Version 20 of HTML widgets

Updated 2008-08-31 15:07:53 by kevinwalzer

Purpose: discuss options a Tk programmer has for rendering HTML.

tkhtml is the widget most frequently referrenced.

JMN With the sheer complexity involved in HTML rendering nowdays - surely it would make sense to embed a leading browser engine rather than trying to play catchup on features all the time with a custom renderer. Is anyone currently looking at Tcl bindings to the Gecko engine behind firefox? see What happened to the TkGecko project? The document referenced, mentioned an aim of making the extension generally usable and stable by the end of 1999.

Iwidgets has a scrolledhtml widget.

 What: Alphatk
 Description: Contains a text-only HTML widget which can be used for
 lynx-like web browsing (all implemented in Tcl).
 Updated: Nov 2001.

 What: chtml
 Description: An HTML widget that parses and renders basic HTML
 Updated: 09/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: ClassyTcl/Tk
 Description: Dynamically loadable object system (both tcl and C based are
        available), widget set and GUI builder.
        ClassyTk is a widget set which includes BarChart, ChartGrid,
        LineChart, Balloon (help),
        CmdWidget (command line widget), DefaultMenu (select from
        user defined defaults), DragDrop, DynaMenu, DynaTool (toolbar),
        FileSelect, InputDialog, ProgressDialog, SaveDialog, SelectDialog,
        getcolor, getfont, yorn, Browser, Editor, Fold (foldable frame),
        HTML, MultiFrame, NoteBook, OptionBox, OptionMenu, Paned, Progress,
        Table, Tree, ColorEntry, FontSelect, Selector, as well as improved
        versions of Canvas (supports zooming, undo/redo, rotate, save, load,
        group, and printing), Entry, FileEntry, ListBox, Message, NumEntry,
        RepeatButton, ScrolledFrame, Text, and more.
        The ClassyTcl Builder can be used to graphically create interfaces,
        and is invoked via the cbuild command.
        Comes with sample applications such as cedit,
        ccalc (calculator),
        ccenter (early stage program manager),
        cdraw (vector drawing),
        cedit (text editor),
        cfiles (early stage file manager),
        ctester (test ClassyTcl widgets).
        Requires Tcl/Tk 8.x and ExtraL if ClassyTcl widgets are used.
        Currently at version 1.0.
 Updated: 08/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Peter.DeRijk)

 What: HTML display
 Description: htmllib is a simple HTML parsing and display library.  Supports
        all HTML/2.0 features, including forms.  The msen site
        provides a pointer to an updated version of the file created by
        Clif Flynt and used in his book and tutorial.  Also available
        at msen is a Tcl file that adds TABLE support to htmllib.
 Updated: 04/1999
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Stephen Uhler)
        mailto:[email protected] (Clif Flynt)

 What: Hush
 Description: C++ API for Tcl/Tk .  Provides C++ classes for convenient yet
        flexible access to the Tcl/Tk toolkit.  Offers widget and
        graphics classes, including an HTML widget.  Requires
        Tcl 7.[34], Tk 3.6, and TkPixmap extension.
 Updated: 10/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (A. Eliens)

 What: SNTL
 Description: A general Tcl library of procedures.  Contains code to
        produce man pages from Tcl source, conversions from Tcl to C,
        HTML rendering, generating HTML, handling CGI forms, command line
        argument processing, a debugging message system, an object system,
        and various Tk widgets built with the object system.
        Currently at 0.4.11 .
 Updated: 09/2002
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Sam Shen)
        mailto:[email protected] (Sam Shen) once held an HTML editor unrelated to the better-known tkhtml of D. Richard Hipp.

PTUI [L1 ] is a Tkinter-based IDE for Python, not Tcl. It includes an HTML viewer based on text.

Category Internet | Category Package | Category GUI