Version 0 of Easy User Configurable Menus

Updated 2003-02-26 19:36:44

this code creates a set of menus - a toolbar - from a file that can be easily edited by a user. the menus are specified in the format:

set menu(window) {

    command "Command 1" {puts "command 1"}
    menu "Submenu 1"
        radiobutton "Radiobutton 1" rbutton1 {}
        radiobutton "Radiobutton 2" rbutton1 {::rbutton select}
    checkbox "Checkbox 1" options(cbox1) {}
    tcl {
        # this is for inline tcl whose output is the syntax seen in the rest of the menu
        set r ""
        foreach x $somevar {
            lappend r [list command $x "::docommand $x"]
        return [join $r]