Version 10 of Extract Numbers From a String

Updated 2022-10-13 09:01:15 by WJG

See Also

Extracting numbers from text strings, removing unwanted characters , Michael Cleverly, comp.lang.tcl, 2002-06-23
An explanation with several examples.


The following regular expression matches an optional leading + or -, an optional integer part, an optional decimal point, more digits, and an optional trailing exponent.


The tricky part about this expression is that in the absence of a ., the part of the pattern that normally matches the mantissa matches the integer part instead.

A similar but longer expression takes a different approach to make the the integer portion optional, adding an extra branch (|). ( The original version was posted to comp.lang.tcl by Roland B. Roberts.):


When extracting numbers from text, in order to allow separators in significant digits while avoiding picking up those separators when they occur elsewhere, a more complex expression is required:

# uses extended syntax
set pattern {
    # any initial + or - characters
    # order of the branches matters
            # only significant digits 
            # only mantissa 
            # the significant digits 
            # the mantissa 
    # optional exponent

To add support for ratios, reuse the pattern:

set rpattern $pattern(?:\s*/\s*$pattern)?
set text "some, text.  +100 . more text. -200 h l 6.62607015e-34 1,000 xd 100,000,000.234, and 34. , 1.67262171E-27 .22"
regexp -inline -all $pattern $text; #-> +100 -200 6.62607015e-34 1,000 100,000,000.234 34 1.67262171E-27 .22

More information here .

WJG 2022-10-01 PYK 2022-10-09: A quick snippet on extracting a list of numbers from a string without using regular expressions:

proc extractNumbers str {
        set res ""
        foreach c [split $str ""] {
                if { [string is integer $c] } {
                        set a 1
                        append res $c
                } elseif { $c eq "," || $c eq "." } {
                        if {$a} { append res $c }
                } else {
                        set a 0
                        append res " "
        return [string trim $res]

WJG 2022-10-03 PYK 2022-10-09: Made some changes to the above procedure to allow for sub-string prefixes (+-) and infixes (.,/^). Seeing as a numeric sequence could end a clause which would append a either a comma or full-stop as sentence punctuation, these are removed from any result.

proc extractNumbers str {
        set buff ""
        set res ""
        set lc ""
        set pf "-+"                ;# number sequence prefixes 
        set if ".,/ ^"        ;# number sequence infixes
        # parse the string character by character
        foreach c [split $str ""] {
                # respond to integers
                if { [string is integer $c] } {
                        set a 1        ;# toggle START of integer sequence 
                        if {[string first $lc $pf] != -1 } { append buff $lc } 
                        append buff $c
                } elseif { [string first $c $if] != -1 } { 
                        if {$a} { append buff $c }
                } else {
                        set a 0 ;# toggle END of integer sequence
                        append buff " "
                # keep tally for potential prefixes
                set lc $c
        # remove sentence punction and reformat list
        foreach item $buff { lappend res [string trimright $item $pf$if] }
        return $res

in the following example, one deficiency is evident: An isolated comma or period is not properly handled:

extractNumbers $text; #-> +100 {} -200 6.62607015 -34 1,000 100,000,000.234 34 {} 1.67262171 -27 .22
extractNumbers "1/25 3.123^4 10^6"; #-> 1/25 3.123^4 10^6

WJG (13/10/22) Thanks for the comment. Not 'handling' isolated commas or periods is not a deficiency here. Both would indicate either a malformed sentence or number.