Version 1 of Math on binary strings

Updated 2008-11-03 18:06:58 by LV

A recent query on comp.lang.tcl asked how one might find the sum of two binary numbers, without converting them to decimal returning the result as binary.

Glen Jackson wrote the following code:

    if {[string match 8.4* [package require Tcl]]} { 
	package require struct::list 
	interp alias {} list_reverse {} struct::list reverse 
    } else { 
	interp alias {} list_reverse {} lreverse 

    proc add_binary_strings {n1 n2} { 
	set answer [list] 
	set carry 0 
	foreach d1 [list_reverse [split $n1 ""]] \ 
		d2 [list_reverse [split $n2 ""]] \ 
	    if {$d1 eq ""} {set d1 0} 
	    if {$d2 eq ""} {set d2 0} 
	    switch -exact [set sum [expr {$d1 + $d2 + $carry}]] { 
		0 - 
		1 { set carry 0 } 
		2 { set sum 0; set carry 1 } 
		3 { set sum 1; set carry 1 } 
	    lappend answer $sum 
	lappend answer $carry 
	return [string trimleft [join [list_reverse $answer] ""] 0] 

    set n1 100010111 
    set n2   1011011 

    puts "$n1 + $n2 = [add_binary_strings $n1 $n2]"