Version 0 of Expression Tree Package

Updated 2005-06-06 20:56:15

# expr.tcl

 # Symbolic manipulation of expressions.

 set __expr_tests 0

 if $__expr_tests {
        lappend auto_path .
        source testsupp.tcl

 package require atypes 1.0

 package require setops 1.0

 package provide expr 1.0

 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # AST definition.

 atype BinOp BPlus BMinus BMul BDiv
 atype Fun FSin FCos FExp FSqrt
 atype Expr {EConst c} {EVar v} {ENeg expr} {EBin op a b} {EFun fun expr}

 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Construction.

 proc ezero {} { return [EConst 0.0] }
 proc eone {} { return [EConst 1.0] }

 proc evar {v} {
        return [EVar $v]

 proc econst {c} {
        return [EConst $c]

 proc _ebin {op a b} {
        return [EBin $op $a $b]

 foreach op {plus minus mul div} {
        proc e$op {a b} " _ebin B[string toupper $op 0 0] \$a \$b"

 foreach f {sin cos exp sqrt} {
        proc e$f {a} "return \[EFun F[string toupper $f 0 0] \$a\]"

 proc eisconst {e} {
        match $e {
                {EConst _} { return 1 }
                _ { return 0}

 proc eepsilon {} { return 0.00000001 }
 proc eclose {a b} { return [expr abs($a - $b)<[eepsilon]] }
 proc eiszero {e} {
        match $e {
                {EConst $x} { return [eclose $x 0] }
                _ { return 0}

 proc eisone {e} {
        match $e {
                {EConst $x} { return [eclose $x 1] }
                _ { return 0}

 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Simplification.

 proc esimp {e} {
        match $e {
                {EConst _} { return $e }
                {EVar _} { return $e }
                {EBin BPlus $a $b} {
                        set sa [esimp $a]
                        set sb [esimp $b]
                        if {[eiszero $sa]} {
                                return $sb
                        if {[eiszero $sb]} {
                                return $sa
                        if {[eisconst $sa] && [eisconst $sb]} {
                                return [EConst [expr [efromconst $sa]+[efromconst $sb]]]
                        return [EBin BPlus $sa $sb]
                {EBin BMinus $a $b} {
                        set sa [esimp $a]
                        set sb [esimp $b]
                        if {[eiszero $sb]} {
                                return $sa
                        if {[eisconst $sa] && [eisconst $sb]} {
                                return [EConst [expr [efromconst $sa]-[efromconst $sb]]]
                        return [EBin BMinus $sa $sb]
                {EBin BMul $a $b} {
                        set sa [esimp $a]
                        set sb [esimp $b]
                        if {[eiszero $sa]} {
                                return [ezero]
                        if {[eiszero $sb]} {
                                return [ezero]
                        if {[eisone $sa]} {
                                return $sb
                        if {[eisone $sb]} {
                                return $sa
                        if {[eisconst $sa] && [eisconst $sb]} {
                                return [EConst [expr [efromconst $sa]*[efromconst $sb]]]
                        return [EBin BMul $sa $sb]
                {EBin BDiv $a $b} {
                        set sa [esimp $a]
                        set sb [esimp $b]
                        if {[eiszero $sa]} {
                                return [ezero]
                        if {[eisone $sb]} {
                                return $sa
                        if {[eisconst $sa] && [eisconst $sb]} {
                                return [EConst [expr [efromconst $sa]/[efromconst $sb]]]
                        return [EBin BMul $sa $sb]
                {EFun $fun $e} {
                        set se [esimp $e]
                        if {[eisconst $se]} {
                                match $fun {
                                        FSin {set f sin}
                                        FCos {set f cos}
                                        FExp {set f exp}
                                        FSqrt { set f sqrt}
                                return [EConst [expr $f([efromconst $se])]]
                        return [EFun $fun $se]

 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Differentiation.

 proc _diffbin {op a b v} {
        set da [_ediff $a $v]
        set db [_ediff $b $v]
        match $op {
                BMul {
                        return [eplus [emul $da $b] [emul $a $db]]
                BDiv {
                        set num [eminus [emul $da $b] [emul $a $db]]
                        set den [emul $b $b]
                        return [ediv $num $den]
                _ {
                        # Linear operations (+-).
                        _ebin $op [_ediff $a $v] [_ediff $b $v]
 proc _difffun {fun e v} {
        match $fun {
                FSin { set d [ecos $e] }
                FCos { set d [emul [econst -1] [esin $e]] }
                FExp { set d [eexp $e] }
                FSqrt { set d [ediv [const 0.5] [esqrt e]] } 
        return [emul [_ediff $e $v] $d]
 proc _ediff {e v} {
        match $e {
                {EConst _} { ezero }
                {EVar $x} {
                        if {[string equal $x $v]} {
                        } else {
                {EBin $op $a $b} {
                        _diffbin $op $a $b $v
                {EFun $fun $e} {
                        _difffun $fun $e $v

 proc ediff {e v} { return [esimp [_ediff $e $v]] }

 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Different information about expression.

 # Return list-set of variables from expression.
 proc evars {e} {
        match $e {
                {EVar $v} { return [list $v] }
                {EFun _ $a} { return [evars $a] }
                {EBin _ $a $b} {
                        return [setunion [evars $a] [evars $b]]
                _ { return {} }

 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Evaluation (maybe, partial).

 proc efromconst {e} {
        match $e {
                {EConst $x} { return $x }
                _ { error "efromconst expects EConst!" }

 proc _eeval {e context} {
        match $e {
                {EFun _ _} { error "No evaluation fo EFun!" }
                {EBin $op $a $b} {
                        set ea [_eeval $a $context]
                        set eb [_eeval $b $context]
                        if {[eisconst $ea] && [eisconst $eb]} {
                                match $op {
                                        BPlus { set op + }
                                        BMinus { set op - }
                                        BMul { set op * }
                                        BDiv { set op / }
                                return [econst [expr [efromconst $ea] $op [efromconst $eb]]]
                        } else {
                                return [EBin $op $ea $eb]
                {EVar $v} {
                        array set vals $context
                        if {[info exists vals($v)]} {
                                return [econst $vals($v)]
                        } else {
                                return $e
                _ { return $e }

 proc eeval {e context} {
        return [esimp [_eeval $e $context]]

 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Tests

 if $__expr_tests {
        test {set a [eplus [evar "a"] [evar "b"]]}
        test {set b [eexp [evar "a"]]}
        test {set c [emul $a $b]}
        test {evars $c}
        test {set d [ediff $c a]}
        test {set evres [eeval $a {a 1}]}
        test {set evres [eeval $a {a 1 b 10}]}

Why did I need it?