Version 2 of HiLo

Updated 2005-06-19 10:21:10

HiLo is a simple number-guessing game: for each guess, you get the answer "too high" or "too low", until you guess right.

With this game, you can explain how binary seaching works.

 # HiLo.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2005-06-19 
 # Simple Guess-the-number - game
 # !! Run this in tclsh84 - wish has a bug with gets !!
 # See also: - [gets workaround]

  proc input {prompt} {
    puts -nonewline $prompt
    set n [gets stdin]   ;# implicit return

 # Test: "Automatic" input
  proc inputA {prompt} {
    puts -nonewline $prompt
    incr ::x             ;# Global variable x

 # Return a number in the range 0 .. $range-1
  proc random { {range 100} } {
    return [expr {int(rand()*$range)}]


  proc HiLo { {Max 100} } {
   #set Secret 11
    set Secret [expr {[random $Max] +1 }]

    puts "Guess my number (1 .. $Max)"
    set Try  0
    while 1 {
      incr Try
      set Num [ input "Your guess #$Try: " ]
      if {$Num <  $Secret} { puts "$Num is too low"  }
      if {$Num >  $Secret} { puts "$Num is too high" }
      if {$Num == $Secret} { puts "$Num is correct - You needed $Try guesses."; break }
      if {$Try >= 12}      { puts "You won't guess it..."; break }
    puts "Bye!"


  set x 0               ;# starting value for inputA
  catch {console show}  ;# when running in wish: open console-window

 #HiLo 1024
  HiLo                  ;# default: 100

HJG It looks like the biggest problem with this program is the simple gets for reading from the user. Even the FAQ at and the tutorial at don't have useful information about this...

Is there a simpler way for "input" than gets workaround, e.g. without a gui ?

Category Games