Version 48 of JeeMon

Updated 2015-10-26 03:32:27 by Jorge

JM Nov-16-2011 Some links to jcw's technical weblog, Tcl related in a very interesting way...
an inspiring site, to learn, to experiment, to share...


Inside JeeMon 2009/04/14<link>
Sensor data coming in 2009/08/25<link>
An OOK Scope 2010/04/13 <link>
Improved OOK Scope 2010/04/17 <link>
Oven temperature plot 2010/05/14 <link>

Mid 2011: JeeMon evolved to version 1.5

Playing with indentation 2011/09/09 <link>
RFM12B Command Calculator2011/09/18 <link>
Hacking around in software2011/09/24 <link>
JeeMon? JeeBus? JeeRev? 2011/11/22<link>
What’s in the yellow box? 2011/11/23<link>
JeeRev sits under the hood2011/11/24<link>
JeeMon for early birds 2011/11/25<link>

Playing with JeeMon

As I don't have any hardware to collect data, I had to replace the following part on /examples/graph-demo/main.tcl, in order to get the flot chart displayed:
Instead of this:

 variable js {
  var options = {
    lines: { show: true },
    points: { show: true },
    xaxis: { mode: "time" },
    legend: { position: "nw", margin: 3 },
    shadowSize: 0,
    grid: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#bbbbbb" },
    series: {
      lines: { lineWidth: 1 },
      points: { radius: 0.5 },
  $.getJSON('data.json', function(data) {
    $.plot($("#placeholder"), data, options);

I used this:

 variable js {
  var options = {
    lines: { show: true },
    points: { show: true },
    xaxis: { mode: "time" },
    legend: { position: "nw", margin: 3 },
    shadowSize: 0,
    grid: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#bbbbbb" },
    series: {
      lines: { lineWidth: 1 },
      points: { radius: 0.5 },

  $(function () {
    var d1 = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5)
        d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);

    var d2 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [8, 5], [9, 13]];

    // a null signifies separate line segments
    var d3 = [[0, 12], [7, 12], null, [7, 2.5], [12, 2.5]];

    $.plot($("#placeholder"), [ d1, d2, d3 ],options);


JeeMon and Arduino, a minimum example


This code is a light version of:

  • An OOK Scope
  • Oven temperature plot

(link above)

Arduino Code: holder (just a for loop from 0 to 5, with a 1 sec delay in between each Serial.println) 


 Jm doc "JeeMon and Arduino - a minimum example"
 package require Tk

 proc APP.READY {} {
  # Called once during application startup.

  wm title . "Select device"

  ttk::treeview .all -columns {1 2} -show headings
  .all heading 1 -text "USB ID"
  .all heading 2 -text "Device"
  .all column 1 -width 130 -stretch 0
  .all column 2 -width 250
  set count 0
  foreach {id dev} [lsort -stride 2 [SysDep listSerialPorts]] {
    puts "$id,$dev"
    .all insert {} end -values [list $id $dev]
    incr count
  pack .all -expand 1 -fill both
  bind .all <<TreeviewSelect>> [namespace which OokScope]

  if {$count == 0} {
    wm withdraw .
    tk_messageBox -type ok -message "No FTDI devices found."
  after 2000
  # nothing to choose, save right away
  if {$count == 1} {
    .all selection set [.all identify item 1 1]

 proc OokScope {} {
  set item [lindex [.all selection] 0]
  if {$item ne ""} {
    set devname [lindex [.all item $item -values] 0]
    wm withdraw .
    puts "connected to: $devname"
    set conn [Interfaces serial connect $devname 9600]

    oo::objdefine $conn {
      # override connection to collect and display a histogram

      method setup {} {

        variable start [clock seconds] lastx 0 lasty 300

        # create the GUI window
        set w .ookScope
        toplevel $w
        canvas $w.c -width 600 -height 300
        pack $w.c

      method OnReadable {} {
      variable start
      variable lastx
      variable lasty
        # called whenever data is available to process the individual raw bytes
        my variable fd w count minWidth maxWidth inbuf minPulses maxPulses series
        foreach val [split [read $fd] "\n"] {
          puts $val
            set x [expr {([clock seconds]-$start) * 10}]
            if {$val == ""} {set val 0}
            set y [expr {300 - ($val*50)}]
            .ookScope.c create line $lastx $lasty $x $y -width 2
            set lastx $x
            set lasty $y
    $conn setup

JeeMon and BLT (RBC)


I just had to copy rbc0.1.kit to kit/lib/rbc0.1 as explained on section "Starkit for Tclkit 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 (Linux-x86 and Win32-x86)" on Refactored BLT Components


 void setup() {
   // put your setup code here, to run once:

 void loop() {
 float x;
 char texto[10];
     for (long i=0;i<361;i=i+5) {
       x = sin((i*3.14)/180);
       Serial.print(" ");      

Tcl Side:

 Jm doc "JeeMon and BLT"
 package require Tk
 source kit/lib/rbc0.1/rbc0.1.kit
 package require rbc

 proc APP.READY {} {
  # Called once during application startup.

  wm title . "Select device"

  ttk::treeview .all -columns {1 2} -show headings
  .all heading 1 -text "USB ID"
  .all heading 2 -text "Device"
  .all column 1 -width 130 -stretch 0
  .all column 2 -width 250
  set count 0
  foreach {id dev} [lsort -stride 2 [SysDep listSerialPorts]] {
    puts "$id,$dev"
    .all insert {} end -values [list $id $dev]
    incr count
  pack .all -expand 1 -fill both
  bind .all <<TreeviewSelect>> [namespace which OokScope]

  if {$count == 0} {
    wm withdraw .
    tk_messageBox -type ok -message "No FTDI devices found."
  #after 2000
  # nothing to choose, save right away
  if {$count == 1} {
    .all selection set [.all identify item 1 1]

 proc OokScope {} {
  set item [lindex [.all selection] 0]
  if {$item ne ""} {
    set devname [lindex [.all item $item -values] 0]
    wm withdraw .
    puts "connected to: $devname"
    set conn [Interfaces serial connect $devname 9600]
    oo::objdefine $conn {
      # override connection to collect and display a histogram

      method setup {} {

        variable start [clock seconds] lastx 0 lasty 300
        variable Hz 200
        variable xvec
        variable y1vec
        rbc::vector create xvec($Hz) y1vec($Hz)
        # fill xvec with 0 .. $Hz-1
        # xvec seq 0 [expr {$Hz - 1}]
        # y1vec seq 0 [expr {$Hz - 1}]
        # create the GUI window
        set w .ookScope
        toplevel $w
        canvas $w.c -width 600 -height 300
        rbc::stripchart $w.s1 -height 2i -width 8i -bufferelements no
        $w.s1 element create line1 -xdata xvec -ydata y1vec -symbol none -color red
        pack $w.c $w.s1

      method OnReadable {} {
      variable start
      variable lastx
      variable lasty
      variable xvec
      variable y1vec

        # called whenever data is available to process the individual raw bytes
        my variable fd w count minWidth maxWidth inbuf minPulses maxPulses series
        if {[regexp {^.+ (.+)$} [gets $fd] -> val]} {
                  #puts $msg
                  #flush $fd      
                  puts ">>> $val"
                  set x [expr {([clock seconds]-$start)}]
                  set xvec(++end) $x
                  if {$val != ""} {
                          set y [expr {150 - ($val*30)}]
                          puts "coord: $lastx $lasty $x $y"            
                          .ookScope.c create line $lastx $lasty $x $y -width 2
                          set lastx $x
                          set lasty $y
                          set y1vec(++end) $y

    $conn setup