This is a relatively common request. Someone wants, for one reason or another, to determine how much diskspace is currently in use.

While on Unix one could say "exec /bin/du" , that doesn't do well for a cross platform solution.

Here's an attempt to provide some Tcl code to do this. However, I'm uncertain whether the calculation is correct. Perhaps some of my fellow Tcl'ers can look in here and determine whether my algorithm is correct.

 #! /usr/tcl84/bin/tclsh8.4
 # Name: du.tcl
 # Purpose: 
 # Given a directory, calcuate the number of bytes of plain files within
 # the directory
 # Author: [email protected]
 # Date: Sept. 26, 2002
 # Version: 1.0

 package require log 

 log::lvChannel debug stderr

 proc dirsize {directory} {
        if { [file exists $directory ] == 0 } {
                return 0
        if { [file readable $directory ] == 0 } {
                return 0
        set size 0
        set noaccess {}
        foreach element [glob -nocomplain -directory $directory -types f *] {
                set path [file join $directory $element]
                if { [file readable $path] } {
                        array unset stats
                        file stat $path stats
                        incr size $stats(size)
                } else {
                        lappend noaccess $path
        if { [llength $noaccess] != 0 } {
                log::log debug $noaccess
        return $size

 proc dir_totalsize {directory} {
        if { [file exists $directory ] == 0 } {
                return 0
        if { [file readable $directory ] == 0 } {
                return 0

        set size 0
        set noaccess {}
        foreach element [glob -nocomplain -directory $directory -types d *] {
                set path [file join $directory $element]
                if { [file readable $path] } {
                        incr size [dirsize $element]
                } else {
                        lappend noaccess $path
        if { [llength $noaccess] != 0 } {
                log::log debug $noaccess
        return $size

 # Test out implementation

 if { [file exists /tmp/small] == 0 } {
        exec mkdir /tmp/small
        exec cp /etc/motd /tmp/small/motd

 puts [format "Size of /tmp/small is %d" [dirsize /tmp/small] ]
 puts [format "Size of %s is %d" $env(HOME) [dirsize $env(HOME)] ]
 puts [format "Size of /not/present is %d" [dirsize /not/present] ]
 puts [format "Total size of %s is %d" $env(HOME) [dir_totalsize $env(HOME)] ]

Well, please forgive me, I felt like writing a competeing version since this is something I needed too.

see du -PSE

Martin Lemburg - 27.09.2002:

The proc du in du is something complete different than "dirsize" and "dir_totalsize". But I tried out your procs and got results, that differ completely from the reality. I tried out following:

    % dirsize g:/programme
    % dir_totalsize g:/programme

With the following proc "dirSize" ...

 proc dirSize {obj {recursive 0}} {
    set size    0;

    foreach subObj [glob -nocomplain \
                                [file join $obj *] \
                                [file join $obj {.[a-zA-Z0-9]*}]] {
        if {$recursive && [file isdirectory $subObj]} {
            incr size   [dirSize $subObj 1];
        } else {
            incr size    [file size $subObj];

    return $size;

... I got following:

    % dirSize g:/programme
    % dirSize g:/programme 1

My explorer tells me (inklusive of all hidden files/directories) 289.795.331 Bytes.

So something goes wrong in your proc "dir_totalsize"