Version 6 of LZ77 Compression - take 2

Updated 2004-09-15 11:25:12

MS 2004-09-13

Playing with the algorithm at LZ77 Compression I came with a couple of faster variants. Something is still amiss though with the encode/decode, this code here needs polishing.

With variants in detail only, the encode/decode is taken from LZ77 Compression (as are the tests at the end). The differences are in the way they communicate with maxSubstring.

The two variants for maxSubstring below satisfy:

  • they return a list {$length $offset} of the best substring found, indicating failure with a zero length
  • they indicate failure if the longest match has ($length < 3), or if it has (length < 5) and ($offset > 255)
  • they exploit the property that the last match of length (L+K) with K>0 must occur at a larger (or equal) offset than the last match of length L. This permits to restrict the searches dynamically.
  • they are faster than the previous one: 5x for the first one, 2x for the second one.

RHS I found the bug in my lz77 code. See my page for details. Its a pretty simple fix. As a minor note, I found both of our codes to be about equal in speed. The maxSubstring you mention is the fastest timed out at the slowest for me (not by much, though... about 5%), while your slower matcher is pretty much the same time-wise as mine.

MS Thanks. Fixed, with a slight change in fix - it is shorter and faster. Did not dare change it in your page without permission. The "escaped escapes" are here \01\01 and \01\02 - taking advantage of the fact that we do not encode matches of length < 3.

MS I still measure these as much faster than yours on real files, but still quite slow.

   Timing on real files, in seconds 
    # lz77.tcl - 5482 bytes (your version)
      Times: 1.25  0.33  0.11  (100% 26% 8%)
      Sizes: 1991  1990  1981

    # lz77.test - 18674 bytes (your version)
      Times: 7.72 1.45 0.39 (100% 18% 5%)
      Sizes: 3901 3891 3896

    # ~/.tkchatrc - 106483 bytes (mine; how come it is that large?)   
283 76 31 (100% 26% 10%)
      Sizes:  30671 30727 30653

Not sure why the compressed sizes do not match!

 # #############################################
 # FILE: lz77.tcl - the code for the compression
 namespace eval lz77 {
    variable lookback 255

    variable Escape1 "\x01"
    variable Escape2 "\x02"

    set K32 [expr {32 * 1024}]
 proc ::lz77::encode {data} {
    variable Escape1
    variable Escape2
    variable K32

    set output ""
    set dataLength [string length $data]

    append output [string index $data 0]

    for {set i 1} {$i < $dataLength} {} {
        foreach {length offset} [maxSubstring $i $data] break
        if { $length > 0 } {
            if { $offset < 255 && $length < 255 } {
                set offChar [format %c $offset]
                set lenChar [format %c $length]
                append output $Escape1$lenChar$offChar
            } else {
                append output $Escape2
                append output [binary format S $length]
                append output [binary format S $offset]
            incr i $length
        } else {
            set char [string index $data $i]
            if { ($char  eq $Escape1) || ($char eq $Escape2) } {
                append output $Escape1
            append output $char
            incr i

    return $output

 proc ::lz77::decode {data} {
    variable Escape1
    variable Escape2
    variable EscEsc

    set output ""
     for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $data]} {incr i} {
         set char [string index $data $i]
         if { $char eq $Escape1 } {
             set char [string index $data [incr i]]
             if { ($char eq $Escape1) || ($char eq $Escape2)} {
                 append output $char
             } else {
                 scan $char %c length
                 scan [string index $data [incr i]] %c offset
                 set index [expr {[string length $output] - $offset}]
                 for {set j 0} {$j < $length} {incr j} {
                     append output [string index $output $index]
                     incr index
         } elseif { $char eq $Escape2 } {
             binary scan [string range $data [incr i] [incr i]] S length
             binary scan [string range $data [incr i] [incr i]] S offset
             set index [expr {[string length $output] - $offset}]
             for {set j 0} {$j < $length} {incr j} {
                 append output [string index $output $index]
                 incr index
         } else {
             append output $char
     return $output

The best variant for maxSubstring looks first for the best match of length 3. having found a match of length L, it grows it as much as possible to (L+K), K>=0 - and then looks for a match of length (L+K+1). This is guaranteed to make a single pass through the list, and is the fastest variant to date:

 proc ::lz77::maxSubstring {index data} {
    variable K32

    set upperBound [expr {[string length $data] - $index}]
    if { $upperBound >= $K32} {
        set upperBound [expr {$K32 -1}]

    set lastPossible [expr {$index + $upperBound -1}]

    if { $index > $K32 } {
        # Note that this will be expensive for long strings: the
        # data is copied over at each call. Have yet to find a 
        # better way.

        set data [string range $data [expr {$index - $K32}] $lastPossible]
        set index $K32
        set lastPossible [expr {$index + $upperBound-1}]

    set offset 0
    set lastIdx [expr {$index + 2}]
    set toMatch [string range $data $index $lastIdx]
    while {$lastIdx <= $lastPossible} {
        set matchIdx [string last $toMatch $data [expr {$lastIdx - $offset -1}]]
        if {$matchIdx < 0} break

        # Found a match; find out exactly how long it is
        set offset [expr {$index - $matchIdx}]
        set next [incr lastIdx]
        while {($lastIdx <= $lastPossible) && \
                   ([string index $data $lastIdx] eq \
                        [string index $data [expr {$lastIdx - $offset}]])} {
            incr lastIdx
        append toMatch [string range $data $next $lastIdx]

    set len [expr {$lastIdx - $index}]
    if {$len < 5} {
        if {($len == 2) || ($offset > 255)} {
            return {0 0}
    return [list $len $offset]

Closely related to the algorithm at LZ77 Compression (using a binary search for the maximal length) we have

 proc ::lz77::maxSubstring {index data} {
    variable K32

    set upperBound [expr {[string length $data] - $index}]
    if { [string length $data] >= ($index + $K32)} {
        set upperBound [expr {$K32 -1}]
    set lastPossible [expr {$index + $upperBound -1}]

    # This never returns a match shorter than 5 at arbitrary 
    # distance. Reduce the data if possible, as it will be searched
    # repeatedly. 

    set start 0
    if { $index > $K32 } {
        set data [string range $data [expr {$index - $K32}] $lastPossible]
        set index $K32

    set matchLength 0 ;# identical to the lowerBound
    set matchOffset 1

    if {$upperBound > 4} {
        set currString [string range $data $index [expr {$index + 4}]]
        set start [string last $currString $data [expr {$index +3}]]
        if {$start >= 0} {
            set matchLength 5 ;# identical to the lowerBound
            set matchOffset [expr {$index - $start}]
            if {$start} {
                set start [string first $currString $data]
                if {$start > 0} {
                    incr index -$start
                    set data [string range $data $start end]
        } else {
            set upperBound 4

    if {$matchLength == 0} {
        # No match at 5 or more; as this never returns a match shorter than 5
        # if it is farther than 255 from the string, we only have to look for
        # matches of length 4 or 3 in the last 255 bytes. 

        if {$index > 255} {
            set start [expr {$index -255}]
            set index 255
            set data [string range $data $start [expr {$start + 2}]]

    # Now we really start looking
    while { ($upperBound > 2) && ($upperBound > $matchLength) } {
        set currentLength [expr {($upperBound + $matchLength +1)/2}]
        if { $currentLength < 3 } { set currentLength 3 }
        set currString [string range $data $index [expr {$index + $currentLength -1}]]

        # The last possible match has to begin farther away than the
        # longest match already found.

        set lastIndex [expr {$index - $matchOffset + $currentLength -1}]
        if { ([set matchIndex [string last $currString $data $lastIndex]] >= 0) } {
            # Note that (matchLength < currentLength) by construction
            set matchOffset [expr {$index - $matchIndex}]
            set matchLength $currentLength
        } else {
            set upperBound [expr {$currentLength - 1}]

    return [list $matchLength $matchOffset]

The tests are taken from LZ77 Compression, adapted to the new maxSubstring interface:

 # #############################################
 # FILE: lz77.test - tests for lz77
 package require tcltest
 namespace import tcltest::*

 set fName [file join [file dirname [info script]] lz77.tcl]
 source $fName

 # ========================================
 test encode-1.1 {
    encode a simple string in using LZ77
 } -body {
    set encoded [::lz77::encode {abcdebcdef}]
    set expect "abcde\x01\x04\x04"
    append expect f
    if { [string length $expect] != [string length $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "ENCODED: $exList -> $enList"

        return "String lengths were not the same: \
                [string length $expect] != [string length $encoded]"
    if { ![string equal $expect $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "EXPECTED: $exList\nENCODED : $enList"
        return "Strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 test encode-1.2 {
    encode a simple string in using LZ77
 } -body {
    set encoded [::lz77::encode {Blah blah blah blah blah!}]
    set expect "Blah b\x01\x12\x05!"
    if { [string length $expect] != [string length $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "EXPECTED: $exList\nENCODED : $enList"

        return "String lengths were not the same: \
                [string length $expect] != [string length $encoded]"
    if { ![string equal $expect $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "EXPECTED: $exList\nENCODED : $enList"
        return "Strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 test encode-1.3 {
    encode a string with multiple matches
 } -body {
    set string {This is a string with multiple strings within it}
    set expect "This \x01\x03\x03"
    append expect "a string with multiple\x01\x07\x15"
    append expect "s\x01\x05\x16"
    append expect "in it"

    set encoded [::lz77::encode $string]
    if { [string length $expect] != [string length $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "EXPECT: $exList"
        puts "ENCODE: $enList"

        return "String lengths were not the same: \
                [string length $expect] != [string length $encoded]"
    if { ![string equal $expect $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "EXPECT: $exList"
        puts "ENCODE: $enList"

        return "Strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 test encode-1.4 {
    Encode a long (>255 <255*255) string, to use second escape
 } -setup {
    set original "abcdefghij"
    for {set i 0} {$i < 254} {incr i} {
        append original [expr {$i % 10}]
    append original "abcdefg"

    set expect "abcdefghij0123456789"
    append expect "\x01\xF4\x0a"
    append expect "\x02\x00\x07\x01\x08"
 } -body {
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]

    if { ![string equal $expect $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "EXPECT: $exList"
        puts "ENCODE: $enList"

        return "Strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 # ========================================
 test decode-1.1 {
    decode a simple string using LZ77
 } -body {
    set decoded [::lz77::decode "Blah b\x01\x12\x05!"]
    set expect {Blah blah blah blah blah!}
    if { [string length $expect] != [string length $decoded] } {
        puts "$expect != $decoded"
        return "String lengths were not the same: \
                [string length $expect] != [string length $decoded]"
    if { ![string equal $expect $decoded] } {
        puts "$expect != $decoded"
        return "Strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 # ========================================
 test cycle-1.1 {
    cycle a string through encode and decode
 } -body {
    set original "This is a string with multiple strings within it"
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]
    set changed [::lz77::decode $encoded]
    if { ![string equal $original $changed] } {
        puts "Not Equal:\nORIGINAL: $original\nENCODED : $changed"
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts $enList
        return "The strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 test cycle-1.2 {
    cycle a string through encode and decode
 } -body {
    set original "This is a string of text, \
                  whereherehereherehe parts of the string\
                  have text that is in other parts of the string"
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]
    set changed [::lz77::decode $encoded]
    if { ![string equal $original $changed] } {
        puts "Not Equal:\nORIGINAL: $original\nENCODED : $changed"
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts $enList
        return "The strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 test cycle-1.3 {
    Encode a long (>255 <255*255) string, to use second escape\
        and decode it
 } -setup {
    set original "abcdefghij"
    for {set i 0} {$i < 254} {incr i} {
        append original [expr {$i % 10}]
    append original "abcdefg"
 } -body {
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]
    set decoded [::lz77::decode $encoded]

    if { ![string equal $original $decoded] } {
        binary scan $original c* orList
        binary scan $decoded c* deList
        puts "ORIGINAL: $orList"
        puts "DECODED : $deList"

        return "Strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 test cycle-1.4 {
    cycle a string through encode and decode
 } -body {
     global fName
     set f [open $fName]
     set original [read $f]
     close $f
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]
    set changed [::lz77::decode $encoded]
    if { ![string equal $original $changed] } {
        #puts "Not Equal:\nORIGINAL: $original\nENCODED : $changed"
        return "The strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 test cycle-1.5 {
    cycle a string through encode and decode
 } -body {
     set f [open [info script]]
     set original [read $f]
     close $f
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]
    set changed [::lz77::decode $encoded]
    if { ![string equal $original $changed] } {
        #puts "Not Equal:\nORIGINAL: $original\nENCODED : $changed"
        return "The strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 # ========================================

 # Special cases
 # When there's an escape in the input text
 #   Encode it as \x01\x01, since we can't have a repeat length of 1
 test escape-1.1 {
    An escape in the input data is coded as the escape, followed\
        by \x01
 } -setup {
    unset -nocomplain original expect encoded exList enList
 } -body {
    set original "ab\x01" ; append original cd
    set expect "ab\x01\x01" ; append expect cd
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]

    if { ![string equal $expect $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "$exList ->\n$enList"
        return "The strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 test escape-1.2 {
    An escape in the input data is coded as the escape, followed\
        by \x01
 } -setup {
    unset -nocomplain original expect encoded exList enList
 } -body {
    set original "ab\x01" ; append original cd
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]
    set decoded [::lz77::decode $encoded]

    if { ![string equal $original $decoded] } {
        binary scan $original c* orList
        binary scan $decoded c* deList
        puts "$orList ->\n$deList"
        return "The strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 test escape-1.2 {
    An escaped escape should not interfere with runs surrounding it
 } -setup {
    unset -nocomplain original expect encoded exList enList
 } -body {
    set original "abcdebcde\x01" ; append original cd
    set expect "abcde\x01\x04\x04\x01\x01" ; append expect cd
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]

    if { ![string equal $expect $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "$exList ->\n$enList"
        return "The strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 # If there's multiple matches, get the longest one possible
 #   "These blah is blah blah blah!"
 #                       ^ the match for here
 #                  ^ should start here
 #          ^ not here
 test longest-1.1 {
    Get the longest match possible
 } -setup {
    unset -nocomplain original expect encoded exList enList
    set original {These blah is blah blah blah!}
    set expect "These blah is\x01\x06\x08"
    append expect "\x01\x09\x05!"
 } -body {
    set encoded [::lz77::encode $original]

    if { ![string equal $expect $encoded] } {
        binary scan $expect c* exList
        binary scan $encoded c* enList
        puts "Expect: $exList ->\nEncode: $enList"
        puts "DECODE: [::lz77::decode $encoded]"
        return "The strings were not equal"
 } -result {}

 # ========================================
 test maxSubstring-1.1 {
    Find the max substring for a string with only one match
 } -setup {
    set string {abcdefcdefg}
    set index 6
 } -body {
    ::lz77::maxSubstring $index $string
 } -result {4 4}

 test maxSubstring-1.2 {
    Make sure we can get matches of the min length
 } -setup {
    set string {This is a}
    set index 5
 } -body {
    ::lz77::maxSubstring $index $string
 } -result {3 3}

 test maxSubstring-1.3 {
    Return 0 if no match
 } -setup {
    set string {abcdefghijk}
    set index 6
 } -body {
     lindex [::lz77::maxSubstring $index $string] 0
 } -result 0

 test maxSubstring-1.4 {
    Find the max substring for a string with multiple matches
 } -setup {
    set string {aaaabbbbaaaaaaaa}
    set index 9
 } -body {
    ::lz77::maxSubstring $index $string
 } -result {7 1}

 test maxSubstring-1.5 {
    For a very long string (>32k), remove everything 32k \
        past the index
 } -setup {
    set original "abcdef"
    for {set i 0} {$i < 1024} {incr i} {
        append original "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
    append original "abcdef"
    set index 17
 } -body {
    ::lz77::maxSubstring $index $original
 } -result {32767 10}

 test maxSubstring-1.6 {
    For a very long string (>32k), remove anything more than 32k\
        before the index
 } -setup {
    set original "abcdef"
    for {set i 0} {$i < 1024} {incr i} {
        append original "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
        append original "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
        append original "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
    append original "abcdef"
    set index 40000
 } -body {
    ::lz77::maxSubstring $index $original
 } -result {32767 10}

 test maxSubstring-1.7 {
 } -setup {
    set data "abcdefghij012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123abcdefg"
    set index 274
 } -body {
    ::lz77::maxSubstring $index $data
 } -result {7 274}