Version 4 of HTML character entity references

Updated 2010-06-01 20:08:52 by aricb

aricb HTML character entity references are defined as part of the HTML specification:

The following code defines two commands, htmlentities::insertentities and htmlentities::removeentities. The first command replaces Unicode characters with HTML character entity references; the second command replaces HTML character entity references with the literal Unicode characters they represent. There's nothing fancy about the code, but hopefully it's useful to somebody.

  namespace eval htmlentities {
      variable map [list \
          \u00a0 &nbsp\;    \
          \u00a1 &iexcl\;   \
          \u00a2 &cent\;    \
          \u00a3 &pound\;   \
          \u00a4 &curren\;  \
          \u00a5 &yen\;     \
          \u00a6 &brvbar\;  \
          \u00a7 &sect\;    \
          \u00a8 &uml\;     \
          \u00a9 &copy\;    \
          \u00aa &ordf\;    \
          \u00ab &laquo\;   \
          \u00ac &not\;     \
          \u00ad &shy\;     \
          \u00ae &reg\;     \
          \u00af &macr\;    \
          \u00b0 &deg\;     \
          \u00b1 &plusmn\;  \
          \u00b2 &sup2\;    \
          \u00b3 &sup3\;    \
          \u00b4 &acute\;   \
          \u00b5 &micro\;   \
          \u00b6 &para\;    \
          \u00b7 &middot\;  \
          \u00b8 &cedil\;   \
          \u00b9 &sup1\;    \
          \u00ba &ordm\;    \
          \u00bb &raquo\;   \
          \u00bc &frac14\;  \
          \u00bd &frac12\;  \
          \u00be &frac34\;  \
          \u00bf &iquest\;  \
          \u00c0 &Agrave\;  \
          \u00c1 &Aacute\;  \
          \u00c2 &Acirc\;   \
          \u00c3 &Atilde\;  \
          \u00c4 &Auml\;    \
          \u00c5 &Aring\;   \
          \u00c6 &AElig\;   \
          \u00c7 &Ccedil\;  \
          \u00c8 &Egrave\;  \
          \u00c9 &Eacute\;  \
          \u00ca &Ecirc\;   \
          \u00cb &Euml\;    \
          \u00cc &Igrave\;  \
          \u00cd &Iacute\;  \
          \u00ce &Icirc\;   \
          \u00cf &Iuml\;    \
          \u00d0 &ETH\;     \
          \u00d1 &Ntilde\;  \
          \u00d2 &Ograve\;  \
          \u00d3 &Oacute\;  \
          \u00d4 &Ocirc\;   \
          \u00d5 &Otilde\;  \
          \u00d6 &Ouml\;    \
          \u00d7 &times\;   \
          \u00d8 &Oslash\;  \
          \u00d9 &Ugrave\;  \
          \u00da &Uacute\;  \
          \u00db &Ucirc\;   \
          \u00dc &Uuml\;    \
          \u00dd &Yacute\;  \
          \u00de &THORN\;   \
          \u00df &szlig\;   \
          \u00e0 &agrave\;  \
          \u00e1 &aacute\;  \
          \u00e2 &acirc\;   \
          \u00e3 &atilde\;  \
          \u00e4 &auml\;    \
          \u00e5 &aring\;   \
          \u00e6 &aelig\;   \
          \u00e7 &ccedil\;  \
          \u00e8 &egrave\;  \
          \u00e9 &eacute\;  \
          \u00ea &ecirc\;   \
          \u00eb &euml\;    \
          \u00ec &igrave\;  \
          \u00ed &iacute\;  \
          \u00ee &icirc\;   \
          \u00ef &iuml\;    \
          \u00f0 &eth\;     \
          \u00f1 &ntilde\;  \
          \u00f2 &ograve\;  \
          \u00f3 &oacute\;  \
          \u00f4 &ocirc\;   \
          \u00f5 &otilde\;  \
          \u00f6 &ouml\;    \
          \u00f7 &divide\;  \
          \u00f8 &oslash\;  \
          \u00f9 &ugrave\;  \
          \u00fa &uacute\;  \
          \u00fb &ucirc\;   \
          \u00fc &uuml\;    \
          \u00fd &yacute\;  \
          \u00fe &thorn\;   \
          \u00ff &yuml\;    \
          \u0192 &fnof\;    \
          \u0391 &Alpha\;   \
          \u0392 &Beta\;    \
          \u0393 &Gamma\;   \
          \u0394 &Delta\;   \
          \u0395 &Epsilon\; \
          \u0396 &Zeta\;    \
          \u0397 &Eta\;     \
          \u0398 &Theta\;   \
          \u0399 &Iota\;    \
          \u039a &Kappa\;   \
          \u039b &Lambda\;  \
          \u039c &Mu\;      \
          \u039d &Nu\;      \
          \u039e &Xi\;      \
          \u039f &Omicron\; \
          \u03a0 &Pi\;      \
          \u03a1 &Rho\;     \
          \u03a3 &Sigma\;   \
          \u03a4 &Tau\;     \
          \u03a5 &Upsilon\; \
          \u03a6 &Phi\;     \
          \u03a7 &Chi\;     \
          \u03a8 &Psi\;     \
          \u03a9 &Omega\;   \
          \u03b1 &alpha\;   \
          \u03b2 &beta\;    \
          \u03b3 &gamma\;   \
          \u03b4 &delta\;   \
          \u03b5 &epsilon\; \
          \u03b6 &zeta\;    \
          \u03b7 &eta\;     \
          \u03b8 &theta\;   \
          \u03b9 &iota\;    \
          \u03ba &kappa\;   \
          \u03bb &lambda\;  \
          \u03bc &mu\;      \
          \u03bd &nu\;      \
          \u03be &xi\;      \
          \u03bf &omicron\; \
          \u03c0 &pi\;      \
          \u03c1 &rho\;     \
          \u03c2 &sigmaf\;  \
          \u03c3 &sigma\;   \
          \u03c4 &tau\;     \
          \u03c5 &upsilon\; \
          \u03c6 &phi\;     \
          \u03c7 &chi\;     \
          \u03c8 &psi\;     \
          \u03c9 &omega\;   \
          \u03d1 &thetasym\; \
          \u03d2 &upsih\;   \
          \u03d6 &piv\;     \
          \u2022 &bull\;    \
          \u2026 &hellip\;  \
          \u2032 &prime\;   \
          \u2033 &Prime\;   \
          \u203e &oline\;   \
          \u2044 &frasl\;   \
          \u2118 &weierp\;  \
          \u2111 &image\;   \
          \u211c &real\;    \
          \u2122 &trade\;   \
          \u2135 &alefsym\; \
          \u2190 &larr\;    \
          \u2191 &uarr\;    \
          \u2192 &rarr\;    \
          \u2193 &darr\;    \
          \u2194 &harr\;    \
          \u21b5 &crarr\;   \
          \u21d0 &lArr\;    \
          \u21d1 &uArr\;    \
          \u21d2 &rArr\;    \
          \u21d3 &dArr\;    \
          \u21d4 &hArr\;    \
          \u2200 &forall\;  \
          \u2202 &part\;    \
          \u2203 &exist\;   \
          \u2205 &empty\;   \
          \u2207 &nabla\;   \
          \u2208 &isin\;    \
          \u2209 &notin\;   \
          \u220b &ni\;      \
          \u220f &prod\;    \
          \u2211 &sum\;     \
          \u2212 &minus\;   \
          \u2217 &lowast\;  \
          \u221a &radic\;   \
          \u221d &prop\;    \
          \u221e &infin\;   \
          \u2220 &ang\;     \
          \u2227 &and\;     \
          \u2228 &or\;      \
          \u2229 &cap\;     \
          \u222a &cup\;     \
          \u222b &int\;     \
          \u2234 &there4\;  \
          \u223c &sim\;     \
          \u2245 &cong\;    \
          \u2248 &asymp\;   \
          \u2260 &ne\;      \
          \u2261 &equiv\;   \
          \u2264 &le\;      \
          \u2265 &ge\;      \
          \u2282 &sub\;     \
          \u2283 &sup\;     \
          \u2284 &nsub\;    \
          \u2286 &sube\;    \
          \u2287 &supe\;    \
          \u2295 &oplus\;   \
          \u2297 &otimes\;  \
          \u22a5 &perp\;    \
          \u22c5 &sdot\;    \
          \u2308 &lceil\;   \
          \u2309 &rceil\;   \
          \u230a &lfloor\;  \
          \u230b &rfloor\;  \
          \u2329 &lang\;    \
          \u232a &rang\;    \
          \u25ca &loz\;     \
          \u2660 &spades\;  \
          \u2663 &clubs\;   \
          \u2665 &hearts\;  \
          \u2666 &diams\;   \
          \u0022 &quot\;    \
          \u0026 &amp\;     \
          \u003c &lt\;      \
          \u003e &gt\;      \
          \u0152 &OElig\;   \
          \u0153 &oelig\;   \
          \u0160 &Scaron\;  \
          \u0161 &scaron\;  \
          \u0178 &Yuml\;    \
          \u02c6 &circ\;    \
          \u02dc &tilde\;   \
          \u2002 &ensp\;    \
          \u2003 &emsp\;    \
          \u2009 &thinsp\;  \
          \u200c &zwnj\;    \
          \u200d &zwj\;     \
          \u200e &lrm\;     \
          \u200f &rlm\;     \
          \u2013 &ndash\;   \
          \u2014 &mdash\;   \
          \u2018 &lsquo\;   \
          \u2019 &rsquo\;   \
          \u201a &sbquo\;   \
          \u201c &ldquo\;   \
          \u201d &rdquo\;   \
          \u201e &bdquo\;   \
          \u2020 &dagger\;  \
          \u2021 &Dagger\;  \
          \u2030 &permil\;  \
          \u2039 &lsaquo\;  \
          \u203a &rsaquo\;  \
          \u20ac &euro\;    ]

      set reversemap [lreverse $map]

      proc insertentities {string} {
          variable map
          return [string map $map $string]

      proc removeentities {string} {
          variable reversemap
          return [string map $reversemap $string]

AMG: Here's the same code, written in a somewhat more compressed manner. I took the liberty of using namespace ensembles and renaming the commands.

namespace eval htmlentities {
    namespace ensemble create -subcommands {encode decode}
    set encode [list {*}{
        \u00a0 &nbsp\; \u00a1 &iexcl\; \u00a2 &cent\; \u00a3 &pound\; \u00a4
        &curren\; \u00a5 &yen\; \u00a6 &brvbar\; \u00a7 &sect\; \u00a8 &uml\;
        \u00a9 &copy\; \u00aa &ordf\; \u00ab &laquo\; \u00ac &not\; \u00ad
        &shy\; \u00ae &reg\; \u00af &macr\; \u00b0 &deg\; \u00b1 &plusmn\;
        \u00b2 &sup2\; \u00b3 &sup3\; \u00b4 &acute\; \u00b5 &micro\; \u00b6
        &para\; \u00b7 &middot\; \u00b8 &cedil\; \u00b9 &sup1\; \u00ba &ordm\;
        \u00bb &raquo\; \u00bc &frac14\; \u00bd &frac12\; \u00be &frac34\;
        \u00bf &iquest\; \u00c0 &Agrave\; \u00c1 &Aacute\; \u00c2 &Acirc\;
        \u00c3 &Atilde\; \u00c4 &Auml\; \u00c5 &Aring\; \u00c6 &AElig\; \u00c7
        &Ccedil\; \u00c8 &Egrave\; \u00c9 &Eacute\; \u00ca &Ecirc\; \u00cb
        &Euml\; \u00cc &Igrave\; \u00cd &Iacute\; \u00ce &Icirc\; \u00cf
        &Iuml\; \u00d0 &ETH\; \u00d1 &Ntilde\; \u00d2 &Ograve\; \u00d3
        &Oacute\; \u00d4 &Ocirc\; \u00d5 &Otilde\; \u00d6 &Ouml\; \u00d7
        &times\; \u00d8 &Oslash\; \u00d9 &Ugrave\; \u00da &Uacute\; \u00db
        &Ucirc\; \u00dc &Uuml\; \u00dd &Yacute\; \u00de &THORN\; \u00df
        &szlig\; \u00e0 &agrave\; \u00e1 &aacute\; \u00e2 &acirc\; \u00e3
        &atilde\; \u00e4 &auml\; \u00e5 &aring\; \u00e6 &aelig\; \u00e7
        &ccedil\; \u00e8 &egrave\; \u00e9 &eacute\; \u00ea &ecirc\; \u00eb
        &euml\; \u00ec &igrave\; \u00ed &iacute\; \u00ee &icirc\; \u00ef
        &iuml\; \u00f0 &eth\; \u00f1 &ntilde\; \u00f2 &ograve\; \u00f3
        &oacute\; \u00f4 &ocirc\; \u00f5 &otilde\; \u00f6 &ouml\; \u00f7
        &divide\; \u00f8 &oslash\; \u00f9 &ugrave\; \u00fa &uacute\; \u00fb
        &ucirc\; \u00fc &uuml\; \u00fd &yacute\; \u00fe &thorn\; \u00ff &yuml\;
        \u0192 &fnof\; \u0391 &Alpha\; \u0392 &Beta\; \u0393 &Gamma\; \u0394
        &Delta\; \u0395 &Epsilon\; \u0396 &Zeta\; \u0397 &Eta\; \u0398 &Theta\;
        \u0399 &Iota\; \u039a &Kappa\; \u039b &Lambda\; \u039c &Mu\; \u039d
        &Nu\; \u039e &Xi\; \u039f &Omicron\; \u03a0 &Pi\; \u03a1 &Rho\; \u03a3
        &Sigma\; \u03a4 &Tau\; \u03a5 &Upsilon\; \u03a6 &Phi\; \u03a7 &Chi\;
        \u03a8 &Psi\; \u03a9 &Omega\; \u03b1 &alpha\; \u03b2 &beta\; \u03b3
        &gamma\; \u03b4 &delta\; \u03b5 &epsilon\; \u03b6 &zeta\; \u03b7 &eta\;
        \u03b8 &theta\; \u03b9 &iota\; \u03ba &kappa\; \u03bb &lambda\; \u03bc
        &mu\; \u03bd &nu\; \u03be &xi\; \u03bf &omicron\; \u03c0 &pi\; \u03c1
        &rho\; \u03c2 &sigmaf\; \u03c3 &sigma\; \u03c4 &tau\; \u03c5 &upsilon\;
        \u03c6 &phi\; \u03c7 &chi\; \u03c8 &psi\; \u03c9 &omega\; \u03d1
        &thetasym\; \u03d2 &upsih\; \u03d6 &piv\; \u2022 &bull\; \u2026
        &hellip\; \u2032 &prime\; \u2033 &Prime\; \u203e &oline\; \u2044
        &frasl\; \u2118 &weierp\; \u2111 &image\; \u211c &real\; \u2122
        &trade\; \u2135 &alefsym\; \u2190 &larr\; \u2191 &uarr\; \u2192 &rarr\;
        \u2193 &darr\; \u2194 &harr\; \u21b5 &crarr\; \u21d0 &lArr\; \u21d1
        &uArr\; \u21d2 &rArr\; \u21d3 &dArr\; \u21d4 &hArr\; \u2200 &forall\;
        \u2202 &part\; \u2203 &exist\; \u2205 &empty\; \u2207 &nabla\; \u2208
        &isin\; \u2209 &notin\; \u220b &ni\; \u220f &prod\; \u2211 &sum\;
        \u2212 &minus\; \u2217 &lowast\; \u221a &radic\; \u221d &prop\; \u221e
        &infin\; \u2220 &ang\; \u2227 &and\; \u2228 &or\; \u2229 &cap\; \u222a
        &cup\; \u222b &int\; \u2234 &there4\; \u223c &sim\; \u2245 &cong\;
        \u2248 &asymp\; \u2260 &ne\; \u2261 &equiv\; \u2264 &le\; \u2265 &ge\;
        \u2282 &sub\; \u2283 &sup\; \u2284 &nsub\; \u2286 &sube\; \u2287
        &supe\; \u2295 &oplus\; \u2297 &otimes\; \u22a5 &perp\; \u22c5 &sdot\;
        \u2308 &lceil\; \u2309 &rceil\; \u230a &lfloor\; \u230b &rfloor\;
        \u2329 &lang\; \u232a &rang\; \u25ca &loz\; \u2660 &spades\; \u2663
        &clubs\; \u2665 &hearts\; \u2666 &diams\; \u0022 &quot\; \u0026 &amp\;
        \u003c &lt\; \u003e &gt\; \u0152 &OElig\; \u0153 &oelig\; \u0160
        &Scaron\; \u0161 &scaron\; \u0178 &Yuml\; \u02c6 &circ\; \u02dc
        &tilde\; \u2002 &ensp\; \u2003 &emsp\; \u2009 &thinsp\; \u200c &zwnj\;
        \u200d &zwj\; \u200e &lrm\; \u200f &rlm\; \u2013 &ndash\; \u2014
        &mdash\; \u2018 &lsquo\; \u2019 &rsquo\; \u201a &sbquo\; \u201c
        &ldquo\; \u201d &rdquo\; \u201e &bdquo\; \u2020 &dagger\; \u2021
        &Dagger\; \u2030 &permil\; \u2039 &lsaquo\; \u203a &rsaquo\; \u20ac
    set decode [lreverse $encode]
    proc encode {string} {
        variable encode
        string map $encode $string
    proc decode {string} {
        variable decode
        string map $decode $string

By the way, that's a very interesting use for [lreverse]!

If you look in the page history, you'll find my failed attempts to upload a UTF-8 version which avoids using \uXXXX escapes. But neither Firefox 3.6.3 nor IE8 could hack it, and I got mojibake [L1 ]. I'm not sure where the problem lies. I triple-checked that I had UTF-8 encoding set in my browser, both when viewing and when editing. Funny: even though that didn't work, I'm able to paste this text in without problems: 文字化け.

aricb: Regarding [lreverse], it's probably an unorthodox usage, but it works in this code due to some special properties of the mapping between Unicode characters onto character entity references:

  • the mapping is a one-to-one binary relation;
  • no member of the domain is a substring of any other member of the domain; and
  • no member of the codomain is a substring of any other member of the codomain.

The practical consequence of these properties is that, as long as paired list elements are adjacent to each other, the order of the pairs is unimportant as far as [string map] is concerned. [lreverse] reorders everything, but it preserves the adjacency of paired elements, and it sticks all of the members of the original domain in odd-indexed slots, and all the members of the original codomain in even-indexed slots, which happens to be just what is needed for the reverse mapping.