Version 3 of Evolving the Tcl/Tk Core

Updated 2004-05-19 08:46:39 by dkf

Evolving the Tcl/Tk Core

The Tcl/Tk core is managed by the Tcl Core Team and the Core Maintainers.

The Tcl Core Team act as a technical oversight board for new features for the core. They are trying to make sure that as many people as possible are happy with each new feature that is added and that the overall effect is coherent.

The Core Maintainers are the people who do the actual code-editing work and have the right to modify the core. You can become a core maintainer if you want! Just tell the TCT your SourceForge user-id and say what bit of the core you want to maintain. All it takes is a willingness to work with the code (mostly high-quality C with some Tcl and a bit of shell/make scripting in the build) and a bit of time and effort.

If you want to get in contact with either the TCT or the Maintainers, just send an email to mailto:[email protected] though we'd request that you subscribe[fixme:link] if you're going to be sending many messages.

The source code is available for download from SourceForge[L1 ] and you can also view a full history of all changes since the Tcl developers switched to using reasonably recent source code management software (which was shortly after the release of Tcl 8.0). Older versions of Tcl and Tk are also available from SF, but the detailed change history appears to have not survived.