Version 6 of Fast image resizing

Updated 2004-03-29 15:36:48

David Easton 2004-04-29

Here is a procedure to resize a photo image to the requested dimensions.


 resize <src> <x> <y> <dest>


 <src>   is a source image
 <x>     is the requested horizontal size in pixels
 <y>     is the requested vertical size in pixels
 <dest>  is an optional destination image (if not provided, a new image is created)

It is based on the same principles as Expanding an image and Shrinking an image, but is up to 10x faster.

Linear interpolation is used for all horizontal resizing and for vertical expansion. However, I've cheated with shrinking an image vertically by using a combination of linear interpolation and row removal. This should really be corrected, but it meets my needs.

This is nice to have and certainly way faster than previous pages mentioned. I shrunk a 720x430 image by a factor of 2 in about 11 seconds on a 600Mhz machine. On observation: when it checks for a integral reduction request if finds changes to use "zoom" but not chances to use "subsample". And, BTW, I don't understand calling Expr explicitly in this case when if is going to do it anyway. Thanks - Roy Terry 29-March-2004

David Easton 2004-04-29 Roy, you are correct about Expr not being necessary in an if statement and so I've updated the code below to remove it (I forgot that if did that). I haven't used subsample because it purely removes pixels and therefore gives an inferior image compared to using linear interpolation as below.

 #  Name:         resize
 #  Decsription:  Copies a source image to a destination
 #                image and resizes it using linear interpolation
 #  Parameters:   newx   - Width of new image
 #                newy   - Height of new image
 #                src    - Source image
 #                dest   - Destination image (optional)
 #  Returns:      destination image
 proc resize {src newx newy {dest ""} } {

     set mx [image width $src]
     set my [image height $src]

     if { "$dest" == ""} {
         set dest [image create photo]
     $dest configure -width $newx -height $newy

     # Check if we can just zoom using -zoom option on copy
     if { $newx % $mx == 0 && $newy % $my == 0} {

         set ix [expr {$newx / $mx}]
         set iy [expr {$newy / $my}]
         $dest copy $src -zoom $ix $iy
         return $dest

     set ny 0
     set ytot $my

     for {set y 0} {$y < $my} {incr y} {

         # Do horizontal resize

         foreach {pr pg pb} [$src get 0 $y] {break}

         set row [list]
         set thisrow [list]

         set nx 0
         set xtot $mx

         for {set x 1} {$x < $mx} {incr x} {

             # Add whole pixels as necessary
             while { $xtot <= $newx } {
                 lappend row [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $pr $pg $pb]
                 lappend thisrow $pr $pg $pb
                 incr xtot $mx
                 incr nx

             # Now add mixed pixels

             foreach {r g b} [$src get $x $y] {break}

             # Calculate ratios to use

             set xtot [expr {$xtot - $newx}]
             set rn $xtot
             set rp [expr {$mx - $xtot}]

             # This section covers shrinking an image where
             # more than 1 source pixel may be required to
             # define the destination pixel

             set xr 0
             set xg 0
             set xb 0

             while { $xtot > $newx } {
                 incr xr $r
                 incr xg $g
                 incr xb $b

                 set xtot [expr {$xtot - $newx}]
                 incr x
                 foreach {r g b} [$src get $x $y] {break}

             # Work out the new pixel colours

             set tr [expr {int( ($rn*$r + $xr + $rp*$pr) / $mx)}]
             set tg [expr {int( ($rn*$g + $xg + $rp*$pg) / $mx)}]
             set tb [expr {int( ($rn*$b + $xb + $rp*$pb) / $mx)}]

             if {$tr > 255} {set tr 255}
             if {$tg > 255} {set tg 255}
             if {$tb > 255} {set tb 255}

             # Output the pixel

             lappend row [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $tr $tg $tb]
             lappend thisrow $tr $tg $tb
             incr xtot $mx
             incr nx

             set pr $r
             set pg $g
             set pb $b

         # Finish off pixels on this row
         while { $nx < $newx } {
             lappend row [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $r $g $b]
             lappend thisrow $r $g $b
             incr nx

         # Do vertical resize

         if {[info exists prevrow]} {

             set nrow [list]

             # Add whole lines as necessary
             while { $ytot <= $newy } {

                 $dest put -to 0 $ny [list $prow]

                 incr ytot $my
                 incr ny

             # Now add mixed line
             # Calculate ratios to use

             set ytot [expr {$ytot - $newy}]
             set rn $ytot
             set rp [expr {$my - $rn}]

             # This section covers shrinking an image
             # where a single pixel is made from more than
             # 2 others.  Actually we cheat and just remove 
             # a line of pixels which is not as good as it should be

             while { $ytot > $newy } {

                 set ytot [expr {$ytot - $newy}]
                 incr y

             # Calculate new row

             foreach {pr pg pb} $prevrow {r g b} $thisrow {

                 set tr [expr {int( ($rn*$r + $rp*$pr) / $my)}]
                 set tg [expr {int( ($rn*$g + $rp*$pg) / $my)}]
                 set tb [expr {int( ($rn*$b + $rp*$pb) / $my)}]

                 lappend nrow [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $tr $tg $tb]

             $dest put -to 0 $ny [list $nrow]

             incr ytot $my
             incr ny

         set prevrow $thisrow
         set prow $row

         update idletasks

     # Finish off last rows
     while { $ny < $newy } {
         $dest put -to 0 $ny [list $row]
         incr ny
     update idletasks

     return $dest


 # Create and pack a canvas
 pack [canvas .c] -expand true -fill both

 # Create source and destination image
 set src  [image create photo -file image.gif]
 set dest [image create photo]
 $dest blank

 set h [image height $src]
 incr h 5

 .c create image 0 0  -anchor nw -image $src
 .c create image 0 $h -anchor nw -image $dest

 # Copy src image to destination image and resize to 400 300
 resize $src 400 300 $dest

See also

Category Graphics

Category Image Processing

Category Example