Version 5 of Move any widget

Updated 2010-03-17 13:09:58 by SeS

In my quest to develop a gui generator, I have reached a stage in which I need to provide the user the ability to explore widgets placement and do a quick and easy form layout design. Same idea as some of us are already familiar with within Visual Basic and C++. The code presented here is a simplified version in order to be able to share it with a wider tcl/tk community, from newbie to guru.

The code as presented is developed in & for (yes, the tool is creating itself) tG2 v1.06.01

Some limitations which have already been solved in tG2:

  - the titlebar height and framewidth of a toplevel is assumed fixed
  - when widgets are placed in frames, it will create another offset which needs to be taken into account, recursively...

The presented code is tested with tcl/tk v8.4.19 & WinXP OS.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bind . <Configure> {set components(geo) [split [split [wm geometry .] "x"] "+"]}

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bind . <Motion> {
  if {$components(moveObject) != ""} {
    place $components(moveObject) \
      -x [expr [winfo pointerx .] - [lindex $components(geo) 1] - 3  - $objectXoff] \
      -y [expr [winfo pointery .] - [lindex $components(geo) 2] - 29 - $objectYoff]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc makeMovableObject {w} {
  set cmd "bind $w  <Motion>    \{$w config -cursor crosshair\}"; eval $cmd
  set cmd "bind $w  <Leave>     \{$w config -cursor \"\"\}"; eval $cmd
  set cmd "bind $w  <ButtonPress-1>   \{+; 
    set objectXoff \[expr %x]
    set objectYoff \[expr %y]
    set components(moveObject) $w
    eval \[bind . <Motion>\]
  eval $cmd
  bind $w <ButtonRelease-1> {+; 
    set components(moveObject) ""

set components(moveObject) ""
eval [bind . <Configure>]

# ---------------------------------- TEST CODE ---------------------------------
button .button1 -text "hello world"
place .button1 -x 50 -y 50
makeMovableObject .button1

label .label1 -text "hello again"
place .label1 -x 50 -y 80
makeMovableObject .label1

Fabricio Rocha - 14 Mar 2010 - Very interesting project, Lars.... Is there any way to contact you? I found no info in your page...

SeS - 2010-03-17 08:30:21

Fabriccio, I am sorry that I created a confusion here by omitting/forgetting my initials (SeS or SES_home). For some reason, Lars made an update or something and the page is written on his name, I think this is not on purpose, something he or myself did wrong during page creation? I do not want to reveal my real name yet to prevent any email communication at this moment. I am an electronics engineer working for a semicon company, so I have a daytime job, this project is a private project, so you do understand that I am kind of bizzy, that's the reason. Thank you though for your interest, please follow me on the progress by subscribing to the youtube account. As soon as I am confident I have a sharable version of tG2 I will let the world know.

Of course dont hesitate to ask me questions via this channel, as soon as I have time and check out these pages, I will try answer your questions. Regards, SeS.

Lars H: Indeed, I was just gnoming by (fixing spelling of category name). Content one wants to take credit for should carry some sort of signature.

SeS - 2010-03-17 09:09:58

Thanks Lars! Also, for the record:

This is the first page I created at, but I have more contributions by commenting to initiatives by other enthousiasts/developers:


Drag and Drop

And now I really have to go back to work...

Regards, SeS