Version 1 of MkTclApp hints

Updated 2002-03-31 18:08:01

This page is for Hints and Issues involved in getting MkTclApp to work properly.

getting some extensions going on my windows system with visuall c++ I needed to add this code: (I don't know what happens on *nix yet)

# this is needed to get bwidgets started correctly # for blt, the blt_init does this for us, but bwidgets # has no C code we can call, so we need to do this ourselves # Note, it must agree with what mktclapp thinks we have setup

set dir {C:/TCL/lib/bwidget1.4.0} source {C:/TCL/lib/bwidget1.4.0/pkgIndex.tcl}

# there is an error in the info script call, which returns a bad # value (this is used to compute the auto_path for iwidgets) # so we do it ourselves

  source {c:/tcl/lib/iwidgets4.0.0/iwidgets.tcl}
  package require Iwidgets

global auto_path lappend auto_path C:/TCL/lib/iwidgets4.0.0/generic \ C:/TCL/lib/iwidgets4.0.0/scripts