Version 2 of Euro converter

Updated 2002-01-03 09:26:32

Richard Suchenwirth - The following routine is not interesting for its algorithm. Two days after the introduction of Euro cash, this little Euro calculator rather commits the variety of soon extinct European currencies to history:

 proc Euro {direction currency amount} {
    set usage "usage: Euro {from|to} currency amount"
    switch -- $currency {
        ATS - �S   {set f 13.7603}
        BEF - bfr  {set f 40.3399}
        DEM - DM   {set f 1.95583}
        ESP - Ptas {set f 166.386}
        FIM - Fmk  {set f 5.94573}
        FRF - FF   {set f 5.55957}
        GRD - Dr   {set f 340.750}
        IEP        {set f 0.7787564}
        ITL - Lit  {set f 1936.27}
        LUF - lfr  {set f 40.3399}
        NLG - hfl  {set f 2.20371}
        PTE - Esc  {set f 200.482}
        default    {error "bad currency $currency - $usage"}
    switch -- $direction {
        from    {set f [expr {1./$f}]}
        to      {}
        default {error "bad direction $direction - $usage"}
    format %.2f [expr {$amount*$f}]

Unit converter - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming