Version 16 of HP-15 Simulation

Updated 2012-04-16 18:37:49 by Torsten

An HP-15C Simulator for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X


Version 3.1.00, build 5215, of the HP-15C Simulator has been released. It has native support for MS Windows (XP, Vista and 7), Linux (x86) and Mac OS X (Intel/x86). The Tcl/Tk source code should run on all unixoid operating systems supported by Tcl/Tk 8.5.x or newer.

It can be downloaded from the simulator home page .



Version 3.0.00, build 5207, of the HP-15C Simulator has been released. It has native support for MS Windows (XP, Vista and 7), Linux (x86) and Mac OS X (Intel/x86). The Tcl/Tk source code should run on all unixoid operating systems supported by Tcl/Tk 8.5.x or newer.



Version 2.0.03, build 5119, of the HP-15C simulator has been released. It supports MS Windows (2000, XP, Vista and 7), Linux (x86) and Mac OS X (Intel/x86).

It can be downloaded from the simulator home page .



Version 2.0.02, Build 5106, of the HP-15C simulator has been released. It supports MS Windows (2000, XP, Vista and 7), Linux (x86) and Mac OS X (Intel/x86).

It can be downloaded from the simulator home page .



Version 2.0.00 of the HP-15C simulator has been released. It can be downloaded from the simulator home page .

This version supports Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7, Linux x86 and - for the first time - Mac OS X (x86).

Mobile operating systems like PocketPC, Windows Mobile or Android are not supported.


11.01.2010: A new bug fix release (Version 1.2.13) is available from the simulator home page: [L1 ]

I'm currently working on a new major release which should be ready in a few weeks. This release will also run on Mac OS X!


03.03.2009: A new bug fix release (Version 1.2.11) is available from the simulator home page: [L2 ]


Torsten Manz has written an HP-15C simulation entirely in Tcl/Tk.

The latest version (1.2.10) of the simulator is available from the simulator home page [L3 ].

Since version 1.2.08 the simulator supports Windows Vista.

The version available from "The Museum of HP Calculators" is still outdated.


08-05-2010: GS - Does it works under PocketPC/Windows Mobile ?