Version 0 of ISC

Updated 2007-10-23 05:14:28 by Stu

Stu 2007-10-23 Created page.

From their page: [L1 ]

Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. (ISC) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation dedicated to supporting the infrastructure of the universal connected self-organizing Internet—and the autonomy of its participants—by developing and maintaining core production quality software, protocols, and operations.

From their Wikipedia entry: [L2 ]

Software developed at ISC includes BIND, DHCP, INN, Network Time Protocol, OpenReg. The ISC is also known for a software license, the so-called ISC license, which is functionally similar to the MIT license; this license is also the license preferred for new code contributed to OpenBSD.

Hmmm... Wikipedia says 'MIT license' in that paragraph.