Version 1 of Hard Archiving Strategy using Tcl as master control

Updated 2011-07-27 07:02:44 by waitman

(in progress)

Step 1. Scan local path and select files for archival. Create cover sheet.


set master "\n
Hard Archive \"pwd\"
Path Time: [file mtime [pwd]
Time this script was executed: clock seconds
[clock format [clock seconds]
Epoch time (clock format 0)

\"Filename\" [ModifyTime\] [FileSize\] \"File Type\"
Please refer to documentation for information regarding
file types, times and sizes


set files glob *

foreach x $files {
        if { file type $x == "file" } {
                append master "\"$x\" [file mtime $x\] [file size $x\] \"exec file -b $x\"\n"

                exec ./a.exe -e $x out.txt


puts $master

Note: a.exe is my hacked version of b64 (C) Copr Bob Trower 1986-01. (I added line numbering and CRC24 checksum to each line) source code here:

Step 2. Generate Quick Response Code images for out.txt


exec rm -Rf work
exec mkdir work     
set fp open "out.txt" r
fconfigure $fp -buffering line
set mc 10
set lc 1
set process ""

gets $fp data
while {$data != ""} {
        append process "$data\\n"
        set lc incr lc
        if { $lc>5 } {

                exec ./qrencode-3.1.1/qrencode.exe -o work/$mc.png -s 3 -8 "$process"
                set mc incr mc 10

                 set process ""
                set lc 1
          gets $fp data
     close $fp
exec ./qrencode-3.1.1/qrencode.exe -o work/$mc.png -s 3 -8 "$process"

Note: qrencode is

Step 3: put png together in pdf

working... need to merge step 1&2 7z data is possible, it is well documented compression but adds another level of complexity.