Version 0 of GetOpt-ish

Updated 2008-04-21 15:28:48 by FF

FF 2008-04-21 - Here's my GetOpt-like library

it works as follows:

 getopt::init {
        {verbose v ::verbose}
        {input i {::input ::input_file}}
        {output o {::output ::output_file}}
 set argv2 [getopt::getopt $argv]

you can call yourScript.tcl -vio input.txt output.txt, which is equivalent to yourScript.tcl --verbose --input input.txt --output output.txt. the ::verbose variable will be set to 1 in case the --verbose switch is present. the other variables specified in getopt::init will hold the value of required arguments.

 namespace eval getopt {
        # list of option vars (keys are long option names)
        variable optlist

        # map short option names to long option names
        variable stl_map

 proc getopt::init {optdata} {
        variable optlist
        variable stl_map
        array set optlist {}
        array set stl_map {}
        foreach item $optdata {
                foreach {longname shortname varlist} $item {
                        set optlist($longname) $varlist
                        set stl_map($shortname) $longname

 proc getopt::expandOptNames {argv} {
        variable optlist
        variable stl_map
        set argv2 {}
        set argc [llength $argv]
        for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {} {
                set argv_i [lindex $argv $i]
                incr i

                if [isShortOpt $argv_i] {
                        set argv_i_opts [split [regsub {^-} $argv_i {}] {}]
                        foreach shortOpt $argv_i_opts {
                                if [info exists stl_map($shortOpt)] {
                                        set longOpt $stl_map($shortOpt)
                                        lappend argv2 --$longOpt
                                        set n_required_opt_args [expr {-1+[llength $optlist($longOpt)]}]
                                        while {$n_required_opt_args > 0} {
                                                incr n_required_opt_args -1
                                                if {$i >= $argc} {
                                                        puts "error: not enough arguments for option -$shortOpt"
                                                        exit 3
                                                lappend argv2 [lindex $argv $i]
                                                incr i
                                } else {
                                        puts "error: unknown option: -$shortOpt"
                                        exit 2

                lappend argv2 $argv_i
        return $argv2

 proc getopt::isShortOpt {o} {
        return [regexp {^-[a-zA-Z0-9]+} $o]

 proc getopt::isLongOpt {o} {
        return [regexp {^--[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*} $o]

 proc getopt::getopt {argv} {
        variable optlist
        set argv [expandOptNames $argv]
        set argc [llength $argv]

        set residualArgs {}

        for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {} {
                set argv_i [lindex $argv $i]
                incr i

                if [isLongOpt $argv_i] {
                        set optName [regsub {^--} $argv_i {}]
                        if [info exists optlist($optName)] {
                                set varlist $optlist($optName)
                                uplevel [list set [lindex $optlist($optName) 0] 1]
                                set n_required_opt_args [expr {-1+[llength $varlist]}]
                                set j 1
                                while {$n_required_opt_args > 0} {
                                        incr n_required_opt_args -1
                                        if {$i >= $argc} {
                                                puts "error: not enough arguments for option --$optName"
                                                exit 5
                                        uplevel [list set [lindex $varlist $j] [lindex $argv $i]]
                                        incr j
                                        incr i
                        } else {
                                puts "error: unknown option: --$optName"
                                exit 4

                lappend residualArgs $argv_i
        return $residualArgs

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