {
            # Nothing to do, just "link" to the original image
            dict set imgIndex $pathName mod $state $img
        set newImg [image create photo "::dift::imgs::dti_image[incr imgCounter]"]
        lappend modImgList $newImg
        if {$sizespec ne $origSizespec} {
            ::imgtools::scale $img $sizespec -compositingrule set -shrink $newImg
            set img $newImg
        if {$angle != 0} {
            ::imgtools::rotate $img $angle -clipping keepsize -compositingrule set \
            -shrink -interpolation linear $newImg
        dict set imgIndex $pathName mod $state $newImg
    # delete previous mod images
    foreach img $delImgList {
        image delete $img

#   -- getSizeSpec
#       Generates a sizespec to be used as argument for Imgtools,
#       for the image specifed for state
proc ::dift::getSizeSpec {pathName state} {
    variable optDict
    variable imgIndex
    set width [dict get $optDict $pathName -imagewidth]
    set height [dict get $optDict $pathName -imageheight]
    lassign [getImgCavitySize $pathName] widgetWidth widgetHeight
    set origWidth [image width [dict get $imgIndex $pathName orig $state]]
    set origHeight [image height [dict get $imgIndex $pathName orig $state]]
    set ratioMode [dict get $optDict $pathName -imageaspectratio]
    set origRatio [expr {1.0 * [image width [dict get $imgIndex $pathName orig $state]] \
        / [image height [dict get $imgIndex $pathName orig $state]]}]
    set width [expr {$width eq "orig" ? $origWidth : $width}]
    set width [expr {$width eq "widget" ? $widgetWidth : $width}]
    set height [expr {$height eq "orig" ? $origHeight : $height}]
    set height [expr {$height eq "widget" ? $widgetHeight : $height}]
    set widthFromHeight [expr {round(1.0 * $height * $origRatio)}]
    set heightFromWidth [expr {round(1.0 * $width / $origRatio)}]
    switch $ratioMode {
        "ignore" {
            set sizespec "${width}x${height}"
        "keep" {
            if {$widthFromHeight > $width} {
                set sizespec "${width}x${heightFromWidth}"
            } else {
                set sizespec "${widthFromHeight}x${height}"
        "keepexpand" {
            if {$widthFromHeight < $width} {
                set sizespec "${width}x${heightFromWidth}"
            } else {
                set sizespec "${widthFromHeight}x${height}"
    return $sizespec

#   -- getImgCavitySize
#       Returns a list with the size of the available space in widget
#       to display images.
proc ::dift::getImgCavitySize {pathName} {
    #variable imgIndex
    variable wCmdPrefix
    set imglist [${wCmdPrefix}$pathName cget -image]
    if {$imglist eq {}} {
        # this should not happen!
        error "dift, getImgCavitySize: internal error. Got called for widget with no images set"
    set img [getImgForState $pathName [$pathName state]]
    set imgWidth [image width $img]
    set imgHeight [image height $img]
    set horizDiff [expr {[winfo reqwidth $pathName] - $imgWidth}]
    set vertDiff [expr {[winfo reqheight $pathName] - $imgHeight}]
    # make sure we don't end up with a negative or zero size
    set cavityWidth [expr {[winfo width $pathName] - $horizDiff}]
    set cavityWidth [expr {$cavityWidth <= 0 ? 1 : $cavityWidth}]
    set cavityHeight [expr {[winfo height $pathName] - $vertDiff}]
    set cavityHeight [expr {$cavityHeight <= 0 ? 1 : $cavityHeight}]
    return [list $cavityWidth $cavityHeight]

#   -- getImgForState
#       returns the name of the image that is currently used for statespec
#       in widget $pathName
#       type may be orig or mod
proc ::dift::getImgForState {pathName statespec {type mod}} {
    variable wCmdPrefix
    # we can't use image names from imgIndex, because it might not 
    # have been updated.
    if {$type eq "mod"} {
        set imgList [${wCmdPrefix}${pathName} cget -image]
    } elseif {$type eq "orig"} {
        set imgList [$pathName cget -image]
    } else {
        error "::dift::getImgForState: internal error. Invalid type $type"
    set stateImgs [lassign $imgList default]
    set resImg {}
    dict for {state img} $stateImgs {
        if {[stateMatch $state $statespec]} {
            set resImg $img
    if {$resImg eq {}} {
        set resImg $default
    return $resImg

#   -- stateMatch
#       returns true if statespec matches wstate, false othrewise
proc ::dift::stateMatch {statespec wstate} {
    set match true
    foreach state $statespec {
        if {[string index $state 0] eq "!"} {
            set state [string range $state 1 end]
            if {$state in $wstate} {
                set match false 
        } else {
            if {$state ni $wstate} {
                set match false 
    return $match
#   -- widgetCommand
#       Widget command for all widgets are rerouted throught this proc
#       Filters out the parts that we're interested in, passes everything else 
#       on to the original widget command
proc ::dift::widgetCommand {pathName subcmd arglist} {
    variable wCmdPrefix
    switch $subcmd {
        "cget" {
            return [widgetCget $pathName $arglist]
        "configure" {
            if {[llength $arglist] <= 1} {
                return [widgetListOpts $pathName $arglist]
            } else {
                return [widgetConfigure $pathName $arglist]
        default {
            return [::$wCmdPrefix$pathName $subcmd {*}$arglist]
    error "switch is broken!"

#   -- widgetCget
#       Implements the cget widget subcommand
proc ::dift::widgetCget {pathName option} {
        variable optDict
        variable wCmdPrefix
        switch $option {
            "-image" -
            "-imagewidth" -
            "-imageheight" -
            "-imageaspectratio" -
            "-imagerotation" {
                return [dict get $optDict $pathName $option]
            default {
                # we expand the option argument, so we can leave the task to
                # complain about wrong number of args to the original
                # widget command
                return [::$wCmdPrefix$pathName cget {*}$option]
     error "switch is broken!"

#   -- widgetListOpts
#       Implements the information retrieving part of the configure
#       subcommand (no options, only one option as argument)
proc ::dift::widgetListOpts {pathName arglist} {
    variable customOpts
    variable wCmdPrefix
    if {[llength $arglist] == 0} {
        set optDescr [::$wCmdPrefix$pathName configure]
        foreach opt $customOpts {
            lappend optDescr [getOptDescr $pathName $opt]
        return $optDescr
    } elseif {$arglist in $customOpts} {
        return [getOptDescr $pathName $arglist]
    } else {
        return [::$wCmdPrefix$pathName configure {*}$arglist]

#   -- getOptDescr
#       returns a list describing the custom option passed as argument
#       the elements of the list are option name, database name, database 
#       class, default value and the current value
proc ::dift::getOptDescr {pathName opt} {
    variable optDict
    variable customOptsDescr
    set result [dict get $customOptsDescr $opt]
    lappend result [dict get $optDict $pathName $opt]
    return $result

#   -- widgetConfigure
#       The configure subcommand, when used for a real configure (i.e. at 
#       least one opt-val pair passed)
#       intercept custom options, modify the value of the -image opt
proc ::dift::widgetConfigure {pathName arglist} {
    variable optDict
    variable wCmdPrefix
    # Go through options
    set forwardOpts {}
    set updateImgs no
    foreach {opt value} $arglist {
        switch $opt {
            "-image" {
                # Existence of states is checked by ttk
                # existence of image is checked in newOrigImgs
                if {$value ne {} && [llength $value ] % 2 != 1} {
                    error "image specification must contain an odd number of elements"
                newOrigImgs $pathName $value
                set updateImgs yes
            "-imagewidth" -
            "-imageheight" {
                if {$value ne "orig" && $value ne "widget" \
                        && (! [string is integer -strict $value] || $value <= 0) } {
                    error "bad size \"$value\": must be orig, widget or integer greater than zero"
                dict set optDict $pathName $opt $value
                set updateImgs yes
            "-imageaspectratio" {
                if {$value ni {ignore keep keepexpand}} {
                    error "bad aspect ratio \"$value\": must be ignore, keep or keepexpand"
                dict set optDict $pathName $opt $value
                set updateImgs yes
            "-imagerotation" {
                if { ! [string is double -strict $value]} {
                    #cleanupWidget $pathName
                    error "bad angle of rotation \"$value\": expected floating-point number"
                if {$value ne [dict get $optDict $pathName -imagerotation]} {
                    set updateImgs yes
                dict set optDict $pathName -imagerotation $value
            default {
                lappend forwardOpts $opt $value
    # Configure the widget
    if {[llength $forwardOpts] == 0} {
        # we got only custom opts and need not to pass anything on to 
        # the original widget command
        set result {}
    } elseif {[llength $forwardOpts] >= 2} {
        set result [::$wCmdPrefix$pathName configure {*}$forwardOpts]
    } else {
        error "dift::widgetConfigure: internal error, only 1 forwardOpt: $forwardOpts"
    # Update transformed images
    if {$updateImgs} {
        #after idle [list ::dift::updateImgView $pathName]
        updateImgView $pathName
    return $result

#   -- getImgOptList
#       build a list suitable to be used as value for the -image option,
#       based on the value saved in our optDict, with the transformed Images.
proc ::dift::getImgOptList {pathName} {
    variable imgIndex
    variable optDict
    set optval [dict get $optDict $pathName -image]
    set newOptval {}
    if {$optval eq {} } {
        return $newOptval
    lappend newOptval [dict get $imgIndex $pathName mod default]
    foreach {state img} [lrange $optval 1 end] {
        lappend newOptval $state [dict get $imgIndex $pathName mod $state]
    return $newOptval

#   -- deleteModIMgs
#       delete all the modified images for pathName
#       no errors - even if no entries for pathName esist
#       Checks if an image in the mod branch of the dict really is a modifeed
#       one. If it's just a "link" to the original image (no transformation
#       needed) it does not delete it - of course!
#       Removes all entries in the mod branch of imgIndex. orig branch is left
#       untouched.
proc ::dift::deleteModImgs {pathName} {
    variable imgIndex
    variable modImgList
    if { ! [dict exists $imgIndex $pathName mod]} {
    set delList [getModDeleteList $pathName]
    foreach img $delList {
        set idx [lsearch -exact $modImgList $img]
        set modImgList [lreplace $modImgList $idx $idx]
        catch {image delete $img}
    dict set imgIndex $pathName mod {}

#   -- getModDeleteList
#       Similar as deleteModImgs, but don't actually delete images.
#       just return a list of the images that should be deleted
proc ::dift::getModDeleteList {pathName} {
    variable imgIndex
    variable modImgList
    if { ! [dict exists $imgIndex $pathName mod]} {
    set delList {}
    dict for {state img} [dict get $imgIndex $pathName mod] {
        if {$img in $modImgList } {
            lappend delList $img
    return $delList

#   -- newOrigImgs
#       Checks if the new images exist (error if not)
#       Adds a trace on the image command of each new image (detect changes!)
#       Removes traces from previous orig images that get replaced
#       writes new imglist to optDict and to the orig branch of imgIndex.
#       Does not delete mod images
#       does NOT transform images, nor uptdate the widget's view
proc ::dift::newOrigImgs {pathName imglist} {
    variable optDict
    variable imgIndex
    if {$imglist eq {}} {
        set modlist {}
    } else {
        set modlist [list default {*}$imglist]
    foreach {state img} $modlist {
        if { $img ni [image names] } {
            error "image \"$img\" doesn't exist"
    # remove traces from previous orig images, add trace for new image(s)
    if {[dict exists $imgIndex $pathName orig]} {
        removeTraces $pathName [dict get $imgIndex $pathName orig]
    addTraces $pathName $modlist
    # delete mod images
    # NOPE! We might need them to calculate size of new images!
    # deleteModImgs $pathName
    # write new value to optDict and imgIndex
    dict set optDict $pathName -image $imglist
    dict set imgIndex $pathName orig $modlist

#   -- removeTraces
#       removes traces from orig images in imgIndex-style dict imgDict
#       imgDict must have the same format as the innermost dict in imgIndex
#       i.e. state-imageName pairs.
#       does not throw errors if a trace does not exist
proc ::dift::removeTraces {pathName imgDict} {
    dict for {state img} $imgDict {
        catch {trace remove execution $img leave [list ::dift::origImgModified $pathName $img]}
        catch {trace remove command $img delete \
            [list after 0 ::dift::origImgDeleted $pathName $img]}

#   -- addTraces
#       adds traces to orig images
#       imgDict must have the same format as the innermost dict in imgIndex
#       i.e. state-imageName pairs.
#       imgDict may be an empty string
#       may throw an error if trace fails
proc ::dift::addTraces {pathName imgDict} {
    dict for {state img} $imgDict {
        trace add execution $img leave [list ::dift::origImgModified $pathName $img]
        # we need an [after] callback here, because at the time the trace triggers, the
        # image still exists
        trace add command $img delete [list after 0 ::dift::origImgDeleted $pathName $img]

#   -- origImgModified
#       Called by trace, whenever an original image is modified
#       Applies transformations and updates widget
proc ::dift::origImgModified {pathName imgName args} {
    #variable wCmdPrefix
    #modifyImages $pathName
    #::$wCmdPrefix$pathName configure -image [getImgOptList $pathName]
    #after idle [list ::dift::updateImgView $pathName]
    updateImgView $pathName

#   -- origImgDeleted
#       Called by trace, whenever an orignial image gets deleted.
#       updateImgView handles the case where orig images no longer exist.
#       No need to remove traces: for deleted image(s) it's gone anyway,
#       for the other ones, it doesn't hurt to keep them.
proc ::dift::origImgDeleted {pathName imgName args} {
    # since there's an after callack involved, this proc might be callde
    # after pathName has been destroyed. In this case, there's nothing 
    # we have to do
    if { [winfo exists $pathName] } {
        updateImgView $pathName

#   -- configureEvent
#       Updates displayed image after a <Configure> event, if needed. 
#       This is the case if at least one size was set to 'widget'
proc ::dift::configureEvent {pathName} {
    variable optDict
    if {[dict get $optDict $pathName -image] ne {}} {
        updateImgView $pathName


package provide dift $::dift::version