Version 1 of Java UTF Socket Communication

Updated 2004-05-25 13:44:17

Java supports and encourages socket communication using UTF-8. To this end two methods are provided: readUTF() [L1 ] and writeUTF() [L2 ]. Socket communication between a Java process that uses these methods and Tcl is easy. First, you will have to put your socket in binary mode, through a command such as the following:

 fconfigure $socket -translation binary

Specifying the translation is a shortcut for not having any conversion, for not having CRLF at the end of your lines, etc.

The rest of the code on this page issues from a discussion between DKF and EF on the chatroom. Both functions should help you reading and writing data to a socket coupled to a Java process using the methods above for its communication with the external world. Error handling is minimal.

 proc writeJavaUtf {stream string} {
     set data [encoding convertto utf-8 $string]
     if {[string length $data] > 0xffff} {
         error "string to long after encoding"
     set len [binary format S [string length $data]]
     puts -nonewline $stream $len$data
     flush $stream

 proc readJavaUtf {stream} {
     set len [read $stream 2]
     binary scan $len S length
     set data [read $stream [expr {$length & 0xffff}]]
     return [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]