Version 8 of Microsoft .chm Help Format

Updated 2004-01-30 18:41:47

This page contains information on how to create Compiled Help Module (.chm) files to an application that is to be run under Windows.

I'm no expert but these may be helpful. Tom Krehbiel

A description of the file format.

A freeware tool for creating .chm formated files.

An X-Windows viewer for .chm files.

Comments on .chm by Pat Thoyts & Donal K. Fellows:

 "Isn't it HTML+postprocessing?" - Donal K. Fellows

 "Yes. MS issue a HTML compiler. You can take a web site
 and turn it into a chm file quite easily. You have to dig
 around in MSDN to find the package to download though.
 It used to be on the Platform SDK disk." - Pat Thoyts

PT: It's called the MS HTML Help 1.4 SDK and you can download it from [L1 ] and view the documentation there.