Version 1 of Exceed on Windows

Updated 2015-05-04 04:17:48 by APN

APN 2015-05-04 APN suspects this information is circa 2007.

LV If you find yourself needing to display X based Tk back to a Windows machine, and forced to use Exceed, I just want to document a head's up. I've been doing this now for several years. When I run the Tk test suite, tests that work just fine when displaying on a Sun based X display fail when displaying on the Exceed display.

Here are some of the tests you will likely see fail (and yes, I have opened tk bug tickets on a number of these).

* canvRect-9.1 ScaleRectOval procedure FAILED
* canvRect-10.1 TranslateRectOval procedure FAILED
 font-38.1 ParseFontNameObj procedure: begins with - FAILED
 font-38.3 ParseFontNameObj procedure: begins with -, doesn't look like list FAILED
 font-38.5 ParseFontNameObj procedure: begins with * FAILED
 font-38.6 ParseFontNameObj procedure: begins with * FAILED
 font-40.1 TkFontParseXLFD procedure: initial dash FAILED
 font-40.2 TkFontParseXLFD procedure: no initial dash FAILED
 font-40.3 TkFontParseXLFD procedure: not enough fields FAILED
 font-40.5 TkFontParseXLFD procedure: all fields specified FAILED
 font-43.1 FieldSpecified procedure: specified vs. non-specified FAILED
* listbox-3.17 ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option FAILED
* listbox-3.18 ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option, partial last line FAILED
* listbox-3.78 ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "scan" option FAILED
* listbox-4.1 ConfigureListbox procedure FAILED
* listbox-4.6 ConfigureListbox procedure FAILED
* listbox-5.1 ListboxComputeGeometry procedure FAILED
* listbox-5.2 ListboxComputeGeometry procedure FAILED
* listbox-5.3 ListboxComputeGeometry procedure FAILED
* listbox-5.4 ListboxComputeGeometry procedure FAILED
* listbox-5.5 ListboxComputeGeometry procedure FAILED
* listbox-6.12 InsertEls procedure FAILED
* listbox-7.20 DeleteEls procedure FAILED
* listbox-8.1 ListboxEventProc procedure FAILED
* listbox-8.2 ListboxEventProc procedure FAILED
* listbox-9.2 ListboxCmdDeletedProc procedure, disabling -setgrid FAILED
* listbox-14.3 NearestListboxElement procedure FAILED
 main-3.1 Tk_ParseArgv: -help option FAILED
 scrollbar-3.12 ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option FAILED
 scrollbar-3.36 ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option FAILED
 scrollbar-3.38 ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option FAILED
 scrollbar-6.12 ScrollbarPosition procedure FAILED
 scrollbar-6.29 ScrollbarPosition procedure FAILED
 scrollbar-6.35 ScrollbarPosition procedure FAILED
 scrollbar-6.44 ScrollbarPosition procedure FAILED
 select-10.2 ConvertSelection procedure FAILED
 select-11.1 TkSelPropProc procedure FAILED
 text-1.10 text options FAILED
* text-31.11 peer widget -start, -end FAILED
 textDisp-27.7 SizeOfTab procedure, center alignment, wrap -none (potential numerical problems) FAILED
 textDisp-29.2 miscellaneous: lines wrap but are still too long FAILED
 textDisp-29.2.1 miscellaneous: lines wrap but are still too long FAILED
 textDisp-29.2.2 miscellaneous: lines wrap but are still too long FAILED
 textDisp-29.2.3 miscellaneous: lines wrap but are still too long FAILED
 textDisp-29.2.4 miscellaneous: lines wrap but are still too long FAILED
 textDisp-32.2 elide and tags FAILED
 textImage-3.2 delayed image management FAILED
 unixSelect-1.4 TkSelGetSelection procedure: simple i18n text, iso2022 FAILED
 unixSelect-1.5 TkSelGetSelection procedure: INCR i18n text, iso2022 FAILED
 unixSelect-1.6 TkSelGetSelection procedure: simple i18n text, iso2022 FAILED
 unixWm-4.1 moving window while withdrawn FAILED
 unixWm-4.3 moving window while withdrawn FAILED
 unixWm-50.1 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, finding a toplevel, x-coords FAILED
 unixWm-50.8 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, more basics FAILED
 unixWm-50.10 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, unmapped windows FAILED

I understand that the items above preceeded by * are pixel related and that different "window management" software handles things differently. So your mileage may vary a bit.

Another observation - when I run the test suites of various widget sets, such as tktable, tklib, etc. - I typically see Exceed display go into what I call burst mode, where I see about 8 seconds of no activity on the windows machine at all, followed by a quick "catch up" on whatever events were generated during that time, then another 8 seconds of no activity, etc. Once the test suite finishes, performance returns to normal.