Version 2 of Extending Tcl

Updated 2003-01-15 00:37:36

GPS: I encourage anyone that knows about extending Tcl to enhance this page. The code contained herein can be considered in the public-domain. The entire tutorial (including examples) is downloadable from:

The goal of this document is to teach you how to extend Tcl. It covers the various methods of doing this, and the pros and cons of each method.

Reasons for extending Tcl:

  • to expose an API function to Tcl
  • to increase the speed of a CPU intensive calculation

Methods of extending Tcl:

  • executable module(s) (EM)
  • Tcl C API
  • Tcl C API using C++
  • Tcl C API using Objective-C
  • CriTcl
  • Mktclapp
  • SWIG

Overview of the methods: With executable modules (EM) exposure of the Tcl C API is not needed. Building an executable module is generally easier than writing a C extension for Tcl. The Tcl exec command can be used to start a module and send it initial data. For most EM however the open command is more useful, because you can use it to create a two-way pipeline. Debugging is easier with an EM, because Tcl isn't involved in the function of the module. It's also reasonable to assume that an EM works with most scripting languages, and is thus not dependent on Tcl.

The Tcl C API is powerful and for something like a new data type for a tree, threads, or other things that can not be easily done with executable modules it's a good solution.

CriTcl is a newcomer to the world of Tcl. It compiles an extension on the fly based on C code embedded in a Tcl script. It can't be used for all extension work, but for many things it's good. [todo findout more about how well it works]

Mktclapp has an API for writing extensions. It can be used to generate a stand-alone application by generating C code, or a load'able shared object library. It can also be used to convert a Tcl script or scripts into C code for compilation with a C compiler, so its use is beyond just extensions.

SWIG automates the task of generating an extension. It can generate an interface for Tcl and other languages, which can then be compiled. [How well does it work? What is it good at doing?]

Executable Modules

An EM is not the most difficult thing to create. You can build an EM from other Tcl scripts, Perl scripts, or some other language. Tcl supports binary data over two-way pipes, so you can fconfigure the modules channel to -translation binary, and you will not have to worry about newline conversions.

The example used herein implements a small math interpreter that understands + and -. The input goes to its stdin, and it outputs a result to stdout. You can test it interactively from within a shell.

  /*By George Peter Staplin*/
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <ctype.h>

  /*A complete application would probably realloc *token if needed.*/
  void getToken (char *str[], char *token[]) {
    char c;
    int outIndex = 0;

    while (1) {
      c = **str;
      if ('\0' == c) {
      } else if (' ' == c || '\n' == c) {
        if (outIndex > 0) {
      } else {
        (*token)[outIndex] = c;
    (*token)[outIndex] = '\0';

  int strIsNum (char *str) {
    int inIndex = 0;
    while (1) {
      char c = str[inIndex];
      if ('\0' == c) {

      if (!isdigit (c)) {
        return 0;

    if (inIndex > 0) {
      return 1;

    return 0;

  int getDigit (char *str) {
    int res;
    if (!strIsNum (str)) {
      /*This could be redesigned so that it would let the caller 
       *know the string isn't valid by returning a boolean and returning the 
       *digit via a pointer.
      return 0;
    res = atoi (str);

    return res;

  int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    char buf[1024];
    char *str;
    char *token = malloc (120);

    if (NULL == token) {
      perror ("unable to malloc... exiting");
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    while (1) {
      str = fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);

      if (NULL == str) {

      getToken (&str, &token);

      if (0 == (strncmp (token, "+", 1))) {
        int n1;
        int n2;

        getToken (&str, &token);
        n1 = getDigit (token);    
        getToken (&str, &token);
        n2 = getDigit (token);

        printf ("%d\n", n1 + n2);
        fflush (stdout);
      } else if (0 == (strncmp (token, "-", 1))) {
        int n1;
        int n2;

        getToken (&str, &token);
        n1 = getDigit (token);
        getToken (&str, &token);
        n2 = getDigit (token);

        printf ("%d\n", n1 - n2);
        fflush (stdout);    
      } else {
        printf ("invalid operation: %s\n", token);
        fflush (stdout);

    free (token);

    if (feof (stdin)) {
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    return EXIT_FAILURE;

To use the code above as a module we will use a two-way pipe. Tcl uses the | character in the open command to create a pipe. We will open the pipe for w+ or read and write mode. The gets command is used because it understands to stop reading at the \n used in the module.

The read command could also be used if you defined a certain character as the stop reading character.

To read binary data a header could be read from the buffer, and within the header would be the number of bytes to read. Once you have the number of bytes to read you can use Tcl's read command and not worry about blocking. Be sure to fconfigure -translation binary beforehand if you are working with binary data.

Now for the Tcl code:


  set ::mathModule [open "|./a.out" w+]

  proc modMath {args} {
    puts "Sending $args"
    puts $::mathModule $args
    flush $::mathModule
    return [gets $::mathModule]

  proc main {} {
    puts [modMath + 200 300]
    puts [modMath - 5600 1243]
    puts "Done"


The Tcl C API is quite powerful. Tcl can be extended in this matter by using loadable compiled modules with the load command, or you can build your own wish-like shell.

Our first example will be a new interactive shell that performs simple addition. This will teach you how to create a Tcl interpreter, initialize Tcl, and create a simple command for addition.

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <tcl.h>

  int AddObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) {
    long n1;
    long n2;
    Tcl_Obj *res;

    /*The command name is objv[0] so 3 arguments are expected.*/
    if (3 != objc) {
      Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, "n1 n2");
      return TCL_ERROR;

    if (TCL_OK != Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, objv[1], &n1)) {
      /*The error result should be set by Tcl_GetLongFromObj.*/
      return TCL_ERROR;

    if (TCL_OK != Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, objv[2], &n2)) {
      return TCL_ERROR;

    res = Tcl_NewLongObj (n1 + n2);

    Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, res);

    return TCL_OK;

  int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Tcl_Interp *interp;

    /*This finds Tcl's library files and performs some initialization.*/
    Tcl_FindExecutable (argv[0]);

    interp = Tcl_CreateInterp ();

    if (TCL_OK != Tcl_Init (interp)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Tcl_Init error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);


    Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, "+", AddObjCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);

    while (1) {
      char cmd[1024];

      fgets (cmd, sizeof (cmd), stdin);

      if (TCL_OK != Tcl_Eval (interp, cmd)) {
        fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));

      printf ("result is: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;  

[explain how to build a load'able extension] [explain how to build an export list for a DLL] [explain how to link using MSVC++]

Tcl C API using C++

Using C++ with Tcl is similar to using it with C. There are a few tricks to using methods within a class. Within the class we create a wrapper which calls a static function within the class.

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>

  /*This is specifically for C++.*/
  extern "C" {
    #include <tcl.h>

  /*Thanks to Kevin Kenny for his help with this.*/

  class Math {
    static int AddObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) {
      return (reinterpret_cast<Math*>(clientData))->AddMethod (interp, objc, objv);
    int AddMethod (Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);

  int Math::AddMethod (Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) {
    long n1;
    long n2;
    Tcl_Obj *res;

    /*The command name is objv[0] so 3 arguments are expected.*/
    if (3 != objc) {
      Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, "n1 n2");
      return TCL_ERROR;

    if (TCL_OK != Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, objv[1], &n1)) {
      /*The error result should be set by Tcl_GetLongFromObj.*/
      return TCL_ERROR;

    if (TCL_OK != Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, objv[2], &n2)) {
      return TCL_ERROR;

    res = Tcl_NewLongObj (n1 + n2);

    Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, res);

    return TCL_OK;

  int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Tcl_Interp *interp;

    /*This finds Tcl's library files and performs some initialization.*/
    Tcl_FindExecutable (argv[0]);

    interp = Tcl_CreateInterp ();

    if (TCL_OK != Tcl_Init (interp)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Tcl_Init error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    Math *inst = new Math;

    Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, "+", inst->AddObjCmd, (ClientData) inst, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);

    while (1) {
      char cmd[1024];

      fgets (cmd, sizeof (cmd), stdin);

      if (TCL_OK != Tcl_Eval (interp, cmd)) {
        fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));

      printf ("result is: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;  

[perhaps someone more knowledgeable about C++ could improve this]

Tcl C API using Objective-C

To expose an Objective-C class to Tcl we can create a wrapper in much the same was as was done with C++ earlier. The following code consists of two files.

First the header file (Tcl_C_API_Obj-C.h):

  #ifndef MTCL_H
  #define MTCL_H
  typedef struct {
    id obj;
    SEL sel;
    Class myClass;
  } MTcl_ClientData;

  @interface MTcl_ObjCmd : Object {
    ClientData cdata;
    Tcl_Interp *interp;
    int objc;
    Tcl_Obj *CONST*objv;
    MTcl_ClientData *instanceData;

Now for the implementation (Tcl_C_API_Obj-C.m):

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <tcl.h>
  #include <objc/Object.h>
  #include "Tcl_C_API_Obj-C.h"

  @implementation MTcl_ObjCmd
  - (void) clientData: (ClientData) _cdata {
    cdata = _cdata;
  - (void) interp: (Tcl_Interp *) _interp {
    interp = _interp;
  - (void) argCount: (int) _argCount {
    objc = _argCount;
  - (void) args: (Tcl_Obj *CONST []) _theArgs {
    objv = _theArgs;
  - (void) instanceData: (MTcl_ClientData *) _idata {
    instanceData = _idata;

  @interface Math : MTcl_ObjCmd 
  - (int) AddCmd;

  @implementation Math 

  - (int) AddCmd {
    long n1;
    long n2;
    Tcl_Obj *res;

    /*The command name is objv[0] so 3 arguments are expected.*/
    if (3 != objc) {
      Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, "n1 n2");
      return TCL_ERROR;

    if (TCL_OK != Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, objv[1], &n1)) {
      /*The error result should be set by Tcl_GetLongFromObj.*/
      return TCL_ERROR;

    if (TCL_OK != Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, objv[2], &n2)) {
      return TCL_ERROR;

    res = Tcl_NewLongObj (n1 + n2);

    Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, res);

    return TCL_OK;

  int MTcl_InstanceCaller (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) {
    MTcl_ClientData *instanceData = (MTcl_ClientData *) clientData;

    [instanceData->obj clientData: clientData];
    [instanceData->obj interp: interp];
    [instanceData->obj argCount: objc];
    [instanceData->obj args: objv];
    [instanceData->obj instanceData: instanceData];
    return (int) [instanceData->obj perform: instanceData->sel];

  int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Tcl_Interp *interp;
    MTcl_ClientData cdata;  
    id obj;

    Tcl_FindExecutable (argv[0]);

    interp = Tcl_CreateInterp ();

    if (TCL_OK != Tcl_Init (interp)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Tcl_Init error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    obj = [Math new];

    cdata.obj = obj;
    cdata.sel = @selector(AddCmd);
    cdata.myClass = [Math class];

    Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, "+", MTcl_InstanceCaller, (ClientData) &cdata, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL); 

    while (1) {
      char cmd[1024];

      fgets (cmd, sizeof (cmd), stdin);

      if (TCL_OK != Tcl_Eval (interp, cmd)) {
        fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));

      printf ("result is: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;  

GPS: I don't currently know much about CriTcl, or SWIG, so if you would like to extend this please do so.