Version 17 of Getting Started

Updated 2004-05-25 15:29:03 by lwv

Obtaining Tcl/Tk

Look at places to find Tcl binaries and sources or the ones listed here for your convenience:

Binary distributions for common platforms

  • links to ActiveTcl [L1 ]
  • links to Tclkit [L2 ] and dqkit [L3 ]
  • links to Daniel Steffen's MacOS X Tcl releases [ TclTkAquaBI ]

Source code

  • distributions on sourceforge Tcl [L4 ] Tk [L5 ]
  • CVS on sourceforge cvs

Extras you should have

  • links to debugging and editing tools
  • links to tcllib tcllib
  • links explaining the extensions concept

Learning Tcl/Tk

Once you've got Tcl/Tk on your computer there are a number of pages that will help you learn about Tcl and Tk

Getting deeper

There are also a number of books available

Also available is the Tcl Tutor program and various Online Tcl and Tk Tutorials.

Web resources worth visiting include

Advanced resources