Version 166 of Iching_Fortunes

Updated 2007-03-15 15:51:32 by gold

The Iching is the ancient fortune telling

       book of China. The Iching literature mentions
       various methods for casting fortune patterns
       of Iching. The various methods include 
       hot ironing of turtle shells (-t.),
       manipulations of yarrow sticks, flipping coins,
       throwing shaman bones, and dice.
       One analogy from North America
       is a shaman throwing or
       shuffling stick dice.

       I made three stick dice for
       Iching by cutting a dowel of square cross section
       into three sticks.
       For the three stick dice, the flat sides are marked or
       burned with 2 or 3 holes alternately.
       Two sticks are marked
       with {3 2 3 2} dots on the sides. One stick is marked
       with {3 3 3 2} dots on the sides.
       In casting such three dice,
       the possible sums are 6,7,8, or 9. Further, the
       stick dice are cast six times to obtain whole lines
       or broken lines in a pattern or set of six lines.
       A set of six Iching lines is called a gua
       in the orient or a hexagram in some translations
       of the Chinese.

       In the Iching interpretations, casts of
       6 and 8 are broken or yin (female) lines,
       while casts of 7 and 9 are whole or yang (male) lines.
       The casts are recorded by pencil with the first line
       at bottom and marking up the column.
       It is possible to record the numbers from the 
       casts with tally sticks  or Chinese counting rods,
       which are somewhat reminiscent of
       the Iching patterns themselves.
       After marking the original pattern or  
       hexagram, sometimes a second follow-up hexagram
       is developed by swapping throws of 6 for a 7
       and throws of 9 for a 6. These swaps  effectively
       trade a broken  line(6) for a whole line(7)
       and a whole line(9) for a broken line(6). 
       The throws for the changing lines (6&9) may not always 
       be come out in the first hexagram or 
       its component lines, so the followup hexagram
       may not exist {under consistent rules}.
       If the first hexagram is interpreted on a line
       by line basis, any changing lines(6&9) or second
       hexagram offers some modification or discount on
       the interpretation of the first hexagram.  

       In developing a computer program or application,
       it is helpful to develop analogs 
       for the individual tasks of the application.
       An Iching application would have to compose, 
       beg, or borrow TCL procedures for random casts,
       tallies of scores, accounting files,
       display hexagram lines on a screen, 
       swapping changing lines, hexagram pattern 
       recognition and ranking interpretations.
       In fact, some TCL one liner procedures   
       and text swapping routines might be useful
       as utilities in a starter
       application program, since unruly
       text strings are expected in the Iching.             
       Casting the sticks or bones
       for each Iching line is analog for random lpick
       subroutine below.
       Adding the top sides of three sticks and throwing
       six times is analog for the "for 6 times" statement
       in the bonereadxx procedure below. In the West,
       Leibniz etc recognised that
       the whole and broken lines
       in the hexagram patterns could
       be counted as ones and zeros, respectively in
       a binary number system. For example, a cast or TCL list
       of { 6,7,8,9,6,7 } could be expressed as a binary
       number, 010101. The binary numbers are the analogs
       for the binaryexchange subroutine below.  
       For computer procedures, the patterns are effectively a 
       horizontal bar code of 6 lines.

       In the process of designing the basic
       subroutine tasks, we could throw in some
       switches, logic chains, or daisy chains
       that break the outset rules given above.
       For example, TCL is so good at swapping lines (6&9)
       for the second hexagram, that it would 
       be easy to put a switch that generates or
       swaps all hexagram lines (6,7,8,&9) for their opposites.
       Also from some scripts of the Chinese Chou dynasty,
       different Iching fortune methods of
       yarrow sticks or coins would generate
       different probabilities of obtaining
       each hexagram line. Might be interesting to
       have a back door in the program
       to check (or adapt} the different probabilities
       of stick or coin throws. Several authors
       have pointed out that a few of the hexagrams
       look similar to Chinese characters or even
       Mayan calendar notation. Without wading too 
       deep into alternate realities, the Iching
       hexagrams could be used as numerals,
       script alphabet, game tokens, symbol recognition code,
       or maybe a programing language (like Greek
       letters for APL operators).            
       Such rule breaking helps keep the finished
       program more flexible.

 #!/usr/bin/env wish
 #start of deck
 # or Itching For Tunes [%>}
 # 6Feb2007, [gold]
 # working on XP starter code

 package require Tk
 global bookvalue bookvalue2
 set colorground bisque
 set wow "bone number"
 proc xlistlistbox {} {
     .labellabel delete 0 end
     foreach filefile [glob .* *] {
        if [file isdirectory $filefile] {
            set filefile "$filefile/"
        .labellabel insert end $filefile;
 proc xskipskipdirectory {dir} {
     cd $dir
    .realcommand configure -text [pwd]
 proc clickclicklistbox {} {
    set index [lindex [.labellabel curselection] 0]
    set filename [.labellabel get $index]
    if [file isdirectory $filename] {
        xskipskipdirectory $filename
 wm title . "File Starter"
 frame .labelframe
 pack .labelframe -expand no -fill x
 label .labellabel1 -text "Directory:"
 label .realcommand -text "" \
    -relief groove
 pack .labellabel1 -in .labelframe \
    -side left -expand no -fill x
 pack .realcommand -in .labelframe \
    -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor w
 frame .listlistbox
 pack .listlistbox -expand yes -fill both
 listbox .labellabel \
    -width 25 -height 3 \
    -xscrollcommand ".xxxxaxis set" \
    -yscrollcommand ".yyyyaxis set" \
    -bg $colorground
     scrollbar .yyyyaxis \
    -command ".labellabel yview" \
    -orient v
     scrollbar .xxxxaxis \
    -command ".labellabel xview" \
    -orient h 
 pack .xxxxaxis -in .listlistbox -side bottom  -fill x    -expand no
 pack .yyyyaxis -in .listlistbox -side right   -fill y    -expand no
 pack .labellabel  -in .listlistbox -side top     -fill both -expand yes
 frame .buttonbuttonx
 pack .buttonbuttonx -fill x
 button .caster -text Cast_Bones -command {bonereadxx;castfortune;}

 button .done -text Exit -command exit
 pack .caster .done -in .buttonbuttonx \
    -side top -fill x
 bind .labellabel <Double-1> clickclicklistbox

   pack  [ label .ww -text "Iching holding tank " -bg $colorground]
   pack [ text .wxxccc -width 80 -height 3 -bg beige ]

   focus .wxxccc           ;# allow keyboard input

   .wxxccc insert end  "xxx starter xxx  ";

 scrollbar .scr -orient vertical -command ".can yview"
 canvas .can -yscrollcommand ".scr set" -width 240 -bg $colorground

 pack .can -fill both -expand 1 -side left
 pack .scr -fill y -expand 0 -side left

 set width 50
 set height 50
 set w ".can"
 set x 100
 set y 100

 set dx 50
 set dy 30

 set colors {white black }
 set color 0
 proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])} ];}
 # utilities
   proc plainsub {text item replacewith} {
     set text [string map [list $item $replacewith] $text]
     proc %+ {a  } {return [string toupper $a]; #%+ tree >TREE }
    proc %- {a  } {return [string tolower $a]; #%+ Tree >tree  }
    proc %++ {a b} {return $a$b;#%+* tree root  >treeroot }
     proc %-- {a b} {regsub $b $a "" a; return $a;#%-- 5 7>5 }
     proc %% {a b} {regsub -all $b $a "";#%% tree root  >tree }
   proc %1 {a b} {regsub $b $a "" a; return $a;#%1 tree root>tree }
    proc %2 {a b} {regsub $b $a "" a;regsub $b $a "" a; return $a;#%2 tree root>tree }
     proc %3 {a b} {regsub $b $a "" a;regsub $b $a "" a;regsub $b $a "" a; return $a;#%3 tree root>tree}
      proc %2x  {a} {return $a$a;#%2x tree>treetree}
      proc %3x  {a} {return $a$a$a;#%3x tree>treetreetree}
       proc %4x  {a} {return "$a,$a,$a";#%5x tree>tree,tree,tree }
       proc %5x  {a} {return "$a $a $a";#%5x tree>tree tree tree }
      proc repeat {n body} {while {$n} {incr n -1; uplevel $body}}
      proc random n {expr {round($n*rand())}}
      proc whitelist {a} {return [lreplace $a 0 -1];#take string,return list without blanks}
      set k [split {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} {}]
      proc average L {expr ([join $L +])/[llength $L].}
     proc srevert s {
    set l [string length $s]
    set res ""
    while {$l} {append res [string index $s [incr l -1]]}
    set res
 };# RS,

    proc lreverse L {
    set res {}
    set i [llength $L]
    #while {[incr i -1]>=0} {lappend res [lindex $L $i]}
    while {$i} {lappend res [lindex $L [incr i -1]]} ;# rmax
    set res
 } ;# RS, tuned 10% faster by [rmax]

     proc sumoflist  L {expr [join [split $L ""] +]+0} ;# RS
        proc convertbase2to10 {jip} {
        set l [split $jip ""]
        set t 0; set e 0;
        foreach n $l {
                set exp [ expr int(pow(2,$e))];
                incr t [ expr $n * $exp  ] ;
                incr e;
        return $t}
     proc kvsearch {kvlist item} {
   set pos [lsearch $kvlist $item]
   if {$pos != -1} {
      lindex $kvlist [expr {$pos+1-2*($pos%2)}]
 } ;# RS
 # end utilities
 #start iching data
 set bookvalue  [ list  1  63  43  62  14  61  34  60  9  59  5 58 26  57  11  56  10  55  58  54  38  53  54  52  61  51 60  50 41  49  19  48 13  47  49  46  30  45  55  44  37  43  63  42  22  41  36  40  25  39  17  38  21  37  51  36  42  35  3  34  27  33  24  32  44  31  28  30  50  29  32  28  57  27  48  26  18  25  46  24  6  23  47  22  64  21  40  20  59  19  29  18 4 17  7  16  33  15  31  14  56  13  62  12  53  11  39 10  52  9  15  31  14  56  13  62  12  53  11  39  10 52  9  15 8 12   7  45  6  35  5  16  4  20  3   23  1  2  0 8 2 ]
 set bookvalue2  [ list 9999 1  63  43  62  14  61  34  60  9  59  5 58 26  57  11  56  10  55  58  54  38  53  54  52  61  51 60  50 41  49  19 48  13  47  49  46  30  45  55  44  37  43  63  42  22  41  36  40  25  39  17  38  21  37  51  36  42  35  3  34  27  33  24  32  44  31  28  30  50  29  32  28  57  27  48  26  18  25  46  24  6  23  47  22  64  21  40  20  59  19  29  18 4 17  7  16  33  15  31  14  56  13  62  12  53  11  39 10  52  9  15  31  14  56  13  62  12  53  11  39  10 52  9  15 8 12   7  45  6  35  5  16  4  20  3   23  1  2  0 8 2 ]
 if 0 { iching hexagrams and trigrams }
 if 0 { Little API style database }

 if 0 {
 + hexagram_1 : pinyin Qian wade Ch'ien english {The Creative }  
 + hexagram_2 : pinyin Kun wade  K'un english {The Receptive}  
 + hexagram_3 : pinyin Zhun wade Chun english { Difficulty at the Beginning  }
 + hexagram_4 : pinyin Meng wade Mêng english {Youthful Folly } 
 + hexagram_5 : pinyin Xu wade Hsü english {Waiting  }
 + hexagram_6 : pinyin  Song wade Sung english {Conflict } 
 + hexagram_7 : pinyin  Shi wade Shih english {The Army } 
 + hexagram_8 : pinyin  Bi wade Pi english {Holding Together}  
 + hexagram_9 : pinyin  Xiaoxu wade Hsiao Ch'u english {The Taming Power of the Small}  
 + hexagram_10 : pinyin Lü wade Lü english {Treading}  
 + hexagram_11 : pinyin Tai wade T'ai english {Peace } 
 + hexagram_12 : pinyin Pi wade P'i english {Standstill  }
 + hexagram_13 : pinyin Tongren wade {T'ung Jên} english {Fellowship with Men } 
 + hexagram_14 : pinyin Dayou wade { Ta Yu } english {Possession in Great Measure } 
 + hexagram_15 : pinyin Qian wade Ch'ien english {Modesty  }
 + hexagram_16 : pinyin Yu wade Yü english {Enthusiasm }
 + hexagram_17 : pinyin Sui wade Sui english {Following }
 + hexagram_18 : pinyin Gu wade Ku english {Work on What Has Been Spoiled  }
 + hexagram_19 : pinyin Lin wade Lin english {Approach  }
 + hexagram_20 : pinyin Guan wade Kuan english {Contemplation  }
 + hexagram_21 : pinyin Shike wade {Shih Ho } english {Biting Through  }
 + hexagram_22 : pinyin Bi wade Pi english {Grace } 
 + hexagram_23 : pinyin Bo wade Po english {Splitting Apart } 
 + hexagram_24 : pinyin Fu wade Fu english {Return  }
 + hexagram_25 : pinyin Wuwang wade { Wu Wang }english {Innocence } 
 + hexagram_26 : pinyin Daxu wade { Ta Ch'u } english {The Taming Power of the Great } 
 + hexagram_27 : pinyin Yi wade I english {The Corners of the Mouth } 
 + hexagram_28 : pinyin Daguo wade { Ta Kuo } english {Preponderance of the Great } 
 + hexagram_29 : pinyin Kan wade K'an english {The Abysmal } 
 + hexagram_30 : pinyin Li wade Li english {The Clinging } 
 + hexagram_31 : pinyin Xian wade  Hsien english {Influence } 
 + hexagram_32 : pinyin Heng wade  Hêng english {Duration} 
 + hexagram_33 : pinyin Dun  wade  Tun english {Retreat } 
 + hexagram_34 : pinyin Dazhuang wade { Ta Chuang } english {The Power of the Great } 
 + hexagram_35 : pinyin Jin wade Chin english {Progress} 
 + hexagram_36 : pinyin Mingyi wade { Ming I } english {Darkening of the Light } 
 + hexagram_37 : pinyin Jiaren wade Chia Jên english { The Family}  
 + hexagram_38 : pinyin Kui wade K'uei english {Opposition  }
 + hexagram_39 : pinyin Jian wade Chien english {Obstruction}  
 + hexagram_40 : pinyin  Xie wade Hsieh english {Deliverance}  
 + hexagram_41 : pinyin Sun  wade Sun english {Decrease } 
 + hexagram_42 : pinyin Yi  wade I english {Increase } 
 + hexagram_43 : pinyin Guai wade Kuai english {Break-through}  
 + hexagram_44 : pinyin Gou wade Kou english {Coming to Meet}  
 + hexagram_45 : pinyin Cui wade Ts'ui english {Gathering Together  }
 + hexagram_46 : pinyin Sheng wade Shêng english {Pushing Upward } 
 + hexagram_47 : pinyin Kun wade K'un english {Oppression  }
 + hexagram_48 : pinyin Jing wade Ching english {The Well } 
 + hexagram_49 : pinyin Ge wade Ko english {Revolution} 
 + hexagram_50 : pinyin Ding wade Ting english {The Caldron }  
 + hexagram_51 : pinyin Zhen wade Chên english {The Arousing  }
 + hexagram_52 : pinyin Gen wade Kên english {Keeping Still } 
 + hexagram_53 : pinyin Jian wade Chien english {Development } 
 + hexagram_54 : pinyin Guimei wade {Kuei Mei} english {The Marrying Maiden } 
 + hexagram_55 : pinyin Feng wade Fêng english {Abundance } 
 + hexagram_56 : pinyin Lü wade Lü english {The Wanderer }  
 + hexagram_57 : pinyin Xun wade Sun english {The Gentle } 
 + hexagram_58 : pinyin Dui wade Tui english {The Joyous } 
 + hexagram_59 : pinyin Huan wade Huan english { Dispersion } 
 + hexagram_60 : pinyin Jie wade Chieh english {Limitation } 
 + hexagram_61 : pinyin Zhongfu wade {Chung Fu} english {InnerTruth } 
 + hexagram_62 : pinyin Xiaoguo wade { Hsiao Kuo} english {Preponderance of the Small } 
 + hexagram_63 : pinyin Jiji wade { Chi Chi } english {After Completion}  
 + hexagram_64 : pinyin Weiji wade { Wei Chi } english {Before Completion } 
       #end iching data
       proc binaryexchange {gualisting} {
       # converts gualisting as a list
       # to binary & decimal numbers.
       global dx dy colors color
       global guabinary guadecimal guatransform
       set guabinary [ whitelist $gualisting ];
       set guabinary [ join [ split $guabinary " "]];
       set guabinary [ plainsub $guabinary 6 0 ];
       set guabinary [ plainsub $guabinary 7 1 ];
       set guabinary [ plainsub $guabinary 8 0 ];
       set guabinary [ plainsub $guabinary 9 1 ];
       set guabinary [ plainsub $guabinary " " "" ];
       return $guabinary;
       proc second_hexagram_compute {gualisting } {
       # subroutine under test
       global bookvalue second_hexagram
       #set gualisting [ lreverse $gualisting];
       set second_hexagram [ list ];
       set second_hexagram  [ join $gualisting ] ;
       set second_hexagram [ plainsub $second_hexagram 6 7 ];
       set second_hexagram  [ plainsub $second_hexagram 9 6 ];
       set guabinary [ binaryexchange $second_hexagram ];
       set decimalout [ convertbase2to10 $guabinary ];
       set bookgua [ kvsearch $bookvalue $decimalout ];
       return $bookgua;
     proc bonereadxx {} {
     global dx dy colors color gualisting
     global bookvalue bookvalue2 second_hexagram
      set dj 1;
      set gualisting [list ];
      for {set j 0} {$j<6} {incr j $dj} {
      set bone1 [lpick {3 3 3 2}]
      set bone2 [lpick {3 3 2 2}]
      set bone3 [lpick {3 3 2 2}]
      set bonereading [expr $bone1 + $bone2 + $bone3 ]
        set wow [expr $bone1 + $bone2 + $bone3 ]
      lappend gualisting $wow;
       #set guabinary [ list 1 0 1 1 1 si tiene problema ]
       set gualisting [ lreverse $gualisting];
       # reading hexagram lines top down,
       # opposed to reverse(down top)
       # give different binary values
       set guabinary [ binaryexchange $gualisting ];
       set decimalout [ convertbase2to10 $guabinary ];
       set bookgua [ kvsearch $bookvalue2 $decimalout ];
      set second_hexa [ second_hexagram_compute $gualisting ];
      .wxxccc delete 1.0 end;
    set outoutfoulspirit " last bone is $wow .gua listing is   $gualisting && binary $guabinary && decimal $decimalout &&Iching_gua_# $bookgua &&  test 2nd hex. $second_hexagram && 2nd h. test $second_hexa && $second_hexagram "

     .wxxccc insert end $outoutfoulspirit      }

 proc castfortune {} {
      global dx dy colors color gualisting second_hexagram
      set colorx black;
      for {set i 0; set y 0} {$i<6} {incr i; incr y $dy} {
           set colorx brown;
       for {set j 0; set x 0} {$j<3} {incr j; incr x $dx} {
         set colorx brown;
         if { $j == 1} {
        if { [lindex $gualisting $i ] == 6} {set colorx white}

         if { [lindex $gualisting $i ] == 7} {set colorx brown}
         if { [lindex $gualisting $i ] == 8} {set colorx white}
         if { [lindex $gualisting $i ] == 9} {set colorx brown}

          .can create rectangle $x $y [expr {$x+$dx}] [expr {$y+$dy}] \
            -fill $colorx

            set dx 50
            set dy 30
          set colorx blue;
      for {set i 0; set y 0} {$i<6} {incr i; incr y $dy} {
           set colorx blue;
       for {set j 0; set x 0} {$j<3} {incr j; incr x $dx} {
         set colorx blue;
         if { $j == 1} {
        if { [lindex $second_hexagram $i ] == 6} {set colorx white}

         if { [lindex $second_hexagram $i ] == 7} {set colorx blue}
         if { [lindex $second_hexagram $i ] == 8} {set colorx white}
         if { [lindex $second_hexagram $i ] == 9} {set colorx blue}

          .can create rectangle [expr $x + 180] $y [expr {[expr $x +180 ]+$dx}] [expr {$y+$dy}] \
            -fill $colorx



 xskipskipdirectory $env(HOME)

    [gold] Change:Redundant procedure ? deleted. 

    [LV] slightly reformatted code to some level of consistency, added a few braces around expr arguments, and removed a redundant proc definition.
    [gold] Change 13Mar2007:omitted **(exp) in expr for base2, TCL8.5&>.


       Appendix Tables
 if 0 { iching hexagrams and trigrams }
 if 0 {
 1.  Qian     Ch'ien, The Creative
 2.  Kun      K'un, The Receptive
 3.  Zhun     Chun, Difficulty at the Beginning
 4.  Meng     Mêng, Youthful Folly
 5.  Xu       Hsü, Waiting
 6.  Song     Sung, Conflict
 7.  Shi      Shih, The Army
 8.  Bi       Pi, Holding Together
 9.  Xiaoxu   Hsiao Ch'u, The Taming Power of the Small
 10.  Lü       Lü, Treading
 11.  Tai      T'ai, Peace
 12.  Pi       P'i, Standstill
 13.  Tongren  T'ung Jên, Fellowship with Men
 14.  Dayou    Ta Yu, Possession in Great Measure
 15.  Qian     Ch'ien, Modesty
 16.  Yu       Yü, Enthusiasm
 17.  Sui      Sui, Following
 18.  Gu       Ku, Work on What Has Been Spoiled
 19.  Lin      Lin, Approach
 20.  Guan     Kuan, Contemplation
 21.  Shike    Shih Ho, Biting Through
 22.  Bi       Pi, Grace
 23.  Bo       Po, Splitting Apart
 24.  Fu       Fu, Return
 25.  Wuwang   Wu Wang, Innocence
 26.  Daxu     Ta Ch'u, The Taming Power of the Great
 27.  Yi       I, The Corners of the Mouth
 28.  Daguo    Ta Kuo, Preponderance of the Great
 29.  Kan      K'an, The Abysmal
 30.  Li       Li, The Clinging
 31.  Xian     Hsien, Influence
 32.  Heng     Hêng, Duration
 33.  Dun      Tun, Retreat
 34.  Dazhuang Ta Chuang, The Power of the Great
 35.  Jin      Chin, Progress
 36.  Mingyi   Ming I, Darkening of the Light
 37.  Jiaren   Chia Jên, The Family
 38.  Kui      K'uei, Opposition
 39.  Jian     Chien, Obstruction
 40.  Xie      Hsieh, Deliverance
 41.  Sun      Sun, Decrease
 42.  Yi       I, Increase
 43.  Guai     Kuai, Break-through
 44.  Gou      Kou, Coming to Meet
 45.  Cui      Ts'ui, Gathering Together
 46.  Sheng    Shêng, Pushing Upward
 47.  Kun      K'un, Oppression
 48.  Jing     Ching, The Well
 49.  Ge       Ko, Revolution
 50.  Ding     Ting, The Caldron
 51.  Zhen     Chên, The Arousing
 52.  Gen      Kên, Keeping Still
 53.  Jian     Chien, Development
 54.  Guimei   Kuei Mei, The Marrying Maiden
 55.  Feng     Fêng, Abundance
 56.  Lü       Lü, The Wanderer
 57.  Xun      Sun, The Gentle
 58.  Dui      Tui, The Joyous
 59.  Huan     Huan, Dispersion
 60.  Jie      Chieh, Limitation
 61.  Zhongfu  Chung Fu, Inner Truth
 62.  Xiaoguo  Hsiao Kuo, Preponderance of the Small
 63.  Jiji     Chi Chi, After Completion
 64.  Weiji    Wei Chi, Before Completion
 The names of the trigrams
 I Ching Trigram Name Translations
     Pinyin   Wade-Giles (Wilhelm/Baynes) associations
 1.  Qian     Ch'ien   the creative, heaven, Father,northwest,head,lungs
 2.  Kun      K'un     the receptive, earth,Mother,southwest,abdomen,reproductive_organs
 3.  Zhen     Chên     the arousing, thunder,Eldest_Son,east,throat
 4.  Kan      K'an     the abysmal, water,Middle_Son,north,liver,kidneys,inner_ear
 5.  Gen      Kên      keeping still, mountain, Youngest_Son,northeast,hands,spine,bones
 6.  Xun      Sun      the gentle, wind, Eldest Daughter,southeast,hips,buttocks
 7.  Li       Li       the clinging, flame,Middle_Daughter,south,eyes,heart
 8.  Dui      Tui      the joyous, lake,Youngest_Daughter,west,mouth }

Category Toys