Version 6 of Life in Snit

Updated 2003-11-28 14:54:55

Here's an version of Conway's Game of Life I recently updated to use Snit's Not Incr Tcl; I'm posting it now as an example of application development using Snit. -- WHD

10/21/2002: To update this for Snit V0.7, I replaced "argv" with "args" throughout. -- WHD

2/8/2003: I've updated this for Snit V0.8. -- WHD

 #        life.tcl
 #        Will Duquette
 #        life.tcl implements John Conway's classic Game of Life, one of
 #        the first experiments with what's now called artificial life.
 #        Think of a plane divided up into squares like a checker board.
 #        Each square can hold a one-celled animal.  You start the game
 #        by placing cells in squares.  Then you watch the cells breed
 #        and die through successive generations.  The game is to find
 #        starting patterns that do interesting things.
 #        Each square on the board has 8 neighbor squares; cells breed
 #        and die based on how crowded they are, i.e., the number of
 #        neighbors they have.  Each new generation is computed as
 #        follows:
 #        For each square, count the number of neighbor cells.
 #        If the square is empty, and it has exactly 3 neighbor cells, a
 #        new cell will be born there.  If the square has a cell in it,
 #        and the cell has less than 2 or more than 3 neighbor cells,
 #        the cell will die.  All of the counting is done first, and
 #        then the new cells are added and the dead cell are removed all
 #        at once.
 #        This GUI implementation allows cells to be added and removed
 #        by clicking on the board.  A generation passes when the
 #        "Generate" button is clicked, or when the player presses the
 #        Return key.
 #        The implementation has two pieces: 
 #        1.  The board, which contains cells that can be turned on
 #            and off and knows how to compute a new generation.  The board
 #            includes its own GUI display code.
 #       2.  The rest of the GUI.
 #        If the code were written for reuse, the board would be split into
 #        two pieces: a generic gameboard suitable for Life, Othello, and
 #        similar games, and Life code that uses the board.

 package require snit 0.8

 # The Board
 # The Board is implemented as a Tk canvas widget, broken up into
 # squares on an NxN grid.  The background is white and the grid
 # lines are cyan.  Each square holds a circle object which
 # can be set to any desired color, normally white (for dead cells) and
 # forestgreen (for living cells).  Each circle has a tag "i,j" so that
 # it can be manipulated individually.

 snit::widgetadaptor board {
    # This is still a canvas; delegate other methods and options to it:
    delegate method * to hull
    delegate option * to hull

    # By default, 20x20 cells
    option -cells 20
    # By default, each cell is 20x20 pixels
    option -pixels 20

    # Milliseconds between generations
    option -delay 200

    # For each cell on the board, this array remembers
    # whether the cell is alive or dead, and the coordinates of its 
    # neighbors; this allows the neighbors to be counted more quickly.
    variable data

    # Remembers the list of i,j indices, to save time while generating.
    variable indices {}

    # True if we're completely constructed, false otherwise.
    variable constructed 0

    constructor {args} {
        # FIRST, create the canvas.  Then configure the options.
        installhull [canvas $self -background white]
        $self configurelist $args

        # NEXT, set up the board.
        $self SetupBoard

        # No longer constructing.
        set constructed 1

    onconfigure -cells {value} {
        set options(-cells) $value
        if {$constructed} {
            $self SetupBoard

    onconfigure -pixels {value} {
        set options(-pixels) $value
        if {$constructed} {
            $self SetupBoard

    method SetupBoard {} {
        # Destroy any previous definition
        $self delete all
        array unset data
        set cells $options(-cells)
        set pixels $options(-pixels)
        set size [expr {$cells * $pixels}]

        # FIRST, set the size of the canvas
        $hull configure -width $size -height $size

        # NEXT, draw the grid lines.
        for {set i 1} {$i < $cells} {incr i 1} {
            set pos [expr {$i * $pixels}]

            # Draw a vertical line $i cells over
            $hull create line 0 $pos $size $pos -fill cyan

            # Draw a horizontal line $i cells down
            $hull create line $pos 0 $pos $size -fill cyan

        # NEXT, compute the list of indices
        set indices {}
        for {set i 0} {$i < $cells} {incr i 1} {
            for {set j 0} {$j < $cells} {incr j 1} {
                lappend indices $i,$j

        # NEXT, add a circle object to each cell
        for {set i 0} {$i < $cells} {incr i 1} {
            for {set j 0} {$j < $cells} {incr j 1} {
                # Compute the upper left corner of the circle
                set p0 [expr {$i*$pixels + 1}]
                set q0 [expr {$j*$pixels + 1}]

                # Compute the lower left corner of the circle
                set p1 [expr {$p0 + $pixels - 2}]
                set q1 [expr {$q0 + $pixels - 2}]

                # Create the circle, tagging it $i,$j
                $hull create oval $p0 $q0 $p1 $q1 \
                    -tag $i,$j -fill white -outline white

                # When the user clicks on it, it should toggle.
                $hull bind $i,$j <Button> [list $win toggle $i,$j]

                # Initialize the corresponding data structure
                set data($i,$j) 0

                # Cache the coordinates of each neighbor.
                set data($i,$j-neighbors) ""
                foreach {iof jof} {-1 -1  -1 0  -1 1  0 -1  
                    0 1  1 -1  1 0  1 1} {
                    set r [expr {($i + $iof) % $cells}]
                    set c [expr {($j + $jof) % $cells}]
                    lappend data($i,$j-neighbors) "$r,$c"

    # toggle ij
    # Toggles cell i,j on the board.

    method toggle {ij} {
        # FIRST, toggle the cell in the array.
        if {$data($ij) == 0} {
            $self setcell $ij
        } else { 
            $self clearcell $ij

    # setcell ij
    # Sets cell ij to alive
    method setcell {ij} {
        $hull itemconfigure $ij -fill forestgreen
        set data($ij) 1

    # clearcell ij
    # Clears (kills) cell i,j
    method clearcell {ij} {
        $hull itemconfigure $ij -fill white
        set data($ij) 0

    # clear
    # Sets the board cells to all dead
    method clear {} {
        foreach ij $indices {
            if {$data($ij)} {
                $self clearcell $ij

    # generate
    # The generate function takes the cells on the board through one 
    # generation.
    method generate {} {
        # Count the neighbors of each cell.  During start up we cached the
        # coordinates of the neighbors of each cell, so now we can just
        # iterate over them quickly.
        foreach ij $indices {
            set nCount 0

            foreach neighbor $data($ij-neighbors) {
                incr nCount $data($neighbor)

            set count($ij) $nCount

        # Set the new contents of each cell based on the count.
        set changes 0
        foreach ij $indices {
            if {$count($ij) < 2 || $count($ij) > 3} {
                if {$data($ij)} {
                    # Cell is dead
                    $self clearcell $ij
                    incr changes
            } elseif {$count($ij) == 3} {
                # Cell is born, if there wasn't one
                if {!$data($ij)} {
                    $self setcell $ij
                    incr changes

        return $changes

    # run
    # Generate indefinitely.
    method run {} {
        if {[$self generate] > 0} {
            after $options(-delay) [list $self run]

    # stop
    # Stop running
    method stop {} {
        after cancel [list $self run]

 # The Main GUI
 # This GUI really just adds a toolbar to the basic board; in a sense,
 # it's inheriting and extending the board.

 snit::widget lifegame {
    # Delegate -cells and -pixels to the board, so that clients can
    # specify the board size; delegate other options to the hull.
    delegate option -cells to board
    delegate option -pixels to board
    delegate option * to hull

    # Frames don't have any methods but configure and cget, which are
    # already taken care of; so delegate everything else straight to the
    # board.
    delegate method * to board

    constructor {args} {
        frame $win.boardframe -borderwidth 5 -relief ridge
        set board [board $win.boardframe.board]
        pack $win.boardframe.board
        pack $win.boardframe -side bottom -padx 2 -pady 2

        bind . <Return> [mymethod generate]

        frame $

        $self addbtn "Generate" generate
        $self addbtn "Run"      run
        $self addbtn "Stop"     stop
        $self addbtn "Clear"    clear

        button $ -text "Exit" -command exit
        pack $ -side right -padx 2 -pady 2

        pack $ -side top -fill x

        # Configure the options
        $self configurelist $args

    # Private method: add a button to the toolbar
    method addbtn {text method} {
        button $$method -text $text -command [mymethod $method]
        pack $$method -side left -padx 2 -pady 2

 # The Main program

 lifegame .lifegame -cells 40 -pixels 15

 pack .lifegame -side bottom -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2

Anyone know what it would take to add a new restore operation to this application? That is to say, one sets up the board, presses run or generate, and then if results are not satisfactory, restore would return to the original board setup...

See also life.

Category Games Category Application