Version 18 of Matthias Hoffmann - Tcl-Code-Snippets - Starkit/pack-related

Updated 2005-10-30 22:27:09

* Windows batch script for 'compiling' starpacks

(The following has to be re-structured)

execx - EXECuting transparently out of the VFS of a starkit/starpack

The following simplifies the execution of .EXEs which are inside of a Starkits/Starpacks VFS by transparently copying them ot of the VFS to a temporary location and EXECing them from there (just as it already works from the tcl core with LOADing DLLs). I pack various external tools needed by my scripts in the VFS because it's not always clear, if the machine the script is later running on has such tools installed in the path or if the tool-versions are correct. So it's safer to deliver the tools right within the script and to make a temp copy out of the VFS and call them from there. However, the default is to use an external available tool (to save the copy step).


  • the code just has to be more generalized, reviewed and documented, but it already works...
  • make the VFS-source-location a parameter
  • make the temporary-destination-location a parameter, at least more robust (%temp% may not exist everywhere or may not be writable...)
  • add errorhandling
  • see sourcecode for additional comments and ideas
  • retranslate the new Version 1.3 to the english language
 # Modul    : execx.tcl                                                            #
 # Stand    : 28.10.2005                                                           #
 # Zweck    : Erweiterter Exec-Befehl, um .EXE-Programme direkt aus Starkits/-     #
 #            packs heraus ausführen zu können. Dazu wird das Programm an eine     #
 #            temporäre Position kopiert, bevor EXEC gerufen wird.                 #
 # Autor    : M.Hoffmann                                                           #
 # Historie : 1.0 21.10.2003: Urversion                                            #
 #          : 1.0 05.08.2004: Review Urversion (list $progCallNew)                 #
 #          : 1.1 09.08.2004: execx::setforce execx::settrace                      #
 #          : 1.2 21.10.2005: Handling für &-Prozesse geändert; running geändert;  #
 #                            Uplevel statt eval.                                  #
 #          : 1.3 28.10.2005: BugFix                                               #
 # Weiteres :                                                                      #

 package provide execx 1.3
 namespace eval execx {
      variable running
      variable exectrace 0
      variable force 0

 proc execx::setforce {setting} {
      # später Abfrage mit -1, altes Setting zurückliefern
      set execx::force $setting


 proc execx::settrace {setting} {
      # später Abfrage mit -1, altes Setting zurückliefern
      set execx::exectrace $setting


 # args - Parameter genau wie für Originalexec-Befehl
 # Rückgabe: wie Originalbefehl
 # Sofern ein Programm nicht im Hintergrund gestartet wird, wird eine evtl.
 # temporäre Kopie wieder gelöscht; ansonsten wird ein Namespacearray mit dem
 # Programmnamen gefüllt.
 proc execx::execx1 {args} {
      variable running
      set progIdx -1
      foreach a $args {
              incr progIdx
              if {$a != "-keepnewline" && $a != "--"} {
      set progCallOrg [lindex $args $progIdx]
      set progCallTst {}
      set progCallNew {}
      if {!$::execx::force} {
         # nach Originalprogramm suchen
         set progCallTst [auto_execok $progCallOrg]
      if {[string equal $progCallTst ""]} {
         # auführbare Datei nicht auffindbar oder -force; also aus Starpack-Dir
         # vfs/TOOLS in Tempverzeichnis kopieren (sofern Src/Dest vorhanden...)
         set toolDir     [file join [file dirname [info script]] .. tools]
         set progName    [file tail $progCallOrg]
         set progCallNew [file join $::env(temp) $progName]; # Problem möglich, wenn %temp% fehlt!
         catch {file copy -force -- [file join $toolDir $progName] $progCallNew}
         lset args $progIdx [list $progCallNew]; # 5.8.2004: list
      if {$execx::exectrace} {
         puts -nonewline {>>> }
         puts $args
      catch {uplevel exec $args} rc
      # TempProgramm löschen, sofern es nicht im Hintergrund läuft
      # Ansonsten den Namen für späteres Löschen in execx::running(PID) sichern
      # für späteres Löschen
      if {[lindex $args end] != "&"} {
         # Programm lief im Vordergrund
         if {$progCallNew != ""} {
            # und war aus VFS einkopiert -> Beseitigen
            catch {file delete -force -- $progCallNew}
      } else {
         # Programm läuft noch im Hintergrund ->
         # als Hilfe für späteres Löschen durch MainProg Aufruf sicherstellen
         set running($rc) $args
      return $rc; # PID oder Ergebnis zurückgeben



 # Modul    : execxtest.tcl                                                        #
 # Stand    : 09.08.2004, 28.10.2005                                               #
 # Zweck    : Tests des Pakets execx (nur syntaktisch, da kein VFS vorhanden)      #

 lappend auto_path ./
 package require execx 1.3
 execx::settrace 1
 # Achtung: ^& angeben, um Interpretation durch CMD.EXE zu vermeiden!
 puts Start
 # Achtung: mit '&' CONSOL-Programme bleiben hängen, weil Vordergrundprogramm
 # schon geendet hat. Solche lieber mittels BgExec starten!
 puts [eval execx::execx1 $argv]; # bei Aufruf von CMD `eval` erforderlich!?
 puts Ende
 if {[lindex $argv end] == "&"} {
    parray ::execx::running
    puts "Wenn Programm beendet, Strg+C drücken...."
    vwait forever



 tclsh execxtest.tcl msgbox test
 tclsh execxtest.tcl msgbox test ^&

Yes, you need a standard pkgIndex.tcl-file which is not included here. There are some diffuculties starting Consol-mode-programs in the background with this method, because when execx has finished launching such kind of progs and finishes itself immediately, the exec'd program looses its console-connection, it seems. Not shure yet what happens in detail - but one have to press a key then to terminate the whole thing. That's why I included a vwait forever in the test routine. For such programs, it is better to launch them in the background with this tool:

Starpacks: Why and how to copy your own executable and launching the copied instance

The Problem
Executables, like starpacks, are often called from single network shares from many users in parallel. So the chance is good, that at least one user has an instance of that specific program running all the time. Now the administration wants to update that program. But this is not possible (at least) under MS-Windows, because each executable on disk, which has running instances active, is locked (such lock is invisible via net files).
The Solution
Each user has to launch his own private copy of the program. But this must not lead to an distribution overhead: the program is still distributed only once to the network share, then each instance copies itself to a temporary position, runs from there and terminates quickly. The main executable is locked only for short load periods, so the program file on disk remains in a state where it can be overwritten (with retries, if required) for update purposes. Ideally, the per-user-copy of the program is stored in an temporary location which is periodically freed, so the harddisk will not be cluttered (for the above mentioned reasons, the 'user-copy' cannot delete itself while terminating...).
I've discovered (anyone out there who can acknowledge this?) that a starpack cannot copy it's own executable with tcl commands like file copy or a open/read/put/close-sequence (because as a result always the whole directory structure gets unpacked in the destination). Maybe it has something to do with the underlaying VFS-Implementation... one must use an external copy/xcopy etc. instead which treats the .exe like any other disk file.

Put the following sequence near the very top of your main starpack script:

 set myself [info nameofexecutable]
 set mytemp [file join $::env(temp) [file tail $myself]]
 if {[string compare -nocase $myself $mytemp]} {
    set mytempP $::env(temp)
    if {[catch {exec -- [auto_execok xcopy] [file nativename $myself] [file nativename $mytempP] /Y} rc]} {
       tk_messageBox -type ok -title Fehler:\
          -message "Copy failed:\n\n$rc\n" -icon error
       exit 253
    if {[catch {eval exec -- $mytemp $argv &} rc]} {
       tk_messageBox -type ok -title Fehler:\
          -message "Exec failed:\n\n$rc\n" -icon error
       exit 252
    exit 0

Category Tclkit